Sunday, March 11, 2007

Kilka slow o blogierce

Zaniedbalem troche swoj "Krotki Kurs Blogierki", ktory rozpoczalem pisac na forum dyskusyjnym Ustki pt. "Blogierka" ( Bede musial do niego wrocic, bo w miedzyczasie zyskalem nowe doswiadcznia i duzo informacji na temat tego informatycznego fenomenu XXI wieku.

Blogierka to hobby. To dzialalnosc artystyczna.

Blogierka to opisywanie siebie, oraz umiejetnosc uzywania roznych informacji do opisywania swojej dzialalnosci w konkrecie terazniejszosci z mysla o przyszlosci.

Blogierka to bardzo intymna, indywidualistyczna i osobista droga do urzeczywistniania wolnosci wyrazu.

Blog to szlacheckie Silva Rerum. To opis historyczny autora wrzucony do szuflady, aby odnalezc go gdzies w przyszlej Sarragosie.

W XVII wieku rerum stanowily ulubiona lekture szlachty polskiej. Pisane recznie, zawieraly zarowno poezje antyczna, jak i co ciekawsze utwory barokowych poetow, mowcow i politykow. Byl to wiec "las rzeczy", niewyczerpana skarbnica wiadomosci dla naszych przodkow (Janusz Tazbir, "Silva Rerum Hisroticum").

Blogierka to wymieszanie bialego wywiadu z wynikami poszukiwan genealogicznych autora.

Blogierka to interaktywna rozmowa ze soba w kontekscie kaskady informacji spadajacej zewszad na autora.

Blogierka to ciagla walka o wolnosc otrzymywania wszelkiej wiedzy i informacji o otaczajacym swiecie i prawo wyboru do opublikowania tej tylko, ktora jest prawda wyrazu dla autora.

Blog typu wycinkowego (tzw. "wycinkowiec") to takze "smietnik" roznych wycinkow rzuconych w nieladzie. Ale chaos jego jest tylko pozorny, poniewaz wycinki przeswietlone sa i czasami opatrzone komentarzem autora uzywajacego techniki analizy MBM*.

* MBM (Monarchy Breast Marijuana) Analysis - analiza politycznych systemow, spoleczenstw, indywidualnych osob wedlug ich stosunku do trzech kryteriow: (1) Monarchii + szlachty, jako ustroju politycznego panstwa; (2) Legalizacji narkotykow, a w szczegolnosci marihuany; (3) Biustu kobiecego i jego percepcji w swiadomosci kulturowej kraju.

"Blogistan" stawia opor

W kraju cenzury i islamskiej moralnosci Iranczycy znalezli nowy sposob, aby stawic opor rezimowi: jest nim Blogistan. Iranscy dziennikarze, pozbawieni mozliwosci wyrazania swoich opinii w kontrolowanej prasie, masowo zaktywizowali sie w intenecie, ktorego wladze nie sa jeszcze w stanie kontrolowac. W sieci mozna znalezc zarowno zjadliwa krytyke systemu politycznego-religijnego i prowokacyjnych wystapien prezydenta Mahmuda Ahmadinedzada, jak i protesty przeciwko ukamienowaniu - karze wciaz obowiazujacej w Iranie.
Ta wirtualna mobilizacja nie jest wolna od ryzyka. Wielu iranskich blogerow doswiadczylo aresztowan, tortur i przesladowan. Dlatego sieciowi kontestatorzy czesto pisza pod pseudonimem. Znaja oni rowniez sztuczki techniczne, ktore pozwalaja obejsc filtry stosowane przez iranskie wladze. Rzad w Teheranie wzmocnil ostatnio presje, wprowadzajac ograniczenie przepustowosci laczy do 128 kilobitow na sekunde. Taka szybkosc polaczenia ogranicza mozliwosci wymiany materialow dzwiekowych i wideo, ale jest najzupelniej wystarczajaca, aby nadal opisywac w ceyberdziennikach swoje frustracje i pragnienie zmiany.
Na podstawie L'Express

Dawniej byla prasa, wyniesiona do rangi czwartej wladzy. Mieszajac sie do spraw, ktore jej nie dotyczyly, zmieniala, a nawet blokowala posuniecia trzech "pierwszych" wladz: ustawodawczej, wykonawczej i sadowniczej. Teraz z kolei "nieupowaznieni nadawcy", czyli po prostu szeroka publicznosc, zawlaszczaja siec WWW, co zmienia funkcjowanie wszelkich instytucji, a zwlaszcza ich przedstawicieli.

Powiew zmian nie omija tez srodkow masowego przekazu: przestaly one byc wylacznym zrodlem informacji w sytuacji, gdy nowy blog powstaje co cztery sekundy. Wraz z kazdym wschodem slonca na swiecie pojawia sie sto tysiecy nowych publicystow!

- Sukces blogow wynika przede wszystkim z ogolnej nieufnosci wobec trzech tradycyjnych biegunow informacji: polityki, dziennikarstwa i reklamy - podkresla socjolog Carine Delrieu. Self-media zastepuja mass media.

