Thursday, October 01, 2009

Nie ma co tam

w tancu pierdziec. Dosc mieczenia sie. Lez. Isabel by tego sobie nie zyczyla. Zakasac rekawy. Wracac do pracy i zyc zycie w pelni. Szczesliwie.

Dlatego wczoraj zamontowalem nowa drukarke laserowa HP LaserJet P1505 ( + zarejestrowalem sie na coroczna wystawe + konferencje o ochroniarstwie Security Canada INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CONFERENCE & EXPOSITION (

Bylem na niej juz kilkakrotnie. Dla kazdego interesujacego sie ochroniarstwem, w jakim kierunku te uslugi ewoluuja, jakich gadzetow uzywaja, to niezla gradka i zachecam aby odwiedzic, posluchac, poogladac.

Dla mnie praktykujacego ochroniarza + interesujacego sie tym przemyslem z punktu widzenia akademickiego, to wspaniala uczta dla intelektu. Tez zaduma i przestroga czym moze byc Wielki Brat, jak da sie mu totalna wladze do inwigilacji spoleczenstwa.

00:05 Hrs. Wlaczam ogrzewanie w domu. Na dworze 7C. Temp. w kuchni 15.8C.

00:15 Hrs. Odwracam kartke kalendarza ANIXTER ( W pazdzierniku reklamuje sie firetide ( + ogladam DVD "Wiek Ziemi" z Creation Science Evangelism (

04:02 Hrs. Budze sie. Siusiu + lyk Diet Coke.

07:46 Hrs. Budze sie. Kurcz. Siusiu + lyk Diet Coke.

10:34 Hrs. Pije szklanke wody strukturowanej + z werandy podnosze "Toronto Sun" ( z "Sandra Buss-ted!" na okladce + "National Post" ( z "The Canadian Connection" na okladce. Na dworze slonecznie. 8-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 19.5C.

11:11 Hrs. Pije na czczo herbatke ziolowa Flor*Essence.

11:27 Hrs. Wychodze do sklepu po chleb. Zabraklo. Nigdy by sie to nie przytrafilo, jakby Isabel zyla. Na dworze 8-stopniowo. Wietrznie. Chlodno. Petro-Canada na rogu bierze za litr paliwa $0.92.7.

11:35 Hrs. W kolejce do zaplacenia za chleb. Country Harvest 100% Whole Grain Twelve Grain ($3.39). Przede mna kobieta ubrana w kurtke. Na plecach napisane: "If it is not Scottish It is crap".

11:43 Hrs. W domu. Po krotkiej rozmowie z sasiadka.

13:50 Hrs. Odmawiam Tajemnice swiatla za dusze zmarlych. Mojego taty Henryka i mamy Genowefy. Zony Marii Isabel i jej taty Julio.

14:20 Hrs. Pije 4 lyki wody strukturowanej.

14:22 Hrs. Ponuro. Klade sie.

15:00 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (

Ponad 50 milionow Amerykanow na 306 milionow nie ma zadnego ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego. Rosnace bezrobocie zwieksza te liczbe. Kolejne 50 milionow wykupilo bardzo tanie ubezpieczenia i musi zaplacic z wlasnej kieszeni pokazna sume, zanim ich polisa zacznie dzialac. Tacy niedoubezpieczeni w przypadku powazniejszej choroby staja na skraju bankructwa: nie moga liczyc na pokrycie kosztow calego leczenia. A te sa bardzo wysokie. Samo lozko w szpitalu kosztuje przecietnie od 2 do 4 tys. dolarow za dobe. Rachunki medyczne sa powodem co drugiej upadlosci konsumenckiej w USA.
37 milionow pracujacych Amerykanow nie ma polisy zdrowotnej, mimo ze pracuje zawodowo. Ich pracodawcow nie stac na wykupienie ubezpieczenia. Coraz wiekszym luksusem staje sie takze ubezpieczenie dentystyczne niewchodzace w sklad zwyklych polis, oplacanych przez czesc firm (Tomasz Deptula, "Wielkie leczenie Ameryki", NEWSWEEK, 24.05.2009).

15:50 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 76 kg.

16:00 Hrs. Badam stezenie cukru we krwi. 4.7 mmol/L. Czuje sie glodny. Jem kanapke. Na dworze slonecznie. 11-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 18C.

