Thursday, August 19, 2010

Zatrzymac PRL-izacje


Mowi sie potocznie, ze Kanada jest panstwem wolnym, demokratycznym i kapitalistycznym. Rzyczywistosc jest inna. Ingerencja panstwa w prywatne zycie obywateli jest tak wielka, ze o wolnosci to mozemy sobie tylko pogaworzyc przy piwku i ognisku.

Demokracja to taka na ile ci palka policyjna czy Tazer pozwolaja. Ostatnio przekonali sie o tym Kanadyjczycy demonstrujacy na szczycie G20 w Toronto. Sadza teraz policje na $45 milionow odszkodowania.

A prwatna wlasnosc, to tylko na papierku aby placic z roku na rok podatki darmozjadom. A nieroby panstwowe siedza na trzech poziomach, lokalnym, prowicjonalnym i federalnym i zywia sie nasza krwawica. Naszymi pieniedzmi z przymusowych podatkow. Siedza i wymyslaja za nasze pieniadze absurdalne prawa, ktore nas zniewalaja. Podobno dla naszego dobra. Ale bez naszego przyzwolenia, nie mowiac o zapytaniu o zgode.

Ja na przyklad na swojej wlasnosci nie moge wybudowac parkingu przed domem, bo zafajdany urzedas, radny czy burmistrz wymyslili takie prawo, ze musze uzbierac 67 podpisow na mojej ulicy na petycji, ze podpisujacy nie wyrazaja sprzeciwu co do budowy parkingu przed moim wlasnym domem. I to jest kapitalizm? Czy mamy tu w Kanadzie prywatna wlasnosc? To nie sa retoryczne pytania. Odpowiedz jest jasna. Nie.

Ostatnio przekonal sie o tym na wlasnej skorze tez polski szlachcic Piotr Jaworski. Libertarianin, ktory we wlasnej posesji urzadzal spotkania szlacheckie debatujac o zlotej wolnosci. Kanadyjskie panstwo mu zabronilo. I taka to wolnosc. I taka to prywatna wlasnosc.

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny JAWORSKI przypisuje do klanow: Belina, Gryf, Janina, Jelita, Jastrzebiec, Junosza, Kosciesza, Oksza, Ostoja, Sas.

Liberty lovers meet their match

Freedom-minded family faces up to $50,000 in fines

Peter Jaworski wasn't born in the cradle of freedom, but his mother says she hid illegal, anti-Soviet pamphlets in his baby carriage, covertly passing them out to fellow dissidents, on the streets of Wroclaw, Poland. When local police sent an order to his father to report to them of unspecified reasons, the family used a permit to travel to Germany and fled, eventually settling in Orono, Ont.
Since coming to Canada, Peter has celebrated freedom with more enthusiasm than most. He helped found the Institute for Liberal Studies, a libertarian advocacy group; he's writing his PhD thesis about concepts of ownership rights; and every summer for the past 10 years he's hosted the two-day Liberty Summer Seminar on his parents' acreage. There, a few dozen libertarians - past attendees have included Conservative Cabinet minister Jason Kenney and Ontario Cabinet minister Randy Hillier - camp out on the idyllic grounds, hear a handful of pro-liberty speakers, tap their feet along with some freedom-minded musical acts, and enjoy Mother Jaworski's cooking.
At least, they used to. This past July may have been the last, as the libertarians met their nemeses in the flesh: bureaucrats armed with a red tape roll full regulations that may not only shut down the seminar for good, but threaten to hit the Jaworskis with as much as $50,000 in fines for using their property for reasons unapproved by government.

'Government is just like Big Brother'