Marki, swiadome tego nowego stosunku sil, podejmuja srodki zaradcze. Wykorzystujac latwosc porozumiewania sie w sieci, staraja sie zlapac kontakt z internauta. Niektore wkraczaja nawet do blogow. Chodzi o to, by jawic sie jako przecietna postac, bezinteresowna i calkiem cool. I tak np. kompania lotnicza Midwest Airlines, zamiast wymyslac klasyczne reklamy, poprosila jedna ze swych pracownic, aby prowadzila bloga. Dziennik Tish Robinson ma na tyle prywatny charakter, ze czyta to codziennie 25 tys. osob. Autorka doradza w nim np., co kupic w sklepach wolnoclowych albo opisuje swoje ulubione restauracje w miastach, do ktorych lata.
Najlepiej dzialac z otwarta przylbica, bo proba oszukiwania internautow moze okazac sie bolesna (Guillaume Grallet I In, "L'Express, 6.12.2006, FORUM 2 / 8.01.-14.01.2007).

BLOG Your Genealogy

WHEN YOU'RE TRACING your family history, it's inevitable that at some point you'll begin to uncover hundreds of relatives. Whilst some people may find it easy to keep track of who's who and who's related to who, the amount of information can become overwhelming. What's more, the problem isn't helped by families who continue giving their children the same first names, creating numerous generations of Johns, Hughs or Williams. If you're facing an information overload situation, then one solution is to try blogging your family history.
Blogging is all the rage, with millions of people worldwide writing online blogs. Put simply, the word "blog" is an abbreviation of "weblog" and a weblog is an online journal. For genealogists and family history researchers, novice or otherwise, blogging offers a useful way of recording and sharing vital information. When you've discovered several generations of ancestors, you often reach a point where it becomes hard to keep track of everyone. Or perhaps you understand it fully and can instantly recognize who's who, yet when you try to explain it all to someone else, their eyes glaze over and they quickly lose track of who on earth is related to who.
It's these scenarios that blogging is fantastically useful for aiding, as it offers a great tool for writing it all out, in easily explainable chunks and for linking back to other relations or relevant snippets of details. For those with family abroad or far away, but wanting to be kept in touch with what you're doing, blogging is also ideal. As you progress, it's likely you'll come across others researching the same lines or distant relatives, and communicating your latest finds through your blog is a good way of keeping abreast of your research.

It may all sound a bit technical, but thankfully the art of blogging isn't that tricky and anyone can give it a try. You don't need expensive software or heaps of technical knowledge - just the desire to give it a go and get writing. Free blogging tools are now commonplace on the 'net, with many offering an ideal platform for creating a blog in the easiest way possible. Of course, if you're more Internet savvy and have your own website and domain, you can go one step further and do it yourself, but for personal and informal blogs for beginners, you can't go wrong using one of the main blogging sites.
Some of the simple and easy-to-use sites are Blogger,, Live Journal, and WordPress, All are hassle-free and effective. With each of these, you can get a web-hosted blog where you can stick to the basic features and design, and simply write your entries, or customize the look and feel of your blog to make it unique to you. If you don't mind paying to blog, TypePad,, offers a similar service to WordPress, but has the added addition of technical help.
Obviously, they each have different features and quirky extras, so it's worth exploring to find the option that suits you best. At Live Journal, for example, you can select who can view each posting, giving you the option and flexibility to publish some posts for everyone to read, others for friends only or some for your eyes only. The latter option may seem beside the point, but it can work effectively. For example, if it's a time when you're keen to make loads of notes and records for yourself, but don't yet want to share the information with everyone, perhaps until you've cracked the latest piece of the puzzle. By paying an extra membership fee, you can also get other bonuses, such as the ability to filter messages. This means, for example, that if you're writing genealogy posts about various branches of your family you can filter the posts, so only the people to which they're relevant see them.
All the sites have the ability to let you post images, so you can include pictures of relatives, their homes or certificates, and you can post links to other sites or genealogical resources. Many of them now support the ability to post updates from your mobile phone too, or add audio messages. You can also add tags to your posts, such as, "Hugh, hospital, illness", or, "immigration, Africa, Jones," to denote the key issues discussed in each post. If you need to search back at a future time for certain information, these tags will be useful.

It's not surprising that other people sometimes get lost understanding who's who in your research, especially when you've gone back several generations and unearthed numerous people. But there are times when even you are likely to become puzzled by it all.
Writing a blog can work well with handling this issue. Not only can you search back to find previous entries relating to the person or persons you're confused about, but it also lets you write bite-size chunks about each one person. So if there's some useful identifying characteristics about one person or some snippets of information you think are relevant, you can enter these on a bite-size blog post. The joy of blogging is that you can write however much or little as you want - it may seem tiny or lengthy to others, but if it makes sense to you, it doesn't matter.

