Monday, February 14, 2011

Portret wlasny

pieczonej kaczki francuskiej a la Rysiek prezentuje sie ladnie na stole kuchennym. Kaczka sprawdzila sie. Smakowala. Rysiek glowny kucharz tez zadowolony. Zrobil niespodzianke walentynkowa dla swej zony.

Dzisiaj uplywa 17 miesiecy od smierci Isabel. Pomodlilem sie za jej duszke. Zmowilem Tajemnice radosne. Dzien wietrzny. Temperatura spada + nieustepujacy bol w szyi.

In the middle of Europe in the middle of the twentieth century, the Nazi and Soviet regimes murdered some fourteen million people. The place where all of the victims died, the bloodlands, extends from central Poland to western Russia, through Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic States. During the consolidation of National Socialism and Stalinism (1933-1938), the joint German-Soviet occupation of Poland (1939-1941), and then the German-Soviet war (1941-1945), mass violence of a sort never before seen in history was visited upon this region.
The victims were chiefly Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Russians, and Balts, the people native to these lands. The fourteen million were murdered over the course of only twelve years, between 1933 and 1945, while both Hitler and Stalin were in power. Though their homelands became battlefields midway through this period, these people were all victims of murderous policy rather than casualties of war. The Second World War was the most lethal conflict in history, and about half of the soldiers who perished on all its battlefields all the world over died here, in this same region, in the bloodlands. Yet not a single one of the fourteen million murdered was a soldier on active duty. Most were women, children, and the aged; none were bearing weapons; many had been stripped of their possessions, including their clothes (Timothy Snyder, "Bloodlands Europe between Hitler and Stalin", BASIC BOOKS, New York 2010).

03:47 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik. Juz nie spie + poranna modlitwa. Na dworze silny wiatr. Slysze dzwiek Izabelinek na werandzie. Temperatury plusowe. Jest 6-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23.2C.

04:10 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER + zielona herbata.

04:13 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Wprost".

Polski bol glowy z Rosja probujemy usmierzyc juz ktores stulecie z rzedu. Wprawdzie Jaroslaw Kaczynski twierdzi, ze problemy z Moskwa mozna latwo rozwiazac, ale nic tego nie potwierdza w historii Polski od 1610 r., kiedy to Zolkiewski zajal Moskwe i Kreml - po dwoch latach polskie wojska musialy sie wycofac. Stalo sie to 4 pazdziernika, ktora to data jest obecnie swietem narodowym Rosji. Potem byly juz tylko porazki, a nawet zwycieska wojna 1920 r. zostala przegrana politycznie w wyniku fatalnego porozumienia pokojowego (Marcin Krol, "Wielki Brat. Czy istnieje cos takiego jak sensowna polityka Polski wobec Rosji? Tak, choc nawet ona moze nie przyniesc efektow", WPROST, 30 stycznia 2011).

05:03 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 83 kg.

05:08 Hrs. W kuchni. Wlaczam radio (CBC) + laptop. Pije ziolo SKRZYP + Al-Madinah daktyl + czytam scary staff, artykul o chuligance w policji + prawne zezwolenie na to. I wszystko za pieniadze podatnika. Autorem jest Joe Warmington. Tytul: "Above the law? It's disturbing that there are convicted officers still on the payroll".

Did you know right now Toronto Police have more than two dozen officers who have either been convicted by the courts or are currently before them?
"At the end of December, about 25 officers (including different ranks) were suspended with pay, suspended without pay or suspended and reinstated," said Dr. Alok Mukherjee, chair of the Toronto Police Services.
It's disturbing to many members of the public that there are police officers still on the payroll even though the courts convicted them of crimes...
There are officers on the job who have criminal records...
Much of the public hears of convicted police officers still getting paid and remain confused at how this could be when such high standards are upheld for other professions (THE TORONTO SUN, Thursday, February 10, 2011).

05:32 Hrs. Gospodarka Chin przegonila Japonie. Jest druga po USA - podaje BBC on CBC. Zalewam mlekiem platki Kellogg's Special K + 1 figa + 6 rodzynek + 12 plasterkow (pol) banana.

06:00 Hrs. Lykam 6 tabletek chemii + zielona herbata.

06:13 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Egyptian military dissolves regime. Vows referendum. Constitution suspended as new Cabinet meets" na okladce.

06:20 Hrs. Biore tabletke ziolowa RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbata. Na dworze 5 stopni ciepla. Temp. w kuchni 23.4C.

06:47 Hrs. "I will always love you" spiewa Whitney Houston (ulubiona piosenkarka Isabel) w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM gdy parkuje na parkingu w pracy. Na dworze wietrznie + gwiazda polnocy na niebie. Wilgotno + mokro + strugi wody splywajace ulica. Slisko. O malo sie nie wywrocilem W dzienniku: Droga A-1 zablokowana.
ESSO na Bloor West Village bierze za litr paliwa $1.11.4.

15:29 Hrs. Kupuje w FOOD BASICS 3 pudelka platkow Kellogg's Special K + 4-funtowa baryleczke margaryny BECEL ($21.96).

17:30 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP + Al-Madinah daktyl.

18:10 Hrs. Biore tabletki + popijam zielona herbata.

Co tam panie w

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