"I thought government would help me to do business, to be independent, not to be on welfare, but it's the opposite. It's like 'you own this property? Now we own you'," Marta Jaworski says. "Government is just like Big Brother. Without government we would [apparently] be all dead. They think we need them so much in every aspect of our lives."
What's happened since could be a case study for libertarian scholars on the pernicious effects of regulation on society, its power to threaten the well-being of individuals in the name of collective rights, to curtail enterprise and to turn neighbour against neighbour as locals accuse each other of siccing state authority on each other in envy.
The Jaworskis aren't sure why inspectors, after years of summer seminars, suddenly showed up on the property to itemize violations. There was a "complaint," they were told, though they insist neighbours always seemed fine with the event, which drew 72 people this year, each paying $125 each ($75 for students). They recently turned their home into a bed and breakfast to make ends meet, marketing their pastoral property as a perfect spot for wedding planners.
They suspect another hospitality business in the municipality of Clarington turned them in. They have no proof, but they have grown suspicious others are exploiting government to hurt them.
First came the health inspector who turned up unannounced, four days before the festivities. The family had no permit, she said. The kitchen was not up to code for preparing group meals. The water was unacceptable. The bathrooms insufficient. The event would have to be catered. Only bottled water was allowed. There must be hand sanitizer provided and portable handsinks. All dishes must be disposable, condiments "individually packaged." "Pre-packaged non-hazardous foods" were allowed; anything perishable must be "consumed immediately."
The Jaworskis complied. It wasn't enough. After the seminar, when the speakers finished expounding on liberty and non-hazardous foods were consumed, Peter's parents each received a summons to appear in provincial court on Sept. 28. They were charged with using their land "for a use other than permitted residential use; namely for a commercial conference centre."
Nancy Mallette runs Bloom Field Garden Centre in Clarington. Her website advertises that her property "is legally zoned ... so, she says, planners know they won't have their events suddenly cancelled by regulators, as sometimes happens with unlicensed establishments. After trying to erect a tent on her picturesque property for her son's wedding, someone complained. She spent 15 months and more than $100,000 to get proper zoning, including digging a new well and building new bathrooms.
She fended off concerns that noise from her events might disturb cows, and whether her property had the "potential for the potential" to be archeologically significant. She had the full support of Carlington council, yet they could not save her from a bureaucratic process ful of nothing but "grief."
"I've been screaming it from the rooftops, 'why me?' We were singled out and at this point we still don't know why," she says. She's heard, too, that businesses have been reporting on each other to make trouble with regulators. Nor her, she says. She thinks the region would prosper if everyone in the hospitality business were free to compete at their best.
The Jaworskis have seen trouble like this before. In Poland, Mr. Jaworski, then a dentist, would occasionally take payment in meat, and neighbours sometimes complained to authorities about the Jaworskis' holding splendid pig roasts while others went without.
Today, Marta Jaworski uses language that might seem extravagant to describe what she's going through, talking of being "hunted" by government "bullies." But, then, there are fines looming that could put them out of business, or at least steep rezoning costs to face. She breaks into tears explaining how she couldn't bake the special cake she had planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary of her son's barbecue. For those who love liberty, even the most mundane tyrannies are intolerable (NATIONAL POST, Thursday, August 19, 2010).

06:11 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

09:12 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + wstaje. Na dworze slonecznie. 20-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23C. Otwieram w domu okna.

09:20 Hrs. Badam cisnienie krwi. 125/90 mmHg +puls 103/min. + arytmia.

09:29 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego Hemp Oil + zagryzam czekoladka Xocai POWER.

10:20 Hrs. Popijam woda lekarstwa po szprotkach LOSOS USTKA + 3 zabki czosnku + nac pietruszki.

10:38 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Canadian Security".

What is clear is that CCTV and video surveillance have an important role to play in the prevention and investigation of workplace violence and workplace harassment. By specifically legislating in this area the government is sending a clear message to employers that they are responsible for preventing workplace violence and workplace harassment.
Those entrusted with security in the workplace should use this legislation as a reason and justification for increased use of CCTV cameras and video surveillance - with the appropriate signage, notices, and privacy safeguards - in the workplace. Compliance with the law is always a good reason for using video surveillance (Elliott Goldstein, "Cameras could deter workplace incidents", CANADIAN SECURITY, July/August 2010).

11:20 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 83 kg.

11:44 Hrs. Biore dwie lyzki stolowe zielonego proszku proteinowego z konopi HEMP PROTEIN POWDER + popijam zielona herbata.

