Wednesday, May 05, 2010

W mediach lokalnych

duzo bunczucznej policji. Chwala sie jak to ponad tysiacem swoich oficerow zneutralizowali dwa gangi. Byly helikoptery, oddzialy specjalne, kody, maski i rajdy. Jednym slowem dziarsko i fajnie. Aresztow dokonano, rewizji narobiono, no i maryske zabezpieczono. O kosztach operacji sie nie mowi, bo podatnikowi w kieszeni portwel sie otwiera. W setki tysiecy dolarow poszlo. Niedlugo zaaresztowanych sie przeprosi i wypusci. Za zdemolowane mieszaknaia zaplaci znow podatnik, bo policja przegra sprawy w sadzie. I tyle mamy zabawy z gangami. Panstwo je utrzymuje, aby policja sie wykazywala. A przeciez tak latwo wyeliminowac gangi z obiegu. Wystarczy skonczyc z prohibicja na narkotyki!



Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s did not reduce supply or demand of alcohol, but it did result in organized crime and gangsters being in total control of the production, distribution and sale of booze.
As alcohol prohibition was more strictly enforced, and law enforcement increased, the stakes for criminals got higher. Rivals shot at and killed each other in turf wars, trying to control the market and their lucrative source of untaxed income.
Law enforcement was completely unable to stop the increasingly violent gangs and illegal alcohol production. In many cases the police themselves became corrupted by the wealthy gangsters they were supposed to be fighting. The problems only continued to get worse.
It was only once alcohol prohibition was repealed that the rumrunners and violent gangsters were put out of business.
The same thing is happening today with drug prohibition. Gangs are in control of the production, distribution and sale of these drugs, and they settle their disputes through violence because they cannot go to the police or courts for legal recourse.
Increased law enforcement will only raise the stakes for organized crime, making gangs more desperate and violent in their effort to control territory and lucrative drug sales.
No-one is being shot or murdered over distribution of alcohol, tobacco, aspirin or coffee, even though those substances can be more addictive and dangerous than many illegal drugs.
We need to remove criminal control over the drug market. Marijuana and other prohibited drugs need to be regulated, taxed and monitored for safety.
It's time to stop the gangs. It's time to end prohibition.

* Gives criminal organizations a highly profitable monopoly over the drug trade.
* Ensures that the drug trade is controlled by the most ruthless and violent of criminal organizations.
* Wastes enormous sums of public money that could be much better used for health support and education.
* Perpetuates corruption among law enforcement agencies.
* Forces users of less harmful substances to come into contact with more dangerous drugs.
* Ensures that hard drug users will continue to overdose and die due to a lack of testing and a safe, regulated supply.
* Prevents honest, fact-based drug education and research.
* Forces drug addicts to steal and commit other crimes to pay for their needed drugs, creating a high crime rate for the rest of society.
* Is the most expensive and least effective way of dealing with the social and health issues around the use of psychoactive substances.
* Criminalizes many of the most vulnerable people in our society who are causing harm to no-one but themselves.


Under drug prohibition, organized crime controls the enormous drug market.
Law enforcement will never be able to solve the gang problem under these conditions. Indeed, when police arrest gang members it creates more violence as gangs battle to fill the new openings.
The only way to stop the rising violence and lucrative finances associated with organized crime is to end drug prohibition.
Politicians who support prohibition are supporting organized crime.
and End
Gang Violence

"Drug prohibition policies are making the situation worse. We must move from prohibition to drug control regimes modelled on the experience of alcohol prohibition and control. Bold steps to confront our drug use hypocrisy and end the profitability of illegal drugs will make our communities safer" - BILL SIKSAY, NDP MP for Burnaby-Douglas Speaking in Parliament, February 2009

Visit our website to stay informed and join our group!
* Why Prohibition?:
* Beyond Prohibition:
* Law Eforcement Against Prohibition:
* National Director: Nicole Seguin,

00:02 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

01:55 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:30 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 13-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 21.1C.

