Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Dr. Meldon Kahan

- The voice of ignorance

Ciemnota i ignorancja polaczone butnoscia i zadufaniem nie omijaja tez lekarzy, osoby z tytulami naukowymi, czy tzw. autorytety medycyny. Uwidacznia sie to szczegolnie w kwestii prohibicji i wojny z narkotykami.

Nie zapominajmy, ze dyrektorami obozow zaglady w Niemczech hitlerowskich byli uczeni z tytulami naukowymi. Czesto medycznymi.

Rodzimym rodzynkiem takiej tepoty i dezinformacji jest list dyrektora ds. uzaleznien, pana Meldon Kahana. Wart zacytowania i zapamietania.

MDs should not encourage pot use
Re: How To Get Your Medicinal Pot, letter to the editor, Feb. 27.
Dr. David Saul implies that if patients request a Health Canada cannabis authorization form, physicians are obliged by the provincial medical college to sign the form or refer them to a physician who will. This is incorrect and it is reckless to promote cannabis as a harmless medicine. I have seen patients whose lives have been destroyed by cannabis addiction or cannabis-induced psychosis. Smoked cannabis has been shown to cause precancerous changes in various tissues. Also, THC serum levels rise rapidly when smoked, creating a risk for motor vehicle accidents. The oral and inhaled versions of cannabis are far safer.
I would discourage physicians from authorizing smoked cannabis. They should prescribe oral or inhaled cannabis only for patients with a medical condition for which cannabis has been shown to be effective, and who are at low risk for cannabis-related harms.
Dr. Meldon Kahan, medical director, Addiction Medicine Service, St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto ("Letters", NATIONAL POST, March 2, 2010).

00:30 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

03:05 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:15 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze minus 3-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -9C. Temp. w kuchni 23.7C.

21:20 Hrs. Slodka bulka z makiem popita 2 kubkami zielonej herbaty + ide do lozka z "Gazeta".

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