Wednesday, September 29, 2010


w Kanadzie traci wsrod spoleczenstwa marke, prestiz i reputacje. Nic dziwnego. Bo zamiast chronic wolnosc i bezpieczenstwo obywatela, zniewala pomalu to spoleczenstwo. Jak za PRL-u milicja. Tworzy to przepasc miedzy policja i spoleczenstwem. Z milicjantem bylo sie wstyd pokazac na ulicy, a z pojsciem na komende milicji, to tak jak kazdemu Polonusowi z pojsciem do ambasady PRL w Kanadzie. Byl to wstyd i hanba.

Dlatego obywatele Kanady nie chwapia sie tez ze zglaszaniem przestepstw na policje. A po co? Nie pomoga, a zaszkodzic moga. Tak jak milicja w PRL. Czlowiek z nimi sie nie zadawal. Ta tendencja zauwaza sie tez tu w Kanadzie w stosunku do policji. Spoleczenstwo im nie ufa i nie wierzy, ze moga byc w czyms pomocni.

Ostatnia decyzja szefow policji popierajaca rzadowa ustawe o rejestracji broni palnej zrazila sobie te instytucje do wiekszosci spoleczenstwa Kanady. Policja przeciw wolnosci do posiadania broni. Policja wspiera autorytaryzm. Jednym slowem, policja jest wrogiem spoleczenstwa.

Kiedy rola i prestiz policji w spoleczenstwie spada, rosnie szansa dla przemyslu ochroniarskiego. Zwykly czlowiek bardziej zaufa ludzkiemu i wyrozumialemu ochroniarzowi czy prywatnemu detektywowi, niz wynioslemu, grubianskiemu i aroganckiemu policjantowi.

Ottawa A new statistical portrait on crime in Canada shows that fewer victims are going to police, a trend attributed to a feeling that the incident is not worth the bother and authorities can't do anything about it. Statistics Canada, in the 2009 General Social Survey released yesterday, reported that only 31% of crime victims in the preceding 12 months said they took their cases to police, a drop from 34% in 2004 and from almost 40% a decade ago. Sex assault victims were by far the most likely to fail to report. Seventy-one per cent of those who had property stolen did not notify police, and young Canadians were less likely than older people to report crimes, said the survey of almost 20,000 people. Postmedia News (NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, September 29, 2010).

"Police chiefs and police officers have lost my respect, totally." That's what one reader told me immediately after the three opposition parties ganged up Wednesday to preserve the federal gun registry. She was far from alone. For weeks now, I have been receiving scores of emails along the lines of the one above. People who before the registry would have been the most diehard supporters of the police, now see themselves as the victims of a smear campaign, especially by the chiefs.
It would be difficult to overestimate the damage the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) has done to the police-community relationship with its aggressive, political, one-sided push to maintain the registry.
To do their jobs properly and maintain the support of the citizenry, chiefs have to appear to be above the political din, fair and objective, treating all citizens the same. Yet in the gun registry debate, the country's police chiefs - and especially Bill Blair, Toronto's Chief and the president of the CACP - were anything but neutral. They took sides, and like any other lobby group, used facts selectively to advance their favoured outcome.
More troubling still, Chief Blair was openly contemptuous of any gun owners opposed to the registry, implying that anyone who wanted the registry ended was naive and indirectly assisting gun crime...
Gun owners are not going to be in any mood to work with police. And that's what I mean by the damage police have done with their actions and tactics. Having actively opposed gun owners and insulted their intelligence, Chief Blair now thinks they will make nice with him and his colleagues. Why? Because all good citizens should respect authority figures? Well, not any more. Chief Blair has strained our social fabric and in the process made policing in Canada much harder. For this, he has no one but himself to blame (Lorne Gunter, "Tarnishing the badge", NATIONAL POST, Friday, September 24, 2010).

03:23 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

06:35 Hrs. Wynosze smieci (Green Bin) na chodnik + podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Prostitution laws struck. Ontario ruling could lead to legalized brothels nationwide" na okladce. Na dworze 11-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23.2C.

06:57 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego Hemp Oil + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

10:44 Hrs. Biore tabletki i popijam 200 mil wody. Po szprotkach w oleju firmy LOSOS USTKA + 1/8 malej goracej czerwonej papryczki chili.

12:28 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. Jade do Ryska. Chce popracowac troche przy ganku. Shell bierze za litr paliwa $1.00.5.

12:57 Hrs. U Ryska. Bierze sprezarke do pistoletu na farbe.

13:52 Hrs. Zakupy w Jaswoj Bakery ($16.60).

13:55 Hrs. Kupuje "Gazeta Gazeta" w Ksiegarni Pegaz ($0.95). Na okladce:

* Policjantka sprawczynia wypadku polskiego autokaru? (Piecioro rannych w wypadku pod Berlinem opuscilo szpitale).
* Stan kleski zywiolowej w B.C.
* Terrorysci planowali ataki.
* Obchody 71. rocznicy powstania Polskiego Panstwa Podziemnego.
* Ukraina liczy na Polske w drodze do UE.
* Naukowcy znalezli gen migreny.
Dwie fotografie (1) Wrak polskiego autobusu po wypadku na autostradzie na berlinskiej obwodnicy; (2) Uroczystosci zwiazane z 71. rocznica powstania Polskiego Panstwa Podziemnego odbyly sie 27 bm. przed pomnikiem Polskiego Panstwa Podziemnego i Armii Krajowej w Warszawie.

14:00 Hrs. 8 piw w LCBO ($16.80).

14:49 Hrs. Zakupy w supermarkecie No Frills ($32.60).

15:14 Hrs. Rozmowa z SEARS. Wcisneli mi karte kredytowa. SEARS przeja role banku i wydaje karty kredytowe. Poinformowalem ich grzecznie, ze karta zostala przecieta w pol i wyrzucona do kosza. Nawet jej nie aktywowalem. I zeby nie przysylali rachunkow z 19.99% odsetkami na karte kredytowa ktora nie istnieje.

19:00 Hrs. Tabletki popite zimna zielona herