Saturday, May 29, 2010

Spuscizna naszego zwiazku

z Isabel jest miedzy innymi gazeta "National Post". Zdecydowalismy sie prenumerowac ja od numeru 1-wszego. Ktory ukazal sie 27 pazdziernika 1998 roku. Redakcja nawet ofiarowala nam wlaminowana pierwsza strone tego wydania z "Yeltsin tells Chretien to stay away" na okladce w formie statuetki do postawienia sobie na biurku.

Niewatpliwie "National Post" stal sie chyba najwazniejszym dla mnie zrodlem zdobywania informacji. Widac to na pewno po moim blogu i ilosci cytatow z tej gazety tam umieszczonych. Obrazek weekendowy gdzie ja na kanapie czytam "National Post" od deski do deski, przy wlaczonym telewizorze, skakajac z CNN na BBC, to typowy za zycia Isabel.

Byl to nasz ulubiony dziennik. "National Post" jest gazeta liberalna. W sensie rozumienia klasycznego liberalizmu. Co obecnie moznaby bylo przypisac do orientacji neo-konserwatyzmu, czy neo-liberalizmu, jak inni znawcy mysli filozofii politycznej uwazaja.

W "National Post" podoba mi sie odwaga dziennikarska, brak politycznej poprawnosci. Redakcja na przyklad jest za legalizacja marihuany, gdzie inne media tzw. main stream, skorumpowane przez panstwowo-policyjna propagande, lansuja sredniowieczny punkt widzenia na prohibicje tej rosliny.

Dzisiaj wlasnie tak spedzilem sobote. W samych bialych majteczkach JOE BOXER. Wszystkie okna w domu pootwierane na oscierz. Mila bryza swiezego powietrza smugajaca moje cialo. Leze na kanapie i czytam "National Post". Z czerwonym dlugopisem + zoltym flamastrem do zaznaczania wycinkow.

Wycinki z NATIONAL POST (Saturday, May 29, 2010)

We're in the midst of a busy and exciting stage of development here at National Post. During the past few weeks, you might have noticed we've made some changes to and We've upgraded our blogs with a new platform and new design, improved our commenting features and functions, and have begun rolling out enhancements to our navigation to help users get around our sites more efficiently.
Today, with the international launch of Apple's iPad, we're excited to debut the next stage of evolution for our products: Full Comment for iPad. Ready out-of-the-box for every iPad user, this version of Full Comment is web-based and complete: Every piece of commentary you see on Full Comment through your browser or RSS reader, you will see on the iPad version ("Editor's Note. Full Comment optimized for iPad").

The deal, announced just weeks before the bishop was charged, includes a $15-million settlement reached last August with victims of sexual abuse from the 1950s to 2009, as well as a $3-million settlement for six other claimants, who came forward after the original settlement. At the time, it was hailed as the first time the Roman Catholic Church agreed to compensate, without fighting the claims in court, victims who said they were sexually abused by priests (Katherine Laidlaw, "Anger, betrayal in Antigonish. Diocese to sell property to settle $18.5M sex case").

Ottawa A regular visitor to Parliament Hill is suing two Hill security guards he alleges "brutalized" him in the aftermath of a Greenpeace protest last December. Terry Stavnyck says he was assaulted by the guards after they had mistaken him for a Greenpeace activist. A Greenpeace protest group had embarrassed Hill and RCMP security two days earlier when they eluded guards and unfurled a banner from the roof of West Block decrying government inaction on climate change. Mr. Stavnyck, 47, who weighs 128 pounds and suffers from multiple sclerosis, started the afternoon of Dec. 8, 2009, planning to attend a House of Commons committee meeting into Canada's Afghan mission. Instead, he spent 12 hours in an Ottawa jail and was charged with assaulting one of the guards he claims assaulted him. Canwest News Service ("National Report").

After all, Mark Zuckerberg is the one with the vision of a world where the Internet is no longer a private and anonymous experience, but rather a social tapestry, where people share their daily digital travels with not only their friends, but the rest of the world.
He's the one who wanted to make it so that Facebook's nearly 500 million users would be forced to share more of themselves with the outside world. He's the one who believes that social norms are changing, that privacy is no longer the default setting coveted by Web users and that "a world that's more open and connected is a better world" (Matt Hartley, "Oversharing. Backlash from users prompts Facebook to simplify new privacy settings").

Prime Minister Stephen Harper yesterday conferred an honorary Canadian citizenship on the Aga Khan, making the billionaire descendant of the Prophet Mohammed and spiritual leader to 15 million Ismaili Muslim followers worldwide only the fifth person to be so honoured (Adam McDowell and Drew Halfnight, "Harper makes Aga Khan honorary Canadian citizen. Only fifth granted. Cultural centre and museum set to open in Toronto in 2013").

Ottawa Replacing Canada's CF-18s with a new generation of fighter aircraft will cost taxpayers around $9-billion, one of the most expensive military equipment purchases ever, the Ottawa Citizen has learned. The Conservative government confirmed in 2008 its plans to purchase 65 fighter aircraft and is expected to approve the project some time this year, air force officials say The Defence Department would not provide a cost estimate claiming that to make the figure public would undercut the procurement process. "To date, no decision has been made by the government of Canada on the choice of a next-generation fighter aircraft or on the procurement approach," added DND spokeswoman Jocelyn Sweet. Canwest News Service ("National Report").

For many Web users - including more than 15 million Canadians - Facebook is their base of operations on the Web. Facebook is literally the public face they present to the world, it is their social circle and it is a perpetually updated yearbook all rolled into one. It's the little piece of online real estate they can call home (Matt Hartley, "Oversharing").

There is a demand for investment of over $1-billion in new and larger prisons, (an insane extravagance), and for sharply longer sentences, mandatory minimum sentences, and "earned parole" in place of supervised release after two-thirds of the sentence, in the absence of misconduct that would militate against such comparative liberality. In practice, this means imprisonment at the pleasure of the carceral establishment for the maximum time possible. (Prisoners cost $40,000 per year to keep.) All of these draconian measures have been tried and have failed in the United States (Conrad Black, "Canada's inhumane prison plan").

For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet.
Isaiah 62:1

B'Nair Brith Canada, the voice of grassroots Jewry in this country, wishes to express its thanks to Prime Minister Stephen Harper for inviting Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, to visit Canada (B'nai Brith Canada. Responsible Jewish advocacy. Responsive to Jewish needs. Representing the diversity of grassroots Canadian Jewry. Toll free 1-800-274-2310 or visit us at

The West has for years misunderstood North Korean ideology and politics, seeing it simply as a hardline communist state, said Mr. Myers, who was born in America and educated in Germany.
But in his book, The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why it Matters, Mr. Myers argues that the dominant ideology is an extreme and radical ethno-nationalism, one in which Koreans see themselves as uniquely superior to all other races.
"It's actually a racist worldview that should be seen on the right of the ideological spectrum and which is actually completely incompatible with the basic ideas of Marx and Lenin," said Mr. Meyers in a telephone interview from Busan.
According to the ideology, said Mr. Meyers, the Korean people are so kind and pure-hearted that they cannot survive in this evil world without the protective leadership of Kim Jong-il - who is referred to as "the mother of all mothers" and "our great mother" among North Koreans - and his father Kim Il-sung.
This worldview permeates daily life in radio shows, workers education meetings, and fantasy biographies starring Kim Jong-il and other regime officials (Althea Manasan, " 'Show of defiance'. Pressure to bolster leader makes war inevitable, analyst says").

They aptly named Coke stands accused of running a violent and sprawling cocaine and marijuana smuggling operation, primarily centred in New York but active across the United States (Ilan Greenberg, "Kingston's Coke rebellion. U.S. demands for the extradition of a gang leader have exposed Jamaica as a narco-state on the edge of chaos").

Gunmen wearing suicide vests stormed two Pakistani mosques belonging to a minority sect in Lahore, bringing carnage to Friday prayers and killing around 80 people.
Squads of terrorists burst into prayer halls firing guns, throwing grenades and taking hostages in the deadliest attack on the city of eight million, which has been increasingly hit by Taliban and al-Qaeda-linked violence...
Founded by Ghulam Ahmad, who was born in 1838, the Ahmadi sect has a number of unique views, including that Ahmad himself was a prophet and that Jesus died aged 120 in Srinagar, capital of Indian-ruled Kashmir (Arif Ali, "Mosque attacks kill 80. Minority sect hit").

HOLLIE SHAW: Consumer products giants pay millions of dollars for product placement deals in movies, and you got exposure for free in Iron Man 2. How did that happen when Audi, Samsung and others paid to have their brands seen in that film?
ROUSTAM TARIKO: It was pure consumer admiration. Mickey Rourke just liked my vodka and he plays a Russian Mafia guy in the film and he is continually going around in the film [holding] a bottle of my vodka. He is a big star in Russia, and he came to the top television program in Russia with a bottle of Russian Standard and put it on the table. Alcohol advertising in Russia is prohibited, but because he is a big star nobody was able to say anything. He put it on the table - this is the top program with the top rating - and drank it from time to time for TWO hours. He says it is just because he loves Russian Standard. It was fantastic for us ("Getting it all right").

The Roadmap is the selfserving work of reactionary, authoritarian palookas, what we might have expected 40 years ago from a committee of southern U.S. police chiefs. It is counter-intuitive and contra-historical: The crime rate has been declining for years, and there is no evidence cited to support any of the repression that is requested. It appears to defy a number of Supreme Court decisions, and is an affront, at least to the spirit of the Charter of Rights.
The Canada I remember and look forward to returning to should do exactly the opposite. Prison is an antiquarian and absurd treatment of non-violent law-breakers. It only continues because it has.
The whole concept of prison should be terminated, except for violent criminals and chronic non-violent recidivists, and replaced by closely supervised pro bono or subsistence-paid work by bonded convicts in the fields of their specialty. Swindlers and embezzlers, hackers and sleazy telemarketers are capable people and they should serve their sentences by contributing honest work to government-insured employers.
Canada would save a billion dollars annually in prison costs and the employers of the penitent-workers would save $2-billion annually, a tremendous shot in the arm to national productivity. Many of the prisons could be reconfigured as assisted housing for the homeless and slum-dwellers. Canada would again be a model of the innovative public policy pursuit of institutionalized decency and social reform (Conrad Black, "Canada's inhumane prison plan. Prison plan wrong for Canada").

Mr. Zuckerberg believes that the social norm has evolved over time and that people are more willing to share today than ever before. Maybe he's right. How else do we explain our obsession with Facebook, reality TV, blogging and Twitter? (Matt Hartley, "Oversharing", NATIONAL POST, Saturday, May 29, 2010).

00:55 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

05:22 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

08:15 Hrs. Budzi mnie gra fujarki + stukot mlotka + spiew ptakow + siusiu. Na dworze slonecznie. 18-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23.6C.

08:18 Hrs. Badam stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 6.0 mmol/L.

08:20 Hrs. Lektura tronowa "Newsweek".

Co wiec sie wlasciwie zdarzylo? Wyobrazam to sobie tak. W cztery miesiace po smierci Ryszarda Kapuscinskiego "Newsweek" opublikowal materialy pochodzace z archiwow PRL-0wskich sluzb specjalnych. Wynikaly z nich dwie rzeczy. Po pierwsze, ze pisarz, o czym warszawskie wroble cwierkaly od dawna, byl przez kilka lat wspolpracownikiem PRL-owskiego wywiadu. Po drugie, ze wspolpracowal bez entuzjazmu, leniwie, nie wyrzadzajac tym krzywdy zasadniczo nikomu; na pewno: nikomu, kto byl w zasiegu razenia komunistycznych sil specjalnych (Piotr Bratkowski, "Koniec pewnej bajki. Ksiazka Artura Domoslawskiego "Kapuscinski non-fiction" zdazyla wywolac skandal, chociaz jeszcze sie nie ukazala. Czy faktycznie sa powody, zeby zablokowac jej publikacje?", NEWSWEEK, 28.02.2010).

09:00 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 78 kg.

09:05 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Kandahar City. The wild heart of Taliban country is the prize in a looming battle that may decide the war in Afghanistan" na okladce. Wewnatrz gazety magazyn "here's how!" z "Apple iPad First impressions" na okladce.

09:16 Hrs. Pije lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego mum's original + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

09:38 Hrs. Pije ziolo MELISA.

11:00 Hrs. Ogladam "Polish Studio" + zielona herbata z makowcem.

14:50 Hrs. Pije ziolo SZALWIA + chalwa Krolewska E. Wedel o smaku waniliowym kupiona w sklepie Eden Garden ($3.89 + TAX). Pudelko 250 g. Na dworze slonecznie. 25-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 28C. Temp. w kuchni 26.6C. Wszystkie okna pootwierane. Lekka bryza.

15:10 Hrs. BBC informuje, ze aktor Dennis Hopper nie zyje. Pamietam jego role w Easy Rider, Blue Velvet, Apocalypse Now. Wspanialy aktor + wspaniale filmy.

15:30 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP.

16:45 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

18:00 Hrs. Ogladam telewizyjny program polonijny "Z Ukosa".

19:01 Hrs. "Zeby zawsze z toba byc" - spiewa szlachcianka Justyna Steczkowska herbu Zagloba w programie polonijnym "Na Luzie". Ja zakladam szorty jasne z paskiem, na ktory nasuwam Canon Powershot. T-shirt bialy z czerwonym napisem: THE ROGERS CUSTOMER APPRECIATION EVENT OVER 100,000 PRIZES. Sandalki + Rozaniec do kieszeni. Dlugopis + 2 torby szmaciane na zakupy + jablko na droge. Wieczorny spacerek.

19:22 Hrs. Wychodze z domu. Na werandzie katalog Sears Fall and winter catalogue 2010. Slonecznie + wietrzyk. Na dworze 25-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 27C. Ale na wietrzyku calkiem przyjemnie. Przechodnie + spiew ptakow. 3 robotnikow glosno rozmawia przy skonczonej driveway. Petro-Canada na rogu za litr paliwa bierze $0.96.0.

19:30 Hrs. Rzucam ogryzek na ulice. Wietrznie. Wagoniki metra na wiadukcie + sznur samochodow na ulicy. Ludzie siedza w ogrodkach przed pubami Whelan's Gate i A.O'Kelly's.

19:37 Hrs. Przystaje przed szyba wystawowa kliniki Colon Hydrotherapy 647-201-7434 + czestuje sie ulotka.

20:00 Hrs. W supermarkecie Loblaws robie zakupy ($15.78). 6 bananow + 2 torebki rzodkiewek Queen Victoria + Dr Scholl's Odour Destroyers Shoe Shot.

Na zewnatrz supermarketu czestuje sie ze skrzynek 2 gazetami: "The Job guide" + "EMPLOYMENT NEWS". Siadam na laweczce i je przegladam. Ladnie na dworze. Spiew ptakow + mewy na parkingu. Wietrzyk daje mila bryze. Krotka analiza gazet wykazuje, ze ochroniarze sa bardzo poszukiwani. W "The Job guide" na okladce dwa ogloszenia poszukujace ochroniarzy: Stop! Security Oficers Wanted. SECURITY GUARDS WANTED. A na okladce "Employment News" 4 ogloszenia: Security Guards Wanted. Airport Guards Security Guards. Stop! Security Guards Wanted. Security Officers Wanted for GTA.
Wewnatrz gazet reklamuja sie firmy ochroniarskie + organizacje szkolace ochroniarzy.
Firmy ochroniarskie poszukujace ochroniarzy:
Iron Horse Security + Enforce Security.
Instytucje trenujace ochroniarzy:
Intercon Training Academy + George Brown Colllege + Ontario Law Enforcement Training Academy + Canadian School of Private Investigation and Security Ltd.

20:25 Hrs. "Do you have a time by the chance?" - zapytal mnie mlodzieniec siedzacy na lawce z dziewczyna. Ona ladna. Usmiechnieta. Z kolczykiem w nosie. Duze odsloniete piersi. On z czapeczka z daszkiem na glowie. "Sure. Twenty five after eight" - mowie. "Thank you" - odpowiedzieli chorem.

20:35 Hrs. W Kathy's Fruit Market kupuje 4 owoce avocado ($5.50).

20:48 Hrs. W T & M Fruit Market kupuje dwa owoce mango ($2.58).

20:55 Hrs. W Tim Hortons kupuje Boston Cream ($0.95). Jem go na zewnatrz lokalu.

21:01 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze 22-stopniowo. Temp. w domu 25.3C.

Przy dobrej polityce w Unii Polska moze cos znaczyc, a miedzy Rosja a Niemcami nigdy nic. To jest skrot strategicznej polskiej argumentacji w sprawie wyzszosci federalizmu (Jan Rokita, "Rzeczy prawdziwe nie daja sie przemilczec", GONIEC, 21-27 maja 2010).

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