Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Tylko tytul udalo mi sie napisac na iPodzie. Proba ogolnie udana. Sam sobie gratuluje. Teraz tylko troche praktyki w pisaniu na iPodzie. Nie jest latwo. Delikatna sztuka.

Wazny dzien. Zrobilem tez fotke iPoda na stole kuchennym. Ten przyrzad pozwala mi przegladac moj blog i na nim umieszczac informacje wszedzie na swiecie gdzie moge znalezc hot spot. Biore go do Rzymu.

Dzis z rana moge wiecej sobie popisac na laptopie. Mam troszke wiecej czasu, poniewaz nie musze przygotowywac kanapek na lunch. O 11:45 Hrs. rozpoczynam scisly post. Na wodzie tylko. Po pracy zaczne brac srodek przeczyszczajacy. Jutro o 11:45 Hrs. rozpocznie sie wezowa penetracja okreznicy + zoladka w celu przegladu + polowanie na polipy.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze lecimy na plusach. Jest 2-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23C.

01:17 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:17 Hrs. Pije wode z cytryna + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:20 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek".

You'd expect aging flower children to fight for the right to get high. But aging conservatives? As the ideals of the Tea Party's most vocal libertarians infiltrate the Republican ranks, and state and federal officials slash budgets even as they pump cash into an expensive war on drugs, some conservatives are making the case for legalizing marijuana. It isn't Nancy Pelosi who's speaking out in favor of legalized pot - she's been careful not to take a position on Prop 19 - but rather her Republican challenger in California, John Dennis. And in Massachusetts, Barney Frank's Tea Party-backed Republican opponent, Sean Bielat, has said he leans libertarian on the issue, and it hasn't hurt his race against the longtime congressman, who strongly supports decriminalization of pot. "As you see the liberty wing of the Republican Party grow, you'll see more support for legalization," says Dennis, who drew cheers during a campaign stop recently at the International Cannabis and Hemp Expo in San Francisco, where his staff altered his campaign sign to sport Rastafarian colors and a pot leaf. Republican power broker Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, points out that legalization can make sense from a conservative perspective because it touches on issues of national security and fiscal prudence. "First, there is the mess that is Mexico. Narcoterrorism is made possible by our drug prohibition in the U.S. Then there is the cost of incarceration," he says. Gary Johnson, the Republican former governor of New Mexico and a putative presidential candidate for 2012, says he believes that "Proposition 19 has the opportunity to be the domino that could bring about rational drug policy nationwide" (Eve Conant, "Pot and the GOP. Is the party of 'just say no' morphing into the party of 'just say grow'?", NEWSWEEK, November 1, 2010).

04:59 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 84 kg.

05:05 Hrs. Zalaczam niepelna informacje na blogu uzywajac iPod.

05:19 Hrs. Robie fotografie iPoda na stole kuchennym. Ma on byc obok cyfrowego aparatu + dlugopisu PARKER mobilnym standardowym sprzetem blogiera. Do not leave home without it!

05:40 Hrs. Przygotowuje sobie miche platkow Kellogg's Special K (3 rozne rodzaje) + 1 suszony aprikot + 1 figa. + 6 rodzynek + 15 plasterkow swiezego banana. Wszystko zalewam mlekiem. Jem i pisze na laptopie.

06:00 Hrs. CBC RADIO I podaje, ze wojna domowa w Libii intensywnieje. Talibowie morduja ministra w Pakistanie.

06:09 Hrs. Biore 6 tabletek chemii + zielona herbata.

06:10 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Always eccentric and often a pariah, Gaddafi's response to the revolt in Libya has some experts questioning his sanity" na okladce.

20:20 Hrs. Ostatnie 10 lykow wody (250 mil.). Przez 4 godz. i 20 minut wypilem 4 litry srodka przeczyszczajacego Klean-Prep. Jak na razie na tronie bylem tylko raz. Czekam na nastepny atak sraczki.

Przez okres picia preparatu lezalem na kanapie i bawilem sie iPodem. Sluchajac muzyki na sluchawkach. Poczytalem sobie Blog Leweda + probowalem nawet zamiescic z iPoda informacje na blogu. IPod to partyzantka. Pisanie jednym palcem wymaga troche treningu. Ale sluchanie muzyki na sluchawkach i buszowanie w tym samym czasie po Internecie to mile i wciagajace zajecie.


The Tunisian government and a long-banned Islamist party both denounced the grisly slaying of a Roman Catholic priest, the first deadly attack on a member of religious minority since last month's ouster of that country's longtime autocratic leader.
The 34-year-old Polish priest, Marek Mariusz Rybinski, was found on Friday with his throat slit and stab wounds in the parking lot of the religious school in a Tunis suburb.
The Interior Ministry said Saturday the killing appeared to be the work of a "group of extremist terrorist fascists," judging by the way it was carried out, and vowed that those responsible for the "odious crime" would be severely punished.
The long-outlawed Islamist Ennahdha, or Renaissance, party called on authorities to "cast light on the real circumstances of this incident ... before making accusations."
The statement signed by party leader Rached Ghannouchi, who returned to Tunisia last month after decades in exile, urged "vigilance in order to ward off anything that could spark anarchy in our country."
In a separate statement, the party also distanced itself from a recent anti-Semitic incident in front of Tunis' Grand Synagogue, as well as small protests targeting bordellos and stores selling alcohol.
Ennahdha was outlawed under the rule of the ousted president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, but is widely regarded as moderate by scholars.
At least 2,000 people staged a peaceful demonstration in central Tunis on Saturday to denounce extremism and call for tolerance. The demonstrators rallied outside the main Tunis theatre (TORONTO STAR, Sunday, February 20, 2011).

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herbarz Polski" zacne szlacheckie rodziny RYBINSKI przypisuje do klanow: Dolega, Prawdzic, Radwan, Wydra.

Refrenistki i w ogole - celebrytki pragnace zrobic kariere w naszym nieszczesliwym kraju, upodobaly sobie wystepowanie na estradzie w desusach, czyli majtkach. Jak szwankuje glos czy zalety intelektualne, to zawsze mozna zaszokowac impotentow posladkami, czy nawet calym kroczem - bo wiadomo, ze takiej powaznej zastawce zaden jeszcze sie nie oparl.
Na tym zapewnie opiera pani filozofowa i siostry Sisters swoja strategie na najblizsze wybory. Wprawdzie pani Manuela Gretkowska z Partii Kobiet, do ktorej zdradziecko, ze swoja sfatygowana meskoscia, podlaczyl sie prof. Wiktor Osiatynski, juz przedtem sfotografowala sie z kolezankami, a nawet pokazywala na billboardach na golasa, ze to niby nie maja niczego do ukrywania przed obywatelami - ale jeszcze nie posunela sie do tego, by do polityki odwaznie wejsc kroczem (Stanislaw Michalkiewicz, "Pyrrusowe przechwalki", GONIEC, 18-24 lutego 2011).

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