Friday, June 22, 2018

Nie ma

slonca, nie ma opalania. Skora dzis odpoczywala.


Dzis studiowalem "Ksiecia" Niccolo Machiawellego. Lubie wracac do tej lektury. Nigdy sie nie nudzi i za kazdym razem jak wezme te ksiazke do reki to odnajduje inne swiaty machiawelizmu. Wlasciwie dobry strateg wojenny powinien studiowac Machiawiellego razem z innymi dwoma moimi ulubionymi strategamii. Pruskim Karl von Clausewitz + chinskim Sun-Tzu. Studiowanie tych trzech autorow-strategow prac jest rzeczywiscie szlacheckim zajeciem, taka intelektualna gra w szachy, z tym, ze na szachownicy militarnej historii.

"Cannabis hemp is just a phenomenal plant, it can be used to make everything except metal and glass" - JODIE EMERY

22 June

Niccolo Machiavelli dies outside Florence

1527 Old, frustrated and disappointed, Niccolo Machiavelli died this day at 58 on the outskirts of Florence, the city he loved so well, the city that elevated, enriched, imprisoned, banished and forgotten him. Machiavelli has spent the last fourteen years of his as a gentleman farmer, living in obscurity, writing his books. Clearly he had lost none of his worldly scepticism as death approached, commenting, 'I would rather go to hell than to heaven. There I will enjoy the company of popes, kings and princes, while in the other place are only beggars, monks and apostles.'
Ironically, it was during his time in the political wilderness that Machiavelli immortalised himself as the father of power politics. His most influential work is The Prince, a treatise based on his observations of that ruthless, treacherous, implacable and capable soldier and nobleman, Cesare Borgia.
The Prince sets out Machiavelli's ideas on what a ruler must do to succeed. His incisive cynicism is shown by one of the book's most famous passages. In advising how leaders should treat their subjects, he wrote, 'Men should be either treated with generosity or destroyed; because they will revenge themselves for small offences but for great ones they cannot.'
He also comments on how a prince should want others to see him. 'Is it better to be loved or feared? ... It is better to be both, but it is much safer to be feared than loved, if one has to choose between them.'
Future leaders who we know were influenced by Machiavelli's writings are numerous: Richelieu, Frrederic the Great, Napoleon, Bismarck, Clemenceau. Hitler kept a copy of The Prince on his bedside table (W.B. Marsh and Bruce Carrick, "365 Your Date with History", ICON BOOKS, Cambridge UK, 2004).

00:09 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Poczatek astronomicznego lata o godzinie 12:07".

00:20 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody.

00:57 Hrs. Jem pomarancze.

01:07 Hrs. Jem banana.

01:30 Hrs. Jem jablko.

01:59 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + jem kawalek ananasa + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 73 kg.

03:04 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

07:50 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

07:55 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Zakazana Historia".

08:35 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg.

08:50 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Marijuana legalization: The good & the bad" na okladce + spiew ptakow. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 17C. Tempearatura na tarasie 21C + temp. w kuchni 20C.

08:55 Hrs. Biore 2 lyzki stolowe oleju z lnu.

09:07 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody + 1/2 cytryny.

09:18 Hrs. 3-cia szklanka wody + 1/2 cytryny + 2 daktyle.

10:40 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

11:00 Hrs. Jem banana.

11:25 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty ziolowej Mniszek lekarski + kromka chleba orkiszowego posmarowana dzemem z czarnych porzeczek + kawalek czekolady 74% + kapsulka 134 mg Magnesium Citrate + zelatynka 900 mg Omega-3.

14:25 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste). Temperatura na tarasie 27C + temp. w kuchni 21C + 4-ta szklanka wody.

16:45 Hrs. Jem miseczke twarogu + 4 zabki czosnku + 3 lyzeczki miodu Manuka + smietana 18% + frytki Tostitos.

19:08 Hrs. Ogladam na Facebooku: "Cannabis Culture News LIVE: Canada "legalizes" Marijuana".

Jodie Emery zaprasza do kafejki Jodie's Joint.

19:17 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody.

19:48 Hrs. 6-ta szklanka wody.

20:08 Hrs. Jem 1/2 ananasa.

20:22 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).


20:55 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste + puszyste).

21:15 Hrs. Organiztorzy reklamuja nowy magazyn pt. "High Canada".

21:29 Hrs. Biore 2 lyzki stolowe oleju z lnu.

21:39 Hrs. 7-ma szklanka wody strukturowanej.

21:45 Hrs. Siusiu (przezrozyste).

22:15 Hrs. Jem 12 pierogow z kapusta i z grzybkami.

22:30 Hrs. "Nie zwracajmy uwagi na te glupie zydowskie oskarzenia" - EWA KUREK + wrzucam video na Facebook.

23:33 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty owocowej GLOG + kawalek czekolady 74% + tabletka 25 mg Zinc + tabletka 99 mg Potassium Citrate + kapsulka 134 mg Magnesium Citrate + kapsulka 17 mg Zinc-Copper Balance + zelatynka 900 mg Omega-3.

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