Thursday, January 26, 2006

2-ga ksiazka roku

Przychodze do domu, a tu czeka na mnie druga ksiazka, ktora zamowilem w roku 2006. Najpierw otrzymalem "Armorial"- wspanialy herbarz Boguslawa Jerzego hr. Zajaczkowskiego. Dzisiaj przyszedl darmowy "Koran".

W ladnej kopercie z mozaikowym paskiem na dole reprezentujacym gwiazdy osmioramienne. Po lewej stronie w formie teczy: "Message for Humanity".
Takze zielonym drukiem adres nadawcy:

Discover Islam
30 Waulron St.
Etobcoke, ON, M9C 1B5
1.877.Read it.5 (1.877.732.3485)

Dwa kanadyjskie znaczki z wizerunkiem lilii po 85 centow kazdy. Ksiazka w wydaniu kieszonkowym 17 na 8 centymetrow, o grubosci 14 milimetrow. W sumie 638 stron. Okladka w zielonym kolorze ze zlotym liternictwem: "The Quran Tranlated" i bialymi literami "Message for Humanity". W dolnym rogu kwadracik z mozaika w formie slonecznikowej z czterorogiem w ksztalcie lilii heraldycznych. Napis na dole: "God's Final Revelation".

Odwracajac ksiazke, na tylnej okladce czytamy:

"This is a clear message for people in order that they may be warned thereby..." (14:52)

Between these two covers you will find the answers to those questions which touch the very heart of your being:
Why am I here? Where am I heading? How may I achieve happiness? How can I find inner peace?
The answers given are plain and simple, what it requirs is natural and fulfilling. One in every five humans has accepted this message. We invite you to contemplate.

International Committee for the Support of the Final Prophet
1090 Vermont Avenue. NW, Washington, DC 20005, USA

W kopercie zalaczona jest tez rozkladana ulotka

The "Final Revelation"
"Divine Guidance"
From The
You may obtain a translation of the meaning of the Qur'an from any mosque or Islamic centre. You may also access it through the following websites:
oraz list

January 20, 2006

Subject: Thank You for Your interest in the Quran!

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to thank you for requesting a copy of the Quran Translation through Discover Islam. Your initiative and effort to understand the Islamic faith and the Word of almighty God through the Quran are sincerely appreciated.

We hope this book will lead you to a new world of discovery and enlightenment!
According to Muslims, the Quran is the Final Word of almighty God (Allah) to all human beings revealed to the last Prophet of God, Muhammad, peace be upon him. Revealed in an exceptionally eloquent Arabic language, the Quran confirms the message brought by all the Prophets of Islam, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jesus, and Moses peace be upon them.

For those who heard it for the first time from the lips of Prophet Muhammad, the Quran was a living reality. Their hearts and minds were seized by it. They found each word of it deeply relevant to their concerns and experiences. They were completely transformed by it as individuals and as a community. As Canadian Muslims, we believe the Quran is as relevant, applicable, and insightful today, as it was 1400 years ago.

We hope no other venture in your life will be so momentous and crucial as your journey to and through the Quran - that is , the study of the Quran with an open mind and a conscious heart.

A Word of Caution: As you begin your study of the Quran, there are a few passages that you may not comprehend fully unless you know the context of their revelation. There are several commentaries of the Quran available that can help.

Please feel free to contact us if yu have any inquiries. If you are interested in visiting a Mosque or Islamic Centre, please contact us and we can arrange a visit for you.

Note: Enclosed is a list of suggested resources for further study about Islam.


Discover Islam Canada Team
1.877.Read it 5 (1.877.732-3485)

Suggested Resource List for Further Study about Islam:

- A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam, by I. A. Ibrahim. ISBN: 9960-34-011-2.
- Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations, by Michael Sells. ISBN: 1883991269.
- Deeper Roots: Muslims in the Americas and the Caribbean from before Columbus to the Present, by Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick.
- Gender Equity in Islam - Basic Principles, by Dr. Jamal Badawi, ISBN: 0-89259-159-5.
- Human Rights in Islam, by Abul Ala Mawdudi. ISBN: 0-9503954-98.
- Islam: Does it Make Sense?, by Ayub A. Hamid. ISBN: 0973460105.
- Islam the Natural Way, by Abdul Wahid Hamid. ISBN: 0-948198-09-2.
- Islam Our Choice: Portrait of Moder American Muslim Women, by Debra L. Dirks and Stephanie Parlove. ISBN: 1-59008-018-1.
- Jesus: Prophet of Islam, by Muhammad Ata ur Rahman. ISBN: 1-879402-07-6.
- Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources, Martin Lings. ISBN: 0892811706.
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Islam, by Yahiya Emerick. ISBN: 1592572723.
- The Life of the Prophet Muhammad, by Marmaduke Pickthall. ISBN: 0915957868.
- The Meaning of the Holy Quran, by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. ISBN: 0-91597-31-0.
- Towards Understanding Islam, by Abdul Ala Mawdudi. ISBN: 1-883591-01-5.
- Understanding Islam - A Guide for the Judaeo-Christian Reader, by Jerald F. Dirks. ISBN: 1-59008-021-1.
- Understanding the Quran - A Contemporary Approach, by Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud. ISBN: 59008-022-X.
- Woman in Islam, by Aisha B. Lemu and Fatima Heeren. ISBN: 0-86037-004-6.


- A New Life in a New Land [DVD & VHS], by Milo Productions Inc.
- Choosing Islam [VHS], by Sound Vision
- Hijab: An act of Faith [VHS], by Sound Vision.
- Islam: A Closer Look [VHS], by Sound Vision.
- Islam: Empire of Faith [DVD & VHS], by PBS Home Video.
- Muhammad: Legacy of A Prophet [DVD & VHS], by Kikim Media and Unity Production Foundation.
- The Life of the Last Prophet [Audio CD], by Mountain of Light.

** To purchase any of these items, you may contact either:

Sound Vision Canada
Phone: 905.566.1444
61 Dundas STreet West, Mississauga, ON L5B 1H7

I.C.N.A Book Service
Phone: (416) 609-2452
100 McLevin Ave., Unit 3-A, Scarborough, ON

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