Monday, February 01, 2010


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70% DARK
1 X 140 X 6G
Batch #1 913332
Best by: 05/2011
The Healthy Chocolate
Le Chocolat Sante

Czekolada nie jest tania. Rachunek za pudeleczko US$145.77. Aby byc w organizacji i spozywac te czekolade musze wedlug zasady kupowac jedno pudelko na miesiac. Bo tyle nalezy jej jesc dla zdrowia. Ja juz lece na czekoladce dobry miesiac.

Chocolate Gold
Once a rare commodity, chocolate is now an affordable treat
Like flowers and cards, chocolate is one of those old stand-bys on Valentine's Day. But you might be surprised how far the butter-cream filled delights you give to your loved one have come over the years.
It is thought that the first people to discover the powers of chocolate were the Mayans sometime during the period between the years 250 and 900 A.D. "Kakawa" (later cacao or cocoa) beans were harvested from inside the white, pulpy, football-sized fruit that first originated from the cacao tree found deep inside the Mexican rainforests. (The Mayans eventually transplanted cacao trees to their villages for easy harvesting.) Once gathered, the beans were fermented, dried and roasted before the naturally bitter beans were mixed with water, chili peppers, herbs, cornmeal, honey and vanilla to create a spicy, frothy drink.
According to the website The Field Museum (, the Mayans eventually introduced the bean to the Aztecs and this bean quickly took on a new value. The Aztecs traded with Maya and other peoples for cacao and often required that citizens and conquered peoples pay their tribute in cacao seeds - a form of Aztec money. Chocolate also played a special role in both Maya and Aztec royal and religious events. Priests presented cacao seeds as offerings to the gods and served chocolate drinks during sacred ceremonies. While many people of the Maya society could drink chocolate on occasion, it was particularly favoured by royalty. But in Aztec culture it was primarily only rulers, priests and honoured men who could afford to enjoy this bitter brew.
The first European introduced to cocoa was Christopher Columbus. It is said that he was greeted by the Aztec who offered him a bag of cocoa beans in exchange for trade goods. Columbus hated the beverage and failed to see the value of such currency but nearly two decades later Hernan Cortes realized the enormous value of the cocoa bean as a means of payment. He exploited the Aztecs and their land by building cocoa plantations in order to amass a fortune in "brown gold." The Spanish court kept the discovery secret for many years but eventually other countries discovered this food gold and Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Jamaica and Hispaniola were covered with cocoa plantations.
Chocolate became increasingly widespread and its popularity grew in many other European countries but it was still a beverage for the rich of a society. For the next 300 years the enjoyment of this expensive import served as a sign of wealth and power for Europe's upper classes.
Europeans were the first to add sugar to lessen the bitterness of the substance. But while the brew became less bitter as time went on, the history of chocolate in Europe is hardly sweet. Both cacao and sugar were labour-intensive agricultural products so to keep up with the demand for chocolate, many European nations established colonial plantations for growing these plants. Wage labourers and enslaved peoples made up the workforce on these plantations.
While Europeans sweetened the bitter brew with cinnamon, spices and sugar, it was a Dutch inventor from the 1800s who began to make the transition to the chocolate we know and love today. Due to the cocoa butter and the imperfect grinding of seeds, liquid chocolate tended to taste fatty and gritty. This enterprising fellow figured out how to separate the cocoa butter and eventually a machine was used to smooth the chocolate. A Swiss chocolatier then added evaporated milk, creating the first chocolate bar.
It was the Industrial Revolution that further helped to revolutionize chocolate. The creation of the steam engine made it possible to grind cocoa and produce large amounts of chocolate quickly and inexpensively. Moving from a handmade luxury enjoyed by the upper classes to mass production gave all walks of society access to this delicious treat - including lovers on Valentine's Day! (FIFTY-FIVE-PLUS MAGAZINE, January/February 2010).

