Monday, October 26, 2020

Potraktowalem Kowida

duzymi ilosciami czosnku i oleju oregano. Zwinal sie z bolu jak owsik i go wydalilem w oparach niewyobrazalnego smrodu. Polowanie na Kowidow trwa i sie intensyfikuje. Wladze wykrzykuja, ze Kowidow wytropimy, wylapiemy, zaszczepimy, albo pod respirator podlaczymy. Dzisiaj tylko zalatwilismy 851 Kowidow w Ontario. Malo, i to mnie zaniepokoilo. Zaczalem studiowac ksiazke o tropieniu Kowidow. Jest to podrecznik dla brytyjskich sluzb specjalnych pt. "SAS and Elite Forces Guide. Manhunt: The Art and Science of Tracking High Profile Enemy Targets". Wytropimy cie masowy morderco, zneutralizujemy, stracimy do piekla i zapomniemy. Tracking, which is the central skill and science involved in a manhunt, has developed over milennia for very basic reasons. From prehistoric times, hunters used tracking skills to find both large and small game to eat. These skills would have involved a high level of intuitive understanding of types of animal track and other clues as to their whereabouts, and would have been taught to succeeding generations as the most basic and essential form of schooling. Successful tracking would ultimately lead to the killing of the animal for food and the end of the hunt. (...) Trackers also needed to learn the art of stealth. There would be no point successfully following a track and then scaring the animal away. The same principles are involved in a manhunt. The target has to be successfully tracked without them knowing that they are being followed or are close to capture. The final approach has to involve a large element of skill and surprise, otherwise the target may have time to get away" ("MANHUNT: The Art and Science of Tracking High Profile Enemy Targets"). ... W Polsce babuny, babajagi, bezmozgowa mlodziez i rozni dewianci wyszli na ulice aby robic strajk "kobiet". O strajkach to oni tyle wiedza co zjedza. Ja solidarnosciowiec z 1980 roku moglbym im cos powiedziec, ale oni wola sluchac roznych zachodnich anarchistow, terrorystow, antify i lewactwa. Po prostu sa neomarksistami i lubuja sie w technikach i taktykach nazistow i bolszewikow.

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