Friday, November 26, 2010

W Czarny Piatek

sypnelo u nas bialym sniegiem. Black Friday to dzien przeceny na produkty w USA. Snieg sie zaraz topil, a na przecenie kupilem 12 rolek recznikow papierowych do kuchni ($5.64) w supermarkecie FOOD BASICS.

Ktos by pomyslal, no i co z tego, ze w Ameryce sprzedaja za pol darmo, ze snieg pada w Toronto i ze ja kupilem 12 rolek papierowych recznikow za $5.64 w kanadyjskim supermarkecie FOOD BASICS. I to wszystko wydarzylo sie w piatek. Nic dziwnego, ze nazywaja go "czarnym".

01:10 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + arytmia.

02:10 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + arytmia + ciasteczko (glod sciska w zoladku).

02:34 Hrs. Siusiu. Nawet nie zdazylem zasnac po ostatnim. Arytmia naparza ostro. Cechuje ja czeste bieganie na siusiu.

03:11 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + arytmia.

04:20 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze minus 1-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -8C. Temp. w kuchni 22.2C.

04:32 Hrs. Pije 200 mil wody + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:50 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Polityka".

"Polaka nie zadowoli nawet krolowa brytyjska, bo on zasluguje na wiecej" - DANIEL PASSENT ("Najgorsze sa dobre wiadomosci", POLITYKA nr 36 (2772), 4 wrzesnia 2010).

05:25 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 85 kg.

05:31 Hrs. Pije herbatke ziolowa SKRZYP.

05:56 Hrs. Biore tabletki + zapijam zielona herbata. Po chinskim ryzu.

06:11 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Canada to boycott Durban III 'Hatefest'. 'Tainted' Process" na okladce. Wiatr + Izabelinki. Minus 2-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -9C.

06:23 Hrs. Biore tabletke RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbatka.

06:42 Hrs. "To nie jest fair. To nie jest fair" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworzu zimno. Bez kalesonek ciagnie po nogach. Porwisty wiatr. Ulamana galaz drzewa na chodniku.
ESSO, Schell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.07.0.

09:37 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER + gruszka.

12:08 Hrs. Sse rosyjski cukierek DJUSZEC. Poczestowal mnie mily Rosjanin.

15:23 Hrs. W ksiegarni Husarz kupuje "GazetaGazeta" + "Goniec" + czestuje sie darmowym "Merkuriusz Polski" z "Jaruzelski ekspertem od bezpieczenstwa" na okladce.

Na okladce "Gonca":
* Powrot czerwonego generala. Komorowski zapowiada przyjazn polsko-rosyjska.
* Korea - blef czy wojna?
* Polak uczy Indian na polnocy Ontario.
* Uwaga! Nie kupuj u zlodziei.
* Startuje, aby wygrac!
Jedna fotografia: Obecny prezydent wita bylego geneska na posiedzeniu Rady Bezpieczenstwa.

Na okladce "GazetaGazety":
* Prezydent Komorowski rehabilituje generala Jaruzelskiego.
* Pigulki na dlugowiecznosc coraz blizej.
* Arcybiskup sam oddal sie w rece policji.
* Kryzys i recesja rujnuje psychicznie Amerykanow.
* Rosjanie przyznaja sie do zbrodni?
* Zmarl sekretarz premiera Mikolajczyka.
Dwie fotografie: (1) Prezydent RP Bronislaw Komorowski wita sie z przybylym na posiedzenie Rady Bezpieczenstwa Narodowego bylym prezydentem Wojciechem Jaruzelskim; (2) Arcybiskup Kenneth William Storheim.

15:30 Hrs. Kupuje kopytka w Warmia Deli ($5.64).

15:45 Hrs. Kupuje papierowe reczniki w FOOD BASICS ($5.64).

16:08 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze zimno. Wietrznie. izabelinki graja. Minus 1-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -9C. Temp. w kuchni 15.6C.

17:17 Hrs. Pije herbatke ziolowa SKRZYP.

18:50 Hrs. Biore lekarstwa + popijam zielona herbata.

18:58 Hrs. Po rozmowie z Ottawa.

19:37 Hrs. Biore tabletke RAPHACHOLIN C + zapijam zielona herbata.

The most enthusiastic participants in the American confrontation with the Russians will be the former Soviet satellites, particularly Poland. In a sense, they will be leading the Americans as much as being led. Poland has everything to lose from Russia's reemergence and little to protect it from the Russians. As the Russians come back to its frontier, Poland will look to the rest of Europe to support it through NATO. There will be a little enthusiasm in Germany or France for any confrontation, so Poland will do what it historically did when confronted by Russia or Germany - it will seek an outside power to protect it. Historically this did not work. The guarantees made by France and Britain in 1939 did nothing to protect Poland against Germany or Russia. The United States will be different. It is not a power in decline, but a young, vigorous risk taker. To Poland's pleasant surprise, the United States will be strong enough to block the Russians.
The rest of Europe, particularly France and Germany, will have extremely mixed feelings about America's superiority over the Russians. Having lived through one cold war in the twentieth century, they will have little desire to live through another one. At a time of declining populations in all of these countries, the Germans and the French might be relieved to see Russia - also with a declining populations but still enormous broken up. However, they will not be happy to see the United States in a strong position in Europe outside of institutions like NATO, which the Europeans actually used to control and contain the United States.
Nor will Germany, France, and the rest of Western Europe be used to the sudden self-confidence of Poland or of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. The confrontation with Russia will paradoxically make these countries feel more secure because of the strong bilateral ties with the United States through which they seek to block Russian power. Freed from their primordial fear of the Russians and increasingly unconcerned about a weakening Germany, these countries will see themselves as relatively safe for the first time in several centuries. Indeed, the Franco-German decline will be felt all around the European periphery, driven partly by population decline, partly by moribund economies, and partly by the geopolitical miscalculation of opting out of the confrontation with Russia (and therefore disrupting NATO), The net result will be an intensification of the crisis of confidence that has undermined France and Germany since World War I.
As a result, there will be a general redefinition of the European power structure. The collapse of the Russians will give the Eastern Europeans both the opportunity and the need to adopt a more aggressive foreign policy in the east. The Slovaks, Hungarians, and Romanians have been the least vulnerable to the Russians because the Carpathians formed a natural barrier. The Poles, on the northern European plain, will be the most vulnerable, yet at the same time the largest and most important Eastern European nation.
As the Russians fall apart, the Poles will be the first to want to press eastward, trying to create a buffer zone in Belarus and Ukraine. As the Poles assert their power, the Carpathian countries will also project power east of the mountains, into Ukraine. For five hundred years, Eastern Europe has been a backwater, trapped between the great Atlantic European powers and Germany on the one side, and Russia on the other. In the wake of the collapse of Russian power, the European order will shift to the east, to an Eastern Europe with deep ties to the United States (George Friedman, "The next 100 years. A forecast for the 21st century", ANCHOR BOOKS, New York 2010).

20:52 Hrs. Biore lyzeczke proszku z glonow SPIRULINA + czekoladke Xocai POWER.

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