18:25 Hrs. Uzupelniam wpis na dzien: Niedziela 20 wrzesnia 2009. Festiwal Polski ( Pomalu nadrabiam zaleglosci. Jestem 7 dni do tylu. Liczac od 11 wrzesnia.

19:33 Hrs. Rzady Polski i Francji wycofuja swe poparcie Romanowi Polanskiemu. Podaje CNN. Lubie niektore Polanskiego filmy, jego kunszt aktorski, ale nie lubie jak pali glupa. Tak jak byly prezydent USA Bil Clinton, ze slawnym swym komentarzem o marihuanie: Palilem, ale sie nie zaciagalem.

Roman Polanski podobnie. Liczy na ignorancje ludzi. Nie, panie Romanie. Zgwalciles nieletnia 13-letnia dziewczynke majac 43 lata. Jestes zboczencem seksualnym i zaden dorobek artystyczny tego nie zetrze. Za swoj nierzadny czyn nalezy odpowiedziec.

Poland's prime minister speaks out
Donald Tusk reminds ministers of the severity of the crime
* Poland's prime minister has urged his Cabinet ministers to use restraint in defending director Roman Polanski, reminding them yesterday that the case was about "having sex with a child."
Polanski, 76-year-old dual Polish and French citizen, was arrested Saturday as he arrived in Zurich to receive a life achievement award from a film festival. The United States has been seeking his extradition for having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl.
On Monday, Poland's Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski issued a joint plea with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner asking for Polanski's release and for the U.S. to offer him clemency. Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Tuesday that Sikorski was motivated by "positive feelings toward a great artist" but stressed that the foreign minister had acted on his "own initiative."
Tusk acknowledged Polanski as an "outstanding Polish director" but said his ministers need to show "greater restraint" in defending him, saying it is a "case of rape and of punishment for having sex with a child."
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (METRO, Wednesday, September 30, 2009).

Cut to the mid-'70s when Polanski himself, already a dirty old 43, plied 13-year-old Samantha Gailey with Quaaludes ('70s designer downers) and champagne and had sex with her (Paul Sullivan, "Time for Polanski to face the music", METRO, Wednesday, September 30, 2009).

Atkins became one of the most notorious members of the Manson cult for participating in - and once saying she personally carried out - the stabbing murder of pregnant actress Sharon Tate.
Manson, who is serving a life centence, invited Atkins to join what became known as his "family" in 1967. She was given the name Sadie Mae Glutz and came to view Manson as Jesus Christ. At Manson's behest, she took part in a July 1969 robbery that ended in the murder of Gary Hinman, an old friend of Manson.
Prosecutors said Manson's goal was to hasten what he saw as an inevitable race war - which he called "Helter Skelter" after a song by the Beatles that he viewed as prophetic - and to emerge as leader of the post-apocalyptic world. Atkins helped carry out the killing spree that Manson hoped would trigger the war.
On Aug. 9, 1969, Atkins and three other Manson followers broke into the rented home that Tate, a 26-year-old actress and model who was eight months pregnant, shared with her husband, the film director Roman Polanski. Polanski was in London at the time.
Tate and four others on the property were fatally stabbed or shot. The word "PIG" was written in Tate's blood on the door. Prosecutors said Atkins did that and also tasted the actress's blood.
Atkins testified in 1971 that, high on LSD, she stabbed Tate: "She kept begging and pleading and begging and pleading, so I stopped it" (Bloomberg, "Susan Atkins. Convicted in Manson Family murder spree", NATIONAL POST, Monday, September 28, 2009).

19:37 Hrs. Temp. w kuchni 17.8C. Wlaczam ogrzewanie.

NEWSWEEKLY, September 21, 2009


Newsweekly and Publishing HR would like to extend their condolences to friends, family and colleagues of long-time Rogers employee, Isabel Remedios. Isabel passed away on September 14 after courageous battle with cancer.
She had just turned 59. Isabel joined Maclean Hunter's financial department in 1980 where she made many lifelong friends and has been a member of the team every since. Our hearts are with Isabel's husband Edward, sons Andrew and Pedro, mother Bertine, brother Ze and friends and coworkers who had the pleasure of working with her for many years (PubNet FOR PUBLISHING EMPLOYEES -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bardzo ciekawie napisane. Jestem pod wielkim wrażaniem.