Friday, November 24, 2017

Maryska jest

w centrum debaty. Rzad Kanady planuje w przyszlym roku zlegalizowac konopie indyjskie do konsumpcji medycznej i rekreacyjnej. Wielka okazja dla roznych zlodzieji. A najwiekszym zlodziejem jest zawsze panstwo, z tym ze kradnie "legalnie", w bialych rekawiczkach przez swoje agencje.

Czym bardziej panstwo jest wmieszane w totalna kontrole, produkcje i dystrybucje, tym wiecej Kanadyjczycy traca swoje prawa i wolnosci. Legalizacja marihuany to zniewolenie Kanadyjczykow. Dlatego mam wielkie watpliwosci co do celow legalizacji kontrolowanej przez rzad. Legalizacja na zywiol + dopuszczenie wolnej konkurencji (nie monopolu panstwowego) i prywatnej inicjatywy, to jest wyjscie. Poza tym konopie to chwast, tak jak mlecz. Niech sobie rosna dziko, albo niech sobie ludzie hoduja jak chca, dac im wolnosc! Rzad panstwa powaznego powinien sie bardziej zajmowac istotniejszymi dla zycia sprawami swoich obywateli jak chwastem w ich domach i ogrodkach.

Ta ich "legalizacja" to okradanie ludzi i kontrolowanie ich wolnosci. "Chcecie maryski, nalozymy wam kajdany" - (totalna kontrol i inwigilacja + wysokie ceny + podatki + policja). Jesli to jest alternatywa a la Justin Trudeau i cena ktora musza placic uzywajacy tego ziela, to ja nie chce "legalnej maryski" i niech dalej bedzie nielegalna, a Kanadyjczycy w miare jeszcze wolnym narodem. Choc o suwerennosci musza sobie pomarzyc (vide. deportacja Kanadyjskich obywateli, jak Marc Emery za lamanie marihuanowych praw innych panstw).

"Dla urzednika lekiem nie jest to, co leczy, lecz to, co zostalo zatwierdzone jako lek" - BOGDAN JOT

"Niestety, polskie prawo wciaz opiera sie na calym szeregu przeklaman, polprawd i gleboko zakorzenionych blednych przekonan. Mam nadzieje, ze ta ksiazka uda mi sie choc troche zmienic te sytuacje.
Osoby zainteresowane tematem marihuany (w szczegolnosci leczniczej) zapraszam do odwiedzania mojego bloga (Bogdan Jot, "Odklamywanie marihuany", MMJ, Bydgoszcz 2014).

"Modlitwa, post i umiarkowanie, ktore stoja na strazy naszego zdrowia psychicznego i fizycznego, sa bezplatne i zawsze na wyciagniecie reki" - MAREK ZAREMBA h. Zaremba


Przed wojna mielismy zdolnych konstruktorow broni. Vis jest juz legenda, ale niewielu wie, ze Polacy tez opracowali jeden z najlepszych karabinkow wz.38M (Poland's WW2 Battle Rifle: the Maroszek wz.38M). Nie odkrywac Ameryki, tylko wrocic do polskich korzeni i produkowac wlasna bron. Najlepsza na swiecie.

00:13 Hrs. Jem 5 orzechow wloskich + pije pudeleczko soku FORTUNA + 40 orzeszkow pistachios.

02:19 Hrs. Lektura tonowa. "Maclean's".

"The province is still 97 per cent white and 90 per cent Christian" - MEAGAN CAMPBELL

Smith has converted to Islam and wears a hijab; and though she still cooks a traditional Jiggs' diner, and fish and brewis, she said after her conversion, "I finally feel at peace."
Muslim immigrants are some of the best educated citizens in the province. They serve as much-needed doctors in rural areas, engineers for oil rigs, and teachers. Although some Muslims arrived in the 1960s, immigration increased when Newfoundland ended its denominational school system in 1998, the last province to do so. There are now Muslims in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador City, Nain - "they are everywhere," says Haddara. The RCMP in St. John's has requested Islam 101 sessions from the Muslim association, which also considers itself a friend of the clergy.
On 9/11, Newfoundland refreshed its code of hospitality as the town of Gander hosted about 6,200 airline passengers from around the world. And when six worshippers were shot and killed in Quebec last year, Newfoundlanders created a human shield around their own mosque in solidarity. "We were praying inside, and all these 1,500 Newfoundlanders were surrounding the mosque and waiting until our prayer was over," recalls Haddara. "We live in complete confidence and harmony with each other."
However, the mosque recently received $46,000 from the government for requested security equipment, including surveillance cameras, and research by Jennifer Selby, an associate professor of religious studies at Newfoundland's Memorial University, has documented hate crimes including graffiti or racist slurs. Islamophobia does exist (Meagan Campell, "Newfoundland. An oasis in the Atlantic. To thousands of Muslims on the island, Newfoundland is a remarkable example of how to get along", MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE, December 2017).

02:30 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 72 kg + 1-sza szklanka wody strukturyzowanej.

06:15 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe).

09:15 Hrs. Budze sie + siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste). Odslaniam okna. Slonce. Temperatura na tarasie 11C . + temp. w kuchni 22C + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Cena wielkosci jest odpowiedzialnosc" - WINSTON CHURCHILL.

09:23 Hrs. 2-ga lektura tronowa. "Maclean's".