IV Tydzien
Czwartek - Jutrznia
Psalm 143, 1-11
Modlitwa w ucisku

Uslysz, Panie, modlitwe moja,
w swej wiernosci przyjm moje blaganie,
wysluchaj mnie w swej sprawiedliwosci.
Nie wzywaj na sad swojego slugi,
bo nikt z zyjacych nie jest sprawiedliwy przed Toba.
Albowiem przesladuje mnie nieprzyjaciel,
moje zycie na ziemie powalil,
pograzyl mnie w ciemnosciach, jak dawno umarlych.
A we mnie duch moj omdlewa,
zamiera we mnie serce.
Wspominam dni dawno minione,
rozmyslam o wszystkich Twych dzielach,
rozwazam dzielo rak Twoich.
Wyciagam do Ciebie rece,
jak zeschla ziemia pragnie Cie moja dusza.
Wysluchaj mnie predko, Panie,
albowiem duch moj omdlewa.
Nie ukrywaj przede mna swojego oblicza,
bym sie nie stal podobny do tych, ktorzy schodza do grobu.
Daj mi juz o swicie doznac laski Twojej,
bo w Tobie pokladam nadzieje.
Pokaz mi droge, ktora mam kroczyc,
bo wznosze ku Tobie moja dusze.
Wybaw mnie, Panie, od moich wrogow,
uciekam sie do Ciebie.
Naucz mnie spelniac Twoja wole,
bo Ty jestes moim Bogiem.
Niech mnie Twoj dobry duch prowadzi
po bezpiecznej rowninie.
Przez wzglad na Twoje imie, Panie, zachowaj mnie przy zyciu,
w swej sprawiedliwosci wyprowadz mnie z niedoli.
Chwala Ojcu i Synowi,
i Duchowi Swietemu.
Jak byla na poczatku, teraz i zawsze,
i na wieki wiekow. Amen (Brewiarz dla swieckich).

13:47 Hrs. Deszcz bebni o liscie drzew i plocienny daszek nad gankiem. Wilgotno + duszno. 29-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 34. Temp. w kuchni 24.9C. Ciezko sie oddycha.

15:05 Hrs. Wyjmuje ze skrzynki na listy magazyn ochroniarski "SP&T News" z "Security providers sort through confusion over HST" na okladce.

15:30 Hrs. Radio CBC podaje, ze jeden z kandydatow na burmistrza Toronto, pan Rob Ford, wyznal w debacie, ze palil marihuane i ze byl aresztowany z tego powodu w USA.

16:43 Hrs. Pije 400 mililitrow wody.

Police from the SUV and others nearby surrounded the two and interrogated them "very aggressively." Good's statement of claim says several of the officers made "threatening and profanity-laced remarks," such as "Give me a fucking reason to shoot you," "Give me that backpack before I cutt it off" and "Get out of our city."
Good says officers also made derogatory comments about the two being present at a demo in front of the security fence outside the Metro Convention Centre the previous day...
A website,, has been set up for those interested in joining the suit (Enzo DiMatteo, "G20 suit lands on cop board. Will $45 million class action unlock mystery of police tactics?", NOW, August 12-18, 2010).

Reduta Ottawska
Lista obecnych i dawnych czlonkow
Kola SPK Nr 8

17:45 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. Jade do supermarketu NoFrills na zakupy. Duszno. 27-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 34C. Temp. w kuchni 25.6C.

17:50 Hrs. Parkuje przed sklepem.

18:25 Hrs. Po zakupach ($52.48).

18:59 Hrs. Biore tabletki + popijam mlekiem.

19:59 Hrs. Badam cisnienie krwi. 122/77 mmHg + puls 115/min.

21:15 Hrs. Po rozmowie z Ryskiem + czekoladka Xocai POWER + truskawki + czeresnie + winogrona + morele.

Koran nie moze rownac z Biblia, juz nawet tylko jako dzielo literatury. Zagladalem do niego - nie ma w nim tej potegi slowa, jaka bije z niej. Myli sie u nas tolerancje religijna z uznawaniem innych religii za rowne dobre jak nasza. Od czasow chyba juz krola Wladyslawa Jagielly tolerowalismy wsrod nas muzulmanow i gotowismy czynic tak dalej. Ale to nie znaczy, ze uwazamy ich religie za rowna naszej. Ze wszystkich wiar nasza jest najprawdziwsza. To jest fakt podstawowy. Czy Europa zdola sie przeciwstawic inwazji islamu? To bedzie zalezalo od tego, czy zdola sie zmobilizowac jedyna sila duchowa do tego zdolna - swiety Kosciol powszechny. Jezeli przeciwko budowie w Warszawie meczetu musi wystepowac jakis Wolniewicz, a nie arcybiskup stolicy, niedobrze to wrozy (Boguslaw Wolniewicz, "W boj przeciw islamowi", WIADOMOSCI numer 272, 12 sierpnia 2010).

22:34 Hrs. Badam cisnienie krwi. 112/80 mmHg + puls 116/min.

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