04:35 Hrs. Pije lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego mum's original + zagryzam czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:40 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Wprost".

Polska stala sie po II wojnie swiatowej niemal monoetniczna. Nie z wlasnej woli i wyboru, bo przeciez nigdy taka nie byla w przeszlosci, przynajmniej od czasow Jagiellonow. Sala sie przez to nudna i monotonna. Bo co tak naprawde zrobilibysmy bez Polakow obcego pochodzenia - bez Kopernika, Chopina czy skamandrytow? Mozemy wiec po czesci wrocic do dawnej tradycji, otwierajac Polske dla imigrantow, przede wszystkim z narodow dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Choc mozna sobie przeciez takze wyobrazic, ze nastepny Mickiewicz bedzie mial wietnamskie korzenie (Zdzislaw Krasnodebski, "Mickiewicz bedzie Wietnamczykiem", WPROST, 7 lutego 2010).

05:25 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 78 kg.

05:48 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "The Man Police Say Tried 'to Blow Up Times Square. A family man with a job, a home, Pakistani roots" na okladce.

06:26 Hrs. "Kocham cie, jak Irlandie" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM gdy odpalam maszyne. 14-stopniowo. Slonecznie + spiew ptakow. Wynosze pojemnik ze smiecmi Green Bin na chodnik. W dzienniku: Tajemniczy 5-ty glos w kokpicie samolotu Tu-154, wedlug czarnej skrzynki. "Egzamin byl bardzo prosty" - wypowiada sie student. Dzis pisemna matura z matematyki.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.01.3.

Czestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek. "24H Toronto" z "Textbook terminator. TDSB to go digital?" na okladce + "Metro" z "Cops corral city gangs" na okladce.

13:49 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

15:15 Hrs. Tankuje w Shell. 36.030L @ $1.013/L = $36.50. Na dworze slonecznie + wietrznie. Upal. 27-stopniowo.

15:28 Hrs. Kupuje obiad w Warmia Deli ($13.41). Barszcz ukrainski + kluski slaskie + chleb razowy + kielbasa szynkowa krakowska na kanapki do pracy + "Gazeta". Na okladce:

* Polscy parlamentarzysci pod Pomnikiem Katynskim (Dni Polonii w Kanadzie).
* Rosyjscy i polscy eksperci udali sie do USA (Tragedia pod Smolenskiem).
* List premiera Stephena Harpera do Polonii.
* Prokuratura prosi o stenogramy rozmow kontrolerow ze Smolenska.
* Sikorski rozmawial o eksploatacji polskiego gazu.
* Beatyfikacja Jana Pawla II oddala sie.
Dwie fotografie: (1) Marszalek Senatu RP Bogdan Borusiewicz i marszalek Legislatury Ontario Steve Peters w otoczeniu parlamentarzystow i weteranow pod Pomnikiem Katynskim; (2) Szczatki prezydenckiego samolotu pod Smolenskiem.

15:38 Hrs. W Staples Business Depot kupuje dwa wklady do dlugopisu PARKER ($11.34.

16:04 Hrs. Wysylam na poczcie list ($0.60).

16:11 Hrs. W domu. Slonecznie + wietrznie. Isabelinki graja na werandzie. Jest 27 stopni Celsjusza. Humidex 28C.

17:27 Hrs. Zaczal padac deszcz.

18:22 Hrs. Po barszczu ukrainskim zagryzanym razowym chlebkiem staropolskim biore tabletki i popijam woda JOZEF.

19:00 Hrs. Dzwoni Rysiek. Akcja rower.

19:07 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. Pada deszcz + spiew ptakow. Na stacji "New Classical" leci Spanish Dance.

19:42 Hrs. U Ryska. Biore go. Jedziemy do Canadian Tire.

21:10 Hrs. Z powrotem w domu Ryska z rowerem z Canadian Tire.

21:30 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. Jade do domu + czekoladka Xocai POWER. Pada deszcz.

22:01 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze 16-stopniowo. Mgla. Temp. w kuchni 21.2C.

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