Part of the beauty of blogs, like publishing your genealogy research on the Internet, is that ultimately it could bring relatives together. Most of the sites give you the option of having your blog picked up by search engines, such as Google, so the contents can be high-lighted in searches anyone does. Google, for example, even has its own tool for searching through blogs. In my own instance, I chose to have my genealogy blog,, accessible by anyone, with the hope that in the future someone may be searching for a name and it would bring up my blog. Much to my surprise, that's happened on a few occasions, so it does work.
As well as people linked to your research in some way, a blog is a great tool for getting to know other genealogists. On most of the sites, you can choose to have your blog listed under a certain category and Live Journal has an active range of communities which you can post to, including several focusing on genealogy. It's a great way of encouraging like-minded people to read your blog and, through browsing and commenting on their blogs, you can build up a network of virtual friends.

Another benefit of having a blog is that you'll be building a great resource of written anecdotes and information that could potentially be used as the basis for a book at a later stage. It's a huge help to have everything in one place and, although your entries may be written randomly, you can search through them easily, gather your entries and reorganize in another document if you wish.
Until recently, a site called Blog Binders would convert your blog into a bound book. Sadly, they're no longer running, but other self-publishing companies, such as,, are certainly worth exploring if you want to publish your blog in book form. It's especially useful for any relatives who aren't online or aren't into blogging, plus it gives you the chance to have a long-lasting archival record in print format. Of course, you could print copies of everything yourself, but having it contained within the pages of a book gives a professional look.
For those using LiveJournal, a site called LJBook,, can turn your blog into a PDF document, which can then be printed. It's free to use, straightforward and is produced in less than five minutes!
Blogging has proved to be a huge hit and, for genealogy purposes, it has added benefits. Whether used as another way to keep family history records, as a means of sharing with family or friends, or even to share research with a wider community, it's a medium well worth exploring.
Rachel Newcombe is a freelance writer, editor and researcher. She's an avid fan of genealogy and loves the challenge of piecing together the past. She can be found on the web at (INTERNET GENEALOGY, February/March 2007 -

2 = 3

02:00=03:00 Hrs. Dzisiaj zmiana czasu na letni. Wskazowki zegara przesunelismy z drugiej w nocy do przodu na trzecia. Wymyslili to Amerykanie aby zaoszczedzic na spozyciu energii.

15:59 Hrs. No bo ty sie boisz myszy - unosi sie w radiu Polonia na fali 1540 AM. Jest tam takze i dziennik. A w nim: Sady 24-godzinne w Polsce, "Rodzina + Wiara" - najwazniejsze wartosci w polskiej Debacie Europejskiej. W Rosji wybory do dum regionalnych. Jedyna Rosyja przewodzi. Ma ona najwieksze szanse powiazan z Kremlem.
Jest tez wywiad z konsul ds. handlowych, szlachcianka Wanda Samborska h. Ostoja. Polska w handlu z Kanada zajmuje 39 miejsce. Obrod ponad miliard dolarow.

16:52 Hrs. Do ciebie piesnia wolam Panie. Bo ponoc wszystko mozesz dac - spiewa sp. Tadeusz Nalepa swoja Modlitwe w radiu Polonia (

20:12 Hrs. Rollings Stones spiewaja Monkey Man na GOLDR 722 Galaxie GoldRock - Ja rozmyslam o: NASZYCH INTERESACH.

Z samej natury filozofii globalistycznej, interesy Polski sa globalne. A jesli chodzi o wplywy lokalne, powinny one byc skierowane w oslabianiu naszego najwiekszego wroga = Rosji Oligarchicznej o ambicjach imperialnych. Dlatego powinnismy wspierac ludy Kaukazu, naszych braci w wierze chrzescijanskiej w Armenii i Gruzji, oraz braci w wierze mahometanskiej, ktorzy wyzwolili sie, czy jeszcze wyzwalaja z rosyjskich lancuchow niewoli.

Pamietam za komuny w Polsce krazyla w pdziemiu na Pomorzu ulotka z wypisanym proroctwem dla Polski, jakiegos ksiedza katolickiego. W niej byl przepowiadany upadek komunizmu, Rosja malutka, tylko z terytorium wokol Moskwy, oraz bezposrednia granica Polski z Chinami! Przepowiednie maja to do siebie, ze czasami sie sprawdzaja. Dlatego myslenie strategiczne Polaka politycznego nie powinno wykluczac i takich rozwiazan. Wobec tego, Chiny, oraz Indie powinny byc strefami wplywu polskiej polityki zagranicznej.
Niemcow tak bym nie demonizowal. Z nimi poradzimy sobie w ramach Unii Europejskiej.

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckiej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny SAMBORSKI przypisuje do klanu: Ostoja.
Zbigniew Leszczyc w "Herby Szlachty Polskiej" o OSTOJI tak powiada: "W polu czerwonem pomiedzy jednym polksiezycem, zwroconym w prawo i drugim lewo, miecz srebrny ku dolowi prostopadle zwrocony. Na helmie piec pior strusich lub miecz. Pieczetuja sie nim: Samborscy".

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