Sunday, May 09, 2010

Wrocila zima

Gdy wyszedlem dzis z kosciola to pruszyl sniezek. Nagla zmiana pogody daje odczuc w kosciach. Tez twarz na wietrze szczypie. Szczegolnie niewygodne to uczucie jak sie ma tradzik starczy (Rosacea). Czyli przyslowiowego psa dzisiaj z domu nie wypuszczac. Tez zauwazylem, ze dzis z rana mialem troszke spuchniete stopy.

Na spacerek w taka pogode nie mam raczej ochoty, ale tez wiele jest do zrobienia w domu. Zadalem sobie taka pokute, ze kazdego weekendu posprzatam jeden pokoj. Dzis zabralem sie za biuro. Na dywanie dalej sterty ksiazek, magazynow, gazet i wycinkow.

Tak sie jakos to porobilo, ze jeszcze nie zdazylem pozbierac sie po traumatycznych przejsciach zwiazanych ze smiercia Isabel, to chwycila mnie kamienica nerkowa i od stycznia borykalem sie z bolami. Zaniedbalem z tego powodu wszystko, bo jak czlowiek cierpi, jest w bolach, to nic mu sie nie chce robic.

Lights, pen, action - it has the write stuff

QMI AGENCY - It may be some time before you can buy a cellphone that doubles as a stun gun, but if you're looking for a covert surveillance gadget that would make James Bond proud, check out the Swann PenCam Mini Video Camera and Recorder.
This nifty device (which retails for $100, though you can find it for as little as $65) is a working pen that has a tiny built-in digital video camera, with 2GB of storage. Click the top button to start or stop recording through a pinhole lens just above the clip, then unscrew the top of the pen and plug it directly into a USB port on your computer to transfer and watch the video.



On April 15, 2010, a new regulation prescribing basic training and testing requirements for security guards and private investigators will come into force.

New Applicants

New applicants for a security guard or private investigator licence, who have not been licensed by April 15, 2010, will have to complete a basic training course and pass the prescribed test before their application can be considered.

Existing Licence holders

Existing licensees do not need to take the basic training course if they pass the test before the renewal of their licence.

Those whose licences expire between April 15 and July 15, 2010, will not be required to pass the test until their 2011 renewal.

Those whose licences expire on or after July 16, 2010, will have to pass the test before the expiry of their current licences on order to renew them.

Training and Testing

Training will be available through licensed agencies, public universities and colleges, and private career colleges. Registered business entities may also train their own employees.

The test will be available after April 15 and individuals may write the test more than once if necessary. However, existing licensees must pass the test before their renewal date.

For more information, please visit the ministry's website at or call the Private Security and Investigative Services Branch, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services at 416-212-1650 or toll-free at 1-866-767-7454

04:24 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

07:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywam mnie ze snu. Kosciol. Na dworze 1-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 22.1C.

07:05 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Wprost".

Moskwa nie rozumie, po co Posce pod Kaliningradem rakiety USA, skoro pelno jest tam rakiet rosyjskich - tak "Kommiersant" komentuje uwagi szefa dyplomacji Rosji Siergieja Lawrowa, dotyczace zapowiedzianego przez strone polska rozmieszczenia amerykanskiej baterii rakiet Patriot kolo Moraga ("W centrum uwagi", WPROST, 7 lutego 2010).

07:35 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 79 kg. + stopy lekko spuchniete.

07:45 Hrs. Pije lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego mum's origianal na pusty zoladek.

07:49 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. Jade do kosciola. Zimny wiatr + samochod pokryty zielonymi spadajacymi z drzew "noskami". Petro-Canada na rogu bierze za litr paliwa $0.96.3.

07:59 Hrs. Wchodze do kosciola sw. Kazimierza.

"Niech wszystkie ludy slawia Ciebie, Boze"

09:16 Hrs. W Benna's kupuje Chleb wiejski + Chalwa krolewska Wedla + Ogorki kwaszone Agrovita ($9.89). Na dworze zimno + pruszy snieg.

09:30 Hrs. W domu. Temp. w kuchni 21.1C.

11:10 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP.

12:02 Hrs. Pije ziolo SZALWIA.


PRZEZNACZENIEM CZLOWIEKA JEST WIECZNE SZCZESCIE - radosc i przyjemnosc. Niebo przeciez bedzie przyjemne. Przyzwyczailismy sie kojarzyc chrzescijanstwo z utrapieniami. Tymczasem utrapienia wszelkiego rodzaju, razem z krzyzem Chrystusa i wszelkimi dramatami na swiecie, maja doprowadzic do radosci i do przyjemnosci. Swiety Tomasz z Akwinu powiedzial, ze przyjemnosc jest blizsza cnocie niz grzechowi. A my czesto na przyjemnosc patrzymy podejrzliwie. Asceza, dobrowolne i swiadome rezygnowanie z przyjemnosci, czemus sluzy. Nie jest celem samym w sobie. Jest specjalnym aktem, na przyklad wynagradzajacym za grzechy - nasze czy innych. Nie jest napisane w Pismie Swietym: nie radujcie sie winem, tylko: "nie upijajcie sie winem" (Ef 5, 18). To roznica. Przypomnijmy sobie w Kanie Galilejskiej - ewangeliczny przyklad swietowania ("modlitewnik ojca Leona Knabita").

Tokin' charges
"Seriously spiritual people' or just an "inside joke'?

