Thursday, January 12, 2006

Marc Emery mowi

29 lipca 2005 roku przejdzie do historii Kanady na wieki cale. Tego dnia amarykanska KGB-DEA, rekoma kanadyjskiej policji federalnej RCMP zaaresztowala lidera Partii Marihuany, przeciwnika prohibicji i pacyfiste, ktory walczy przeciwko wojnie z narkotykami, pana Marca Emery.

Ten grozny precedens zachwial fundamentami Kanady, panstwa ktore zbudowane zostalo na wartosciach wolnosci jednostki. Zenujace jest to, ze RCMP, policja federalna, ktorej zadaniem jest obrona wolnosci Kanadyjczykow, na rozkaz globalistycznej amerykanskiej agencji policyjno-wywiadowczo-wojskowej zaaresztowala swojego wlasnego obywatela, ktoremu grozi ekstradycja do USA i minimum 25 lat wiezienia. I ta policja ma w swojej nazwie "royal", czyli krolewska!

Ale nie tylko w Kanadzie jest wolnosc zagrozona. Globalistyczne KGB-DEA ma swoje biura w 65 krajach. Czyli prawie na calym swiecie. Lokalne policje sa jej podporzadkowane. Celem ich jest stworzenie "amerykanskiej wolnosci", czyli permannentenej trokistowkiej wojny z narkotykami.

Wojna ta doprowadzila do tego, ze w USA jest juz ponad 2.5 miliona wiezniow. Ten gulag amerykanski juz przescignal swoim ogromem Zwiazek Sowiecki. Nawet za najwiekszej Sowieckiej dominacji, nie bylo tam tak wielu wiezniow.

Statystyki aresztow w Stanach tylko za marihuane sa przerazajaca i bardzo wymowne.
2004 - 771,608
2003 - 755,187
2002 - 697,082
2001 - 723,627
2000 - 734,498
1999 - 704,812
1998 - 682,885
1997 - 695,200
1996 - 641,642
1995 - 588,963
1994 - 499,122
1993 - 380,689

Marc Emery stal sie bohaterem i wolnosciowcem w Kanadzie. Media kanadyjskie go rozszarpuja. Tysiace artykulow, wywiadow, analiz. Wiele publikowalem tu na swoim blogu. Natomiast polonijne tzw. "wolne" media ani mru mru. Wstyd w Kanadzie byc Polakiem!


