Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Seminarium +

07:34 Hrs. Samochod pokryty 3 milimetrowa warstwa sniegu. Na dworze slonecznie i minus 14-stopniowo. Ruszam do kwatery glownej SECURITAS na drugi dzien seminarium.

16:43 Hrs. Juz po wszystkim. 2 dni intensywnej nauki, zakonczonej testami. Od informacji glowa boli. Najbardziej mi sie podobal amerykanski mowca motywacyjny Lou Holtz, ktorego vidio pt. "Do right!" mielismy okazje obejrzec.
Byly tez codziennie paczki + kawa na sniadanie, a na obiad dostarczono nam zywnosc z restauracji The Pickle Barrel.
Byl tez i drugi film z Tom Peters pt. "The power of excellence", no i tony literatury, ktora teraz trzeba przerobic doglebnie.

17:37 Hrs. Dojezdzam do domu. Wykonczony. ESSO bierze za litr paliwa $1.00.4. SUNOCO $1.00.9.


Orthodox Jew likens intermarriage to 'spiritual holocaust'

The high rate of Jews who marry non-Jews has created a "spiritual holocaust" that threatens the survival of Judaism, says a leading Orthodox scholar. Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, an international lecturer who's sometimes called "the Jewish Billy Graham," equates intermarriage with self-imposed annihilation on the scale of the Nazi extermination campaign. "It's a question of understanding that Hitler's aim was to annihilate our people, and intermarriage is also a form of annihilation, which is sometimes even more deadly than the Holocaust," she said in an interview prior to a lecture tonight at Carleton University. For that reason, the rebbetzin, who goes by the Yiddish title traditionally given to the wives of rabbis, argues there is a moral imperative for Jews to mary within the faith. The New-York based rebbetzin is a best-selling author (NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, March 7, 2007).

Jurek podeslal mi linka do Slupskiego Archiwum Muzycznego ( Mozna znalezc tam utwory naszej kolezanki Grazyny Auguscik i grupy SYGNALY 74 (byla 74 Grupa Biednych) z Jerzym Izdebskim.

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