Wednesday, March 28, 2007

1 + 25 = 3

06:49 Hrs. Nie potrzeba mi gwiazdki z nieba - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze sucho. 4 na plusie. W dzienniku: Marcin Pilka nie zebral 15 podpisow wsrod parlamentarzystow w Sejmie dla ustawy calkowicie zakazujacej pornografie w Polsce.

Talibanska pilka od zelaza najlepiej jakby poobcinala meskie czlonki i piersi kobiece i skonczyla z pornografia raz na zawsze w tym pieknym kraju nad Wisla.

ESSO, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.99.9. Bever$0.99.7.

OBRAZEK Z POLSKI czyli 1 + 25 = 3
Pani Tysiac dostala 25 tysiace odszkodawania. 3 tysiace protestuje z tego powodu.

Polish rally urges abortion ban (BBC NEWS -

Hell 'exists and is eternal,' Pope warns

ROME * As the penitential season of Lent draws to a close, Pope Benedict XVI has been reminding the faithful of some key beliefs of their faith, including the fact hell is a place where sinners burn in an everlasting fire.
God's mercy and love are great, but those who reject him should know that hell "exists and is eternal, even if nobody talks about it much any more," the pontiff said, according to reports by the Catholic News Service and the London Times (NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, March 28, 2007).


Israeli pro-marijuana party tells supporters: No pot on Passover

In bad news for its religious Jewish supporters, an Israeli pro-marijuana party announced yesterday that smoking pot is forbidden on Passover.
Cannabis is among the substances Jews are forbidden to consume during the week-long festival, which begins Monday, said Michelle Levine, a spokesperson for the Green Leaf party.
Biblical laws prohibit eating leavened foods during Passover, replacing bread with flat crackers called matza. Later injunctions by European rabbis extended those rules to forbid other foods like beans and corn, and more recent rulings have further expanded the ban to include hemp seeds, which today are found in some health oils - and in marijuana.
Green Leaf is a small political party that supports the legalization of marijuana. Although it is by no means a Jewish religious authority, the group decided to warn its observant supporters away from the drug on Passover.
'You shouldn't smoke marijuana on the holiday, and if you have it in your house you should get rid of it," Levine said. The edict was first reported in The Jerusalem Post.
But not everone needs to give up their habit for the duration of the festival. The rabbinic injunctions banning hemp were never adopted by Sephardic Jews, who come from countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
That means there is not reason they can't keep smoking marijuana, Levine said, except that it remains illegal, despite her party's best efforts.
Green Leaf contested the last three national elections but never won a seat, despite gaining popularity as a protest vote. According to Levine, the party has a large number of religious supporters.
- The Associated Press (24HRS.CA, March 28 2007 -

Court gives Dutch drug runner tax cut

A Dutch court has added a new item to the list of activities eligible for tax relief: Drug-running. Judges in Arnhem ruled a fisherman convicted of smuggling drugs could deduct the cost of buying and shipping hashish to the Netherlands from his income on his tax return, the De Telegraaf reported yesterday. The newspaper said the smuggler, whose name was not released, appealed to the Arnhem court after being slapped with a tax bill equivalent to about $5 million.
The court ruled because he had only been convicted of drug running and not trading in drugs he could deduct the cost of buying and transporting the drugs on his tax form. That cut his tax bill to $2.8 million.
ASSOCIATED PRESS (METRO, Wednesday, march 28, 2007).

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