Saturday, January 25, 2014


sie cala sobote. Nie wychodzilem z domu i z pizamy. Pospalem sobie + lektura. Wskoczylem tez na Facebook. Zyskalem 10 nowych Friends. Mam juz 35. Tez oczyscilem z imelek + spamu swoja poczte imelkowa. Wlasciwie 99% spamu i 1% imelek.

Nigella Lawson allowed her daughter to smoke cannabis, a court was told yesterday. The stark claim was made during the trial that has already heard the TV chef admit to snoring cocaine and to smoking cannabis. She claimed she now  sees cannabis as 'a false friend." Miss Lawson had already answered 'Yes' when asked under oath last week if she smoked joints 'with or in front of' her daughter ("Nigella 'let the children smoke cannabis' ", THE CONTACT, 17 Dec. to 23 Dec., 2013).

01:10 Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:58 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

08:25 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

10:25 Hrs. Budze sie naturalnie + wstaje. Na dworze minus 6-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -13C. + pada drobny snieg. Na stole "National Post" z "All about the kids. As shifts in society complicate parenting, a constant remains: people with children are no happier than those without" na okladce.

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