No one said being editor and publisher of CC, director of Pot.TV, and President and Party Leader of the BC Marijuana Party would be easy. But consider the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) declaration: "Emery and his organization had been designated as one of the (US) Attorney-General's most wanted international drug trafficking organization targets, only one of 46 in the world and the only one in Canada." Talk about a weight on my shoulders! The DEA considers me Canada's #1 drug kingpin!
On July 29 of this year, I was arrested in Canada for extradition to a US federal court in Seattle, where I have been indicted on charges of selling marijuana seeds that became plants, and spending the money I received. That's known as 'conspiracy,' 'manufacturing' and 'money laundering'. In these cruel times in the United States, under federal sentencing guidelines declaring me a "kingpin", I would get around 27 to 35 years in a federal prison. For selling seeds. Deliberately and proudly, and with clear political and cultural purpose, mind you. I confess all on pages 12-19.
I face more time in US jail for selling seeds than I would get if I were charged with multiple murder here in Canada, which is 25 years maximum (there is no death penalty here). Longer than a murderer would get, for selling seeds, something no one in Canada has ever been sentenced to even one day in prison for! Only two people have ever been convicted of seed selling in Canada since the law was on the books in 1968: myself in 1998, when I was fined $700 per count; and Ian Hunter in the year 2000, who received a $200 fine.
In 2005, there are over 100 cannabis seed companies operating in Canada. It is de-facto legal by most observations. People often think marijuana is legal here, but tens of thousands of people are arrested for possession every year. In almost four decades, only two people in Canada have been convicted of selling seeds though - and there's been no arrests or charges in the last 5 years. Cannabis seed selling is legal in the United Kingdom, Holland, Spain and most of Europe.
I might only have two years left in Canada before I am turned over to rot for the rest of my days in a US prison. Extradition seems likely unless there is a surge of outrage in both countries.
These are desperate times for me under such circumstances, but it's also a terrific opportunity. I'm doing more interviews than ever, at a daily rate. I'm going to be featured on 60 Minutes around the time you read this (go to for further news) and I'll be in hundreds of newspapers stories, magazines, TV specials, radio shows, pod casts, and movies, railing against the US drug war and its prison and punishment system.
Since my release in August on bail I've done interviews ceaselessly. When you hear me speak, or when you read of my work, I hope you find I represent dignity for our people and our movement. I don't want anyone to think that saving my skin is more important than the principles of liberating our people from the jails.
I'm certainly going to need you to harness your shock and anger about the extent to which the US federal government and police forces in North America are persecuting the cannabis culture.
There are more arrests for cannabis today than at any previous time in history. And, if they can put me away for the rest of my life in a cold US prison for leading the cannabis people, it will set an ugly precedent that could greatly inhibit our political and cultural advancement.
The US drug war imperils national sovereignty of every country. The DEA has offices in 65 nations, and is in the business of rounding up the cannabis culture, anywhere and everywhere. Legalizers and gardeners of all nations are now at much greater risk.
Greg Williams, Michelle Rainey, and I need petitioners and financial donations to our legal fees. We need people to print up pamphlets and pass them out. Talk it up on our behalf, talk about the drug war.
My days may be numbered and only the people of Canada, the United States and the world can save me. I tell Canadians in every interview, "if I get extradited to the USA, you'll never see me alive again," and I believe that to be true.
Wear one of my "No Estradition" t-shirts in solidarity with me! Send $25 (CDN) plus $7 shipping to Save the BC3 T-shirt, 15-199 West Hastings St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 1H4. Include a note with your mailing address and shirt specifications: S/M/L/XL in black, red, white, or neon green.
If you donate $100 to our legal fees, I will send you an autographed copy of Cannabis Culture #1 Spring 1995, on hemp paper, (then called Cannabis Canada). This important first issue lays out my manifesto for the activities I would execute over the following 10 years. I will sign the cover and the '5 Conditions For Peace' statement that has been my activist credo since day one.
Donate online at or donate by mail to: Cannabis Culture No Extradition! Legal Defense Fund, 15-199 West Hastings, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 1H4.
Write me at Please email my assistant to request the "No Extradition" PDF flyer and petition to print and distribute. We can also mail flyer and petition packages anywhere in Canada and the US, so you can spread the word and generate support in your town. Just email a request with your mailing address!
Thanks for being here with me at Cannabis Culture - which, by the way, the DEA called a "propagandist marijuana magazine".
Mac Scott Emery


In the midst of all the banter between federal party leaders headed into the election of how they'd change laws to improve Canada, one man has taken his own stance in hopes of scoring a victory over marijuana laws.

Grant Krieger is set to square off against Canada's top court today in hopes of overturning his pot conviction. Krieger, who suffers from multiple sclerosis has admitted to growing and distributing marijuana for medicinal purposes. He was sentenced to a day in jail seven years ago for possession of 29 marijuana plants.
Krieger intends to use a seldomly trotted-out legal safety valve, known as jury nullification, for his defence. The catch allows jury's to rule against laws in exceptional circumstances.
At a previous trial, Krieger confessed to possession and was convicted, despite strong indications two jurors wanted to acquit him. He used necessity as his defence, which rarely produces an acquttal, arguing he had no choice but to break the law to ensure a safe supply for those who needed it. The judge ordered the jury to convict Krieger.
The defence of jury nullification has only come up a couple of times, but Krieger's lawyer is hoping it will help his client.
In 1988, abortion doctor Henry Morgentaler was acquitted, an event Krieger claims signifies their recognition of jury nullification.
At the time, the bench claimed the jury's power was "the citizen's ultimate protection against oppressive laws and the oppressive enforcement of the law."
Robert Latimer was not as successful in his attempt to use jury nullification. In 2001, he was convicted of killing his severely disabled daughter and is serving a mandatory life sentence. In 2001, the Supreme Court upheld the conviction (DOSE 197 Thursday 12 January 2006).

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