It was the herbaceous smell of pot that finally showed us the way. The reverend brothers promised they'd be openly partaking in their midday ritual on the verdant lawn that stretches before the highest court in the province.
But the men in their woven hemp skullcaps were nowhere to be seen in front of the Ontario Court of Appeal's home in stately Osgoode Hall. Minutes passed and our scheduled photo seemed lost until a sudden gust of weeded wind led us to the men's brazen lunchtime service.
Sharooz Kharaghani, Peter Styrsky and their fellow churchgoers were puffing away in a corner of the lawn, enjoying their grass on the grass, before they were due back in Superior Court next door.
"We smoke every day, openly, outside of the court," explained Kharaghani, 31, who looks like a bearded hippie with his rainbow-striped beanie and beatific smile. "We smoke every day, all day long around here. It's part of our life. It's part of our meditation."
"We don't mean any harm," added Styrsky, 52, the grey-suited leader of the church once housed in one part of his Beaches duplex. "Osgoode Hall has a nice beautiful lawn and nature is our connection to God. It's harder to feel that connection in the concrete jungle."
So no wonder the two co-accused are looking so relaxed.


Styrsky and Kharaghani are the minister-members of the G-13 Mission of God, a branch of The Church of the Universe which believes marijuana is a religious sacrament, or "the tree of life" as they call it.
Both men were charged with trafficking after they allegedly sold pot to two undercover cops who infiltrated their church as members in 2006. They've been in court for weeks now arguing that Ontario Superior Court Justice Thea Herman should dismiss the charges on grounds the country's marijuana laws violate their freedom of religion under the Charter of Rights.
In court Tuesday, Dr. Harold Kalant was being cross-examined by the defence on the benefits and consequences associated with marijuana use.
To the delight of the visiting high school students in the courtroom, the 86-year-old Albert-Einstein look-a-like conceded the drug certainly has its therapeutic uses.
"While I don't see any great benefit to society from legalization, I wouldn't be disturbed if it was (legalized) as long as there is a clear understanding of the costs and benefits," the expert said.
So it was a good day in court for the church men - but then it looks like every day is a good day for the mellow defendants.
And they're not alone - it seems everyone is lighting a joint in public these days. On the weekend, there were at least 25,000 who lit up with impunity at Queen's Park. On Monday, smokers celebrated outside Old City Hall courts after charges were stayed against staff at a medical marijuana club.
Styrsky reeks of weed - and proud of it. The father of four has been smoking pot since he was 15 and, 37 years later, he claims he's a walking poster boy of its beneficial properties. Born and raised a Catholic, he'll still attend mass with his family but says he only truly connects with his spirituality when he's smoking marijuana.
He has a medical prescription that makes it legal for him to smoke up - bad back, he says - but he believes his 2,000 members should also be able to partake so they can "connect to God's infinite knowledge base."
So what time were services and how exactly did you fit 2,000 members into a duplex on Queen St. E.? Turns out there were no traditional prayer sessions, per se, but informal gatherings of like-minded members who would drop by seven days a week, take a seat on the porch and light up. Sounds more like a party to me.

Crown doesn't buy it

In fact, federal Crown Nicholas Devlin has told the court that the Church of the Universe is not really a religion, but an "inside joke" for people who just want to smoke marijuana.
It's an accusation that finally penetrates the minister of marijuana's drug-induced serenity. "Everyone's laughing 'huh huh' but we're not Cheech and Chong," bristled Styrsky. "We're seriously spiritual people and we connect to God with it."
And shame on you unholy atheists for thinking otherwise (THE TORONTO SUN, Wednesday, May 5, 2010).

Bez oparcia sie o media w obecnym swiecie niezwykle trudno jest dotrzec do spoleczenstwa i jest to prawie niemozliwe. Media moga wykreowac ludzi na szczyt albo ich z dnia na dzien zniszczyc. Przykladem moze byc zafalszowany film o Stanislawie Tyminskim, wyemitowany w przeddzien ciszy wyborczej, ktory okazal sie pozniej falszywa manipulacja, ale znacznie wplynal na wyborcow i przyczynil sie, przy wyrownanych szansach, do przegranej. Odpowiedzialnosci za to nikt nie poniosl a wybory zostaly przegrane (Jan G. Grudniewski, "O polskiego prezydenta i rzad narodowy", GLOS POLSKI nr 16, 12-20.04.2010).

12:40 Hrs. Lapie mnie arytmia.

14:25 Hrs. Pije herbatke DZIURAWIEC na arytmie.

"Police discovered a grinder, a pipe and a small amount of marijuana" -

16:47 Hrs. Slucham "Raport z oblezonego miasta Przemyslaw Gintrowski" na youtube.

17:45 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

17:51 Hrs. Wychodze z domy do pizzeri. Slonecznie. 9-stopniowo + zapach bzu.

17:58 Hrs. Place ($5.65) i wychodze z pizza pizza. Mieli okazje 2 kawalki pizzy za $5 + TAX (2 Slices for $5). Wzialem sobie 1 kawalek Classic Pepperoni + 1 kawalek Cheese.

18:02 Hrs. W domu + jem pizze.

18:32 Hrs. Zapalam swieczke. Odmawiam Tajmnice chwalebne w intencji Isabel. Andrew sie odezwal z Lizbony. Isabel syn. Dziekuje Bogu.

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