Wednesday, February 24, 2010

W panstwach policyjnych

takich jak Kanada i USA policja ma niesamowita wladze. W Stanach wladza ta pochodzi z bezposrednich wyborow szeryfow. W Kanadzie z silnego braterstwa policyjnego i zwiazkow zawodowych policjantow, ktore manipuluja politykami i systemem sprawiedliwosci.

W obydwu krajach tzw. "wojna z narkotkami" daje policji narzedzia do zniewalania wlasnych spoleczenstw i lamania praw obywatelskich. Policja lamie prawo uzywajac i handlujac narkotykami. Podrzuca narkotyki niesfornym "przestepcom". Stosuje roznego rodzaju zasadzki i prowokacje.

Spoleczenstwo jest zniewalane powoli i systematycznie, poslusznie zgadzajac sie na kajdany w niby slusznej sprawie, bo niby dla bezpieczenstwa dzieci przed diabolicznymi narkotykami.
Czarna propaganda policyjno-rzadowa swoje robi w oglupianiu spoleczenstwa.

Powstala dosc znamienna sytuacja: polnocno-amerykanskie spolczenstwa sa zniewolone bez zadnej opozycji. Bez wiezniow politycznych. Po prostu spoleczenstwa wyrazily zgode na niewole za niezdefiniowane poczucie bezpieczenstwa.

Paradoksem jest to, ze to wlasnie prohibicja i wojna z narkotykami zagrazaja spoleczenstwu. To one kreuja przemoc, mafie, gangi motorowe i uliczne + wiecej represji ze strony prawa w niewinnych obywateli.

Zaniedbalem moj dyzurny temat o marihuanie. Zebralo sie tony wycinkow, przemyslen, analiz i refleksji. Jest mala nadzieja w USA. Tam moze cos strzeli i ruch antyprhibicjonistyczny odniesie sukces. Choc Obama w tej kwestii dalej podtrzymuje rasistowskie i opresyjne prawa narkotykowe.

W Kanadzie dalej policyjna ciemnota. Fanatyk Harper pogania fanatykiem Ignatieffem. Czyli tutaj podobna sytuacja jak w Polsce. Na prawicy czy lewicy, tacy sami bolszewicy.

Asking 'Can you hook me up?' part of officer's job, judges say

Drug traffcking acquittal quashed by appeals court


TORONTO * The phrase "Can you hook me up?" has long been understood in popular culture to refer to a request for some kind of drug transaction.
But what it means when uttered by undercover police officer was at the heart of a closely watched case before the Ontario Court of Appeal.
The court determined the phrase is a generic question as to whether someone deals drugs.
Legally speaking, "Can you hook me up?" was equated to mean "I am investigating whether you a purveyor of narcotics. Do you sell such goods?"
It's a decision that could aid street-level police narcotics operations accross the country. The case involved a $40 cocaine deal in February 2006 between an undercover Toronto police officer and Aliu Imoro, in an apartment building in the northwest section of the city.
The officer was acting on an anonymous tip that a "black male" was dealing drugs on the 12th floor. After getting off the elevator, the officer made eye contact with Imoro in the hallway and asked "can you hook me up?" The officer walked with an unidentified civilian to an apartment.
The other man purchased marijuana from Imoro and the officer bought cocaine. Police made a second $40 drug buy the next day and charged Imoro with trafficking.
Superior Court Justice Nancy Spies acquitted Imoro following a three-day trial in 2008, on the basis that he was the victim of entrapment.
Police are permitted to randomly offer people an opportunity to commit a crime if there is "reasonable" evidence it is an area where criminal activity is occurring. In this case, there was no evidence to support a "reasonable suspicion" that Imoro was dealing drugs in the building until the officer asked if he "could hook him up," the judge stated.
But the Court of Appeal concluded that Judge Spies "mischaracterized" what the officer was doing, in its ruling issued on Feb. 12. "By the question 'Can you hook me up?' all the officer really asked Mr. Imoro was whether he was a drug dealer. The question was simply a step in the police's ivestigation of the anonymous tip. It did not amount to giving Mr. Imoro an opportunity to traffic in drugs," wrote Justice John Laskin on behalf of Justices Robert Blair and David Watt.
The arrest, based on the observation of the drug deal in the apartment, was reasonable and not entrapment, said the appeal court. It substituted a finding of guilt for Imoro, who will be sentenced at a later date.
As a sign of the importance placed on this issue, the lead Crown on the appeal was Morris Pistyner, chief prosecutor in Ontario for the federal prosecution service (NATIONAL POST, Monday, February 22, 210).

00:52 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budze sie na siusiu i wstaje. Na dworze minus 5-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -7C. Temp. w kuchni 24C.

04:21 Hrs. Lyk soku Karela (skonczyla sie butelka).

04:31 Hrs. Pije herbatke ziolowa Flor*Essence.

04:43 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:45 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (

"Ksiazki, ktore najchetniej czytam, tez opowiadaja o strasznych traumach, sa to na przyklad pamietniki narkomanow czy prostytutek" - DODA ("Jestem najlepsza", NEWSWEEK, 3.01.2010).

05:20 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 79 kg.


W takich momentach, jak druzyna Kanady w hokeja na Olimpiadzie bije Ruska, az pieknie byc Kanadyjczykiem!

19:34 Hrs. Rozpoczyna sie mecz hokeja pomiedzy Rosja i Kanada. Ogladam z doskoku.

19:37 Hrs. Kanada 1-0.

19:55 Hrs. Kanada 2-0.

19:57 Hrs. Kanada 3-0.

20:01 Hrs. Rosja 3-1.

20:07 Hrs. Kanada 4-1.

20:30 Hrs. Kanada 5-1.

20:32 Hrs. Kanada 6-1.

20:34 Hrs. Rosja 6-2.

20:41 Hrs. Kanada 7-2.

20:45 Hrs. Rosja 7-3.

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