Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Lider Kanadyjskiej Partii Marihuany i kultowa postac ruchu na rzecz legalizacji marihuany, zaprzestania wojny z narkotykami i abolicji prohibicji zostal przez rzad Kanady ekstradytowany do USA, gdzie ma odsiedziec 5 lat w wiezieniu za sprzedawanie Amerykanom ziaren konopi przez Internet. Konserwatywny rzad Kanady tym posunieciem tylko udowodnil, ze Kanada nie jest panstwem suwerennym. Zewnetrzna i wewnetrzna polityke Kanady dyktuje USA, a szczegolnie DEA. Amerykanska globalistyczna organizacja policyjno-wojskowo-wywiadowcza stworzona na wzor sowieckiego KGB, ktora prowadzi wojne z narkotykami na calym swiecie.

Przesladowania polityczne aktywistow na rzecz legalizacji marihuany za rzadow Czerwonych Torysow, tzw. Konserwatystow, a w rzeczywistosci socjalistow o inklinacji narodowej trwaja. Ciekawe czy Kanadyjczycy sie w koncu obudza z tego niewolniczego letargu. Ale wyglada na to, ze juz sie obudzili, ale z reka w nocniku. O suwerennosci, niezaleznosci, prawach i swobodach obywatelskich, to moga sobie tylko posnic.

Pot Prince surrenders

A five-year battle by Canada's self-styled "Prince of Pot" to avoid extradition to the United States on drug charges appeared to be over yesterday.
The federal justice minister has ordered Marc Emery surrendered to American authorities, the final step in the legal process.
Emery, who was charged in the U.S. in 2005 in connection with his Vancouver-based seed-selling business, had turned himself in to sheriffs earlier in the morning to await the federal justice minister's decision. Within an hour, his lawyer received an answer.
"The justice minister has surrendered Mr. Emery for extradition," lawyer Kirk Tousaw said. "My anticipation would be (Emery would be sent to the U.S.) relatively soon, within the week possibly."
Emery has been out on bail since last fall, when he was released from custody while the federal justice minister made his decision. He made a plea deal with U.S. prosecutors last year, agreeing to plead guilty in return for a five-year prison sentence.
Earlier in the day, Emery told reporters he's spent his life advocating for the legalization of marijuana. Then he walked into the B.C. Supreme Court building and presented himself to sheriffs.
American prosecutors allege he has sold about four million marijuana seeds through his magazine and website, and that 75 per cent of those went to customers in the U.S.
If extradited to the United States, Emery hopes he will be allowed to return to Canada to serve out his jail sentence.
THE CANADIAN PRESS (METRO, Tuesday, May 11, 2010).


Vancouver Marijuana activist Marc emery was ordered extradited yesterday to face drug and and money-laundering charges in the United States. The British Columbia man turned himself in to police custody yesterday and was informed that Justice Minister Robert Nicholson has ordered his extradition. Emery had been out on bail since the fall, while facing a five-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to conspiracy to manufacture marijuana in the United States. The charges against Emery and two of his associates at his Culture Cannabis store in downtown Vancouver were filed after they were caught selling marijuana seeds across the border. Canwest News Service (NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, May 11, 2010).

03:14 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:30 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 4-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 21.2C.

04:37 Hrs. Pije lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego mum's original + zagryzam czekoladka Xocai POWER.

"Gazeta Wyborcza" i powtarzajacy za nia Salon kazdego wyznawce spiskowej teorii uwaza nie tylko za oszoloma i lajdaka, ale ostatnio, za sprawa gorliwosci Jego Ekselencji - nawet za grzesznika (Stanislaw Michalkiewicz, "Marzenia, swieczki i ogarek", GONIEC, 7-13 maja 2010).

Okolo 6,5 proc. tych badanych w marynarce oraz piec procent w wojsku mialo pozytywne wyniki obecnosci marihuany ("Ponad 5 proc. zolnierzy zazywa narkotyki", GAZETA 44, 14-15 kwietnia 2010).

06:25 Hrs. Startuje maszyne. Slonecznie + spiew ptakow. 3-stopniowo. Kierownica lodowata + podnioslem wczesniej z ziemi "National Post" z "Toronto police recording encounters. Microphones prompt civil liberties concerns" na okladce.

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