Pudelko czekolady mam. Dobrze sie sklada, bo Walentynki czyli sw. Walentego jest 14 lutego. Akurat w 5 miesiecy po smierci Isabel. Zmarla 14 wrzesnia na Podwyzszenie Krzyza Swietego. Bedzie to czekolada dla niej. Walentynkowa. Lubilismy czekolade z Isabel. Czekoladek Xocai nie doczekala biedna, ale na pewno cieszy sie z mojego apetycznego smakowania ich.

3 Easy Ways to Purchase
X Power Squares
1. Purchase at the Retail Price from an MXI Corp Associate.
2. Become an MXI Preferred Customer and purchase the products at a discounted price.
3. Join the MXI Team by becoming an MXI Corp Associate and purchase the product at the wholesale price.
For more information about
Xocai, The Healthy Chocolate visit:

01:19 Hrs. Budze sie na siusiu.

04:15 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze minus 8-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -16C. Temp. w kuchni 22C.

04:21 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:30 Hrs. Pije sok z marchwi + wstawiam wode na zagotowanie.

04:36 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Przekroj" (

Zaobserwowano, ze zarowno naczelne, jak i inne ssaki (konie, jelenie, psy, gryzonie), a nawet ptaki sie masturbuja. Samce wykorzystuja do tego wlasne konczyny i pyski, a samice rowniez narzedzia ("Czy zwierzeta przezywaja orgazm? Jezeli tak, to czy objawia sie on odczuwaniem przyjemnosci podobnie jak u ludzi?", PRZEKROJ, 27 pazdziernika 2009).

05:15 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 79 kg.

05:20 Hrs. Ceremonia lancuchowa.

05:53 Hrs. Zmywam naczynia + biore tabletki i zapijam zielona herbata.

05:59 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" ( z "Dressed to impress. Lady Gaga makes a splash at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards last night" na okladce.

06:10 Hrs. Wkladam do torby 2 kanapki + 2 mandarynki + 1 jablko + 1 banan + 1 pomidor.

06:11 Hrs. Dawkuje sobie kapsulke CHANCA PIEDRA + popijam zielona herbatka + witaminy "D" & "C".

06:40 Hrs. "Lece w gore wysoko, jak Feniks z popiolow" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze mroznie minus 10-stopniowo. Oczuwalne -17C. Ksiezyc za firankowymi chmurkami. W dzienniku: Tiry na Slowacji protestuja. Baba wybuchla w Bagdadzie. Brak elektrycznosci na Malopolsce.
ESSO, Schell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.96.1.

Czestuje sie ze skrzynek: "Metro" ( z "Singer Beyonce Knowles performs last night during the 52nd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in Los Angeles" na okladce + "24H Toronto" ( z "Electronics ban while driving. Grace period's over - if you want to play, be ready to pay" na okladce.

10:30 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai Nugget.

15:20 Hrs. W Warmia Deli kupuje obiad ($9.10). Krupnik + kopytka + "Gazeta" ( Na okladce:

* Owacyjne przyjecie Krzysztofa Pendereckiego w Toronto.
* UPA uznana uczestnikiem walk o niepodleglosc Ukrainy.
* Polski plakat podbil Europe.
* Polacy powinni popierac polskich kandydatow.
* Egzekucja przez pomylke.
* Katowice: tysiace ludzi bez wody i ogrzewania.
Dwie fotografie: (1) Krzysztof Penderecki nagradzany byl burzami oklaskow, a w Metropolitan United Church w piatek musiano dostawiac krzesla; (2) Zwycieski plakat polskiej studentki Marii Milenko.

15:43 Hrs. W domu + "Hello! Canada" ( z "Brad and Angelina. We take you inside their relationship" na okladce. Na dworze -4C. Odczuwalne -12C. Temp. w kuchni 13.3C. Podkrecam termostat.

20:10 Hrs. Jem pomidor + jablko + czekoladke Xocai Nugget + CHANCA PIEDRA. Temp. w kuchni 24.8C.

20:50 Hrs. 10 lykow soku z marchwi przez slomke + 11 lyzek ziaren konopnych (Hemp Hearts) + ide spac.

22:05 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

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