Thursday, January 05, 2006


It's time for you to join the NDP
by Dana Larsen (11 Dec. 2005)

If you are a Canadian who loves freedom and hates the drug war, then it's time for you to become a New Democrat.

If you want live in a Canada which is strong and free, a nation which resists American imperialism and rejects the war on drugs, then you must absolutely support Canada's New Democratic Party in this federal election.

Canada is in the midst of a federal election, and when this election is over there will remain four parties in Parliament. For most Canadians, the choice is between the Conservatives, the Liberals and the NDP. It is vital to the future of our country that the NDP have as many seats as possible.

This is a time of change in the Canadian political scene. The Liberals have become discredited and their political dominance continues to drop. Yet the Conservatives have failed to produce policies which resonate with a majority of Canadians. With Quebec dominated so completely by the Bloc Quebecois, it will be difficult for any party to secure a solid majority.

It is likely that Canada will have a succession of minority governments until a new stability is achieved. During this period of political restructing there is an unprecendented opportunity for the NDP to make dramatic political gains.

There are many regions in Canada where the NDP has a very good chance of picking up more seats. Although the NDP is unlikely to form government in this election, it is well-positioned for growth over the coming years, and will certainly continue to play a very key role in government.

Parties on the drug war

For those of us who see Canada's drug war as a major campaign issue, there is no other choice than the NDP. Canada's NDP has been firm in their stand against prohibition for many years, and Jack Layton has repeatedly articulated his views in support of ending the drug war.

In comparison, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper has said that if his party gains power, he would shut down Vancouver's safe injection site and introduce two-year mandatory minimums for most drug traffickers. Harper most ominously declared a two year mandatory minimum for marijuana growers as well. This will fill the jails and devastate the cannabis culture in unprecedented ways.

Liberal leader Paul Martin prefers to play both sides of the fence, claiming that he will "decriminalize" marijuana with a bill that will actually widen the possession net and also double the maximum penalties for cultivation and sale of pot.

Only the NDP backs a sane and realistic pot policy. The NDP campaign has not yet brought out their formal crime and justice platform. However, in a December 9 interview Jack Layton once again made it clear that the federal NDP backs a non-punitive system that includes "rules around marijuana use, personal use, age, driving, trafficking, mass production and marketing."

End Prohibition with eNDProhibition

I have been a marijuana activist for all of my adult life. I ran for the Canadian Marijuana Party in 2000, and for the BC Marijuana Party in 2001. In 2003 I joined the NDP, and I have been happy with the response I have received from within the party.

In order to support Jack Layton and other federal NDP leaders in their firm position against the drug war, I have formed a group called eNDProhibition, the anti-prohibition wing of the NDP. eNDProhibition also serves to encourage Canada's various provincial NDP parties to back the federal NDP stance.

I urge any Canadian who recognizes the harms caused by the global drug war to join the NDP, and also join eNDProhibition. By joining the NDP and working inside the party, we can help to elect as many NDP MPs as possible, and also ensure that the party maintains its strong position against thd drug war (

23 stycznia 2006 znow bedziemy mieli mozliwosc wyrazenia swojej opini na temat rzadu federalnego. Ostatni raz mielismy te sposobnosc w czerwcu 2004 roku. Redakcja "Gazety" bedzie starala sie przyblizyc Panstwu wizerunek polityczny 10 okregow w Ontario, w ktorych zamieszkuje 5 proc. lub wiecej wyborcow polskiego pochodzenia.
Oto one:
1. Etobicoke Centre, Toronto
2. Etobicoke Lakeshore, Toronto
3. Parkdale High Park, Toronto
4. Hamilton Stoney Creek
5. London North Centre
6. Mississauga East - Cooksville
7. Mississauga Erindale, Mississauga
8. St. Catharines
9. Mississauga - Streetsville
10. Windsor West
Statystycznie, obywatele Kanady mowiacy po polsku stanowia 1,61 proc. ludnosci Kanady. Ta liczba zwieksza sie do 2,58 proc. jesli wliczymy w to Kanadyjczykow niemowiacych po polsku, ale takich, ktorzy sami sie zaliczaja do grupy polskiej...
Jako grupa etniczna w niewielkim stopniu interesujemy sie polityka. Tylko 50 do 60 proc. obywateli zaliczanych do Polonii glosuje w wyborach federalnych (Elzbieta Betowska Tadeusz Lojko, "My - Polacy i wybory", GAZETA 242, 16 - 18 grudnia 2005).

Polonia jest podzielona na dwa obozy, ktore najprawdopodobniej nigdy nie beda myslaly o sobie jako o jednej spolecznosci. Ten powazny podzial jest wina obu stron i jest spowodowany brakiem umiejetnosci mowienia po polsku. Jezyk okazal sie bariera, ktorej sami nie jestesmy w stanie pokonac. Ci, ktorzy glownie posluguja sie jezykiem polskim, nie uwazaja tych, ktorzy nie mowia po polsku, za Polonie (Elzbieta Betowska, W czym tkwi problem?", GAZETA 242, 16 - 18 grudnia 2005).

Przychodze dzisiaj z pracy do domu, a tam w drzwiach kolorowa blyszczaca ulotka:


"Peggy Nash will make such a fine Member of Parliament for Parkdale-High Park. The issues she raises are the issues that Parkdale-High Park cares about. And you will never, as constituents, feel neglected. I daresay that Peggy Nash will prove to be the most conscientious MP that voters could possibly hope for."
Stephen Lewis
Former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations

Peggy Nash is simply the best choice. She'll make sure Toronto gets the funds it needs-for transit, affordable housing, child care, the environment and settlement services. We don't need another Liberal with no voice. Peggy is our city-builder. We need Peggy Nash to be Toronto's champion in Ottawa."
Mayor David Miller

A Champion for Democracy
It was a great honour to be chosen as an Official Observer from Canada to monitor the December 2004 Presidential Elections in Ukraine.

Peggy Nash: A Woman of Principle
"I've known Peggy Nash for a long time. She's a woman of integrity, intelligence, and compassion. What more could any of us want in a friend or a politician?"
June Callwood
Writer and Journalist Chair, Campaign Against Child Poverty

"Peggy Nash has been a leader in the equity and human rights movement. She is a woman of integrity and principle. Peggy will be a formidable MP in Ottawa."
Bromley L. Armstrong
Member of the Order of Canada, Order of Ontario and former Ontario Human Rights Commissioner.

It's time to send Peggy Nash to Ottawa
Peggy Nash Campaign
2062 Dundas Street West
(at Pacific)

* A Parkdale-High Park resident for more than 20 years
* Raised three sons who attended Runnymede, Howard, Humberside and Western Tech. public schools
* A chief negotiator for the Canadian Auto Workers, working with major car manufacturers, and the service sector
* Speaks French and Spanish
* United Way Campaign Cabinet Member
* Ontario Coalition for Better Childcare Council Member
* METRAC (Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children) Past Director
* Active in Equal Voice, a multi-party organization committed to electing more women to Parliament
* Avid runner with marathon experience

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