"Most troubling part of cybercrime is how it has been enthusiastically embraced by states. Countries that cannot project power by conventional means, such as Russia, North Korea and Venezuela, are waging a digital war, and they are causing real damage" - SCOTT GILMORE

Imagine a medieval knight charging across the battlefield on his warhorse, visor down, lance lowered. He was the M1 tank of his time, and just as costly. In order to afford the horses (there had to be several spares), the squires, food to feed them all, his weapons and of course his shining armour, a knight required an estate with up to 500 serfs working the soil. And, like a modern tank, he was critically important in any campaign. Clad in over 100 lb. of steel and riding a destrier that weighed more than a ton, the knight was an unstoppable force that could break the strongest line of defence.
Then, in the 11th century, a few small technical changes were made to the crossbow. These added a little more power to the bolt, just enough to pierce plate armour. Suddenly, our charging knight is crashing into the mud with a bolt through the chest, fired by a serf standing 300 yards away.
Not long after, in 1096, Pope Urban II issued a papal decree banning the crossbow. The pope was not motivated out of particular concern for the horrifying wound a bolt could make, but because it threatened to dramatically destabilize the balance of power. If untrained peasants, armed with cheap crossbows, could kill a knight, then suddenly the wealthiest kingdoms were vulnerable to threats from the poorest, which made conflict far more likely.
This fear of the instability created by a new technology is what has motivated most of the arms control conventions in history. For example, in 1675, the Strasbourg Agreement prohibited poison-tipped bullets. After the First World War, the Geneva Protocol banned biological an chemical weapons. In 1967, the Outer Space Treaty forbade placing atomic bombs in orbit. Today, we face a new technology, one that is dramatically destabilizing the world: cyberattacks. It may be time for a digital disarmament treaty (Scott Gilmore, "A digital arms accord", MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE, December 2017).

09:52 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 70 kg.

09:59 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju nz lnu + CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto 3C + zachmurzenie umiarkowane.

10:04 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody.

10:14 Hrs. Jem 2 kromki chleba orkiszowego posmarowane polskim maslem + honey on the top.

10:18 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Canada leads in household debt: OECD. Economic growth comes at a price" na okladce + spiew ptaka + wiatr.


For the third year in a row, homicides involving firearms saw an increase in both their number and rate. In 2016, there were 223 fire-arm-related homicides, or 44 more than the year before. At a rate of 0.61 per 100,000, it was also the highest rate of firearm-related homicides since 2005. Gang activity was linked to 54 per cent of these homicides, up from 43 per cent in 2015 (Monika Warzecha, "The cities with the highest homicide rates", NATIONAL POST, Friday, November 24, 2017).

11:40 Hrs. 3-cia szklanka wody.

11:53 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty ziolowej Zdrowa Watroba + 2 daktyle + 6 tabletek 1000 IU (6000 IU) witaminy D + tabletka 1000 mg witaminy + tabletka 560 mg Magnesium Bisglycinate + tabletka 99 mg Potassium Citrate + tabletka 350 mg Calcium Factor+ + lyzeczka pylku kwiatowego.

12:44 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe).

12:53 Hrs. 4-ta szklanka wody + lyzka stolowa octu jablkowego.

13:10 Hrs. Jem banana.

13:27 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste). CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto 9C. Temperatura na tarasie 13C + temp. w kuchni 23C.

"Kto sie nie modli do Boga, modli sie do diabla" - LEON BLOY

13:54 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + lekko puszyste).

14:26 Hrs. Robie Full Royal Stretch+. Dalej odczuwam bol w dolnych plecach (+ masaze magnetyczne mega-rozdzka Herkulesa) + lekka opuchlizna lydek i stop (lewej nogi bardziej). Masuje nogi polem magnetycznym + burczenie w brzuchu z glodu.

14:39 Hrs. Jem banana.

15:05 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

15:44 Hrs. Jem serek Babybel.

16:02 Hrs. Jem jablko.

17:25 Hrs. Budze sie po krotkiej drzemce z magnesem na piersi + siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste). Na dworze ciemno + zaslaniam okna. Temperatura na tarasie 12C + temp. w kuchni 23C.

17:30 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody.

17:40 Hrs. Jem 5 oliwek z puszki.

17:51 Hrs. Wyjmuje ze skrzynki na listy magazyn "Shooting Times" z "Workhorse. FN America's new HI-CAP 9 mm carries the load" na okladce + ciemno + wiatr + rogalik ksiezyca na niebie + dzwiek Izabelinek na werandzie.

20:35 Hrs. Jem 3 jajka + cebule + puszke krojonych pieczarek. Smazone na oliwie z oliwek + oliwki z puszki.

20:55 Hrs. Jem miseczke czerwonej gotowanej fasoli.

22:22 Hrs. Po rozmowie z B.B. Wspomnienia z lat studenckich w Ottawie.

22:25 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

22:47 Hrs. Pije szklanke zielonej herbaty + 2 szkockie ciasteczka Walters + kapsulka 200 mg Coenzyme Q10 + kapsulka 120 mg Ginkgo Biloba + zelatynka 900 mg oleju z ryb Omega - 3.

23:00 Hrs. Waze sie. 71 kg + lekko opuchniete nogi + bul lumbaga odszedl.

23:32 Hrs. Badam cisnienie krwi 6 razy pod rzad + wyciagam srednia.

1. 116/76 + puls 88 + arytmia.
2. 132/81 + puls 106 + arytmia.
3. 122/86 + puls 96.
4. 105/72  puls 105 + arytmia.
5. 105/79 + puls 96 + arytmia.
6. 122/77 + puls 88 + arytmia.

Srednia: 117/78 + puls 96 + arytmia.
Kategoria: Optymalne.

23:47 Hrs. Jem jablko.

23:59 Hrs. Jem banana.

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