Monday, May 10, 2010

Twarz placzacego

policjanta i wizyta u urologa to 2 najbardziej pozostajace mi w myslach watki z dzisiejszego dnia. Rasistowski gliniarz kopiacy w twarz aresztowanego Amerykanina i pozniej placzacy jak beksa przed kamerami telewizyjnymi i wyznajacy, ze zle zrobil, to zenada. Az sie plakac chce jakim rasistowskim i policyjnym panstwem jest Ameryka.

Dr. Jain mowi, ze widzial wieksze kamienie wysikane, jak ten, ktory ja wysikalem. Pokazalem mu fotke. Mowi, ze celowo zostawil kamien w pecherzu moczowym, abym go wysikal. Powiedzialem, ze nastepnym razem, jak cos takiego robi to powinien przepisac tabletki morfiny, a nie kodeine, ktora nic mi w bolu nie ulzyla. Po prostu doktorzy sobie eksperymentuja na nas. Mowi, zebym nie bral witaminy C i unikal tez soli. Mowi, ze jestem wolny od kamieni. Nie mam juz w nerce. Chce mnie zobaczyc za pol roku.

Dostalem imelke od:

Hi Edward,
Please tell NDP MP Alex Atamenenko that you support his strong stand against the Conservative's punitive new "mandatory minimums" marijuana and drug law, now known as S-10.
Among other things, the bill would give a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 6 months for growing 6 marijuana plants, and a one year minimum sentence for making pot brownies!
If passed, the bill would have a staggering cost. Canadian Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page has estimated that Harper's tough-on-crime agenda, will cost the Canadian public over $10 Billion dollars - at a time when crime is at a 30 year low and public support for marijuana legalization is at an all time high.
NDP MP Alex Atamanenko had the following to say regarding the Conservative bill:
"The Conservatives are selling this bill on organized crime, but the reality that we're finding is... that mandatory minimum sentences do not deter organized crime. They usually affect small dealers, street level traffickers, but not violent offenders."
"It their 2007 budget the Conservatives introduced their new anti-drug strategy that removed all references to harm reduction. Seventy three per cent of the drug policy budget is spent on enforcement."
"The idea of someone with a few plants of marijuana getting a minimum of six months in jail, it doesn't make sense at all."
"It's designed to appeal to the hardcore Conservative base. It's oversimplified. It targets street level users and small traffickers and doesn't address the problems of organized crime."
-Published: Nelson Daily News
Alex Atamanenko is right! Bill S-10 will impoverish our country and make many serious issues already facing our justice system and communities much worse. Please join us in thanking Alex for speaking out against S-10!
Email NDP MP Alex Atamanenko and NDP Leader Jack Layton (Sign the pre-formatted email in the link, or add/delete/change it with your comments.)
Thanks for your continued support! Together we can end prohibition and Stop Bill S-10!
Nicole Seguin
National Director, End Prohibition
You have received this email from

Smarnalem imelke do posla pana Alexa Atamanenko:

Subject: Thank You for Opposing S-10!
Mr. Atamanenko, Thank you for speaking out against bill S-10, the Conservative's punitive bill which would put small-time pot growers and other minor drug offenders behind bars with mandatory minimum sentences. It is my hope that the NDP caucus will follow your example and make stopping this bill a high priority. Please know that the NDP's strong stand on this issue is important to me as a voter. I hope that you will continue to stand up for sensible drug policies which include harm reduction and the legalization of marijuana. Thank you for your work,
Edward Kuciak

00:29 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + kurcz w palcu u lewej nogi + 3 lyki wody Perrier.

15:22 Hrs. Kupuje obiad w Warmia Deli ($8.56). Krupnik + kluski slaskie + "Gazeta". Na okladce:

* Miejsce naznaczone polska krwia (Marszalek odznaczyl Rosjan i odzyskal godlo).
* Miedwiediew: Dla zbrodni wojennych nie ma przedawnienia.
* Polska ma nowego prymasa.
* Marszalek Senatu RP zakonczyl wizyte w Kanadzie.
* Milicjanci slyszeli wystrzaly?
* Kolejna chmura wulkanicznego pylu nad Polska.
Trzy fotografie: (1) Bronislaw Komorowski otrzymuje godlo z rak Aleksandra Koronczyka; (2) Abp Jozef Kowalczyk; (3) Konferencja prasowa marszalka Bogdana Borusewicza na zakonczenie wizyty w Kanadzie.

19:44 Hrs. Wysylam imelke do posla parlamentu pana Atamanenko.

20:35 Hrs. Pije ziolo SZALWIA + zagryzam chalwa krolewska o smaku waniliowym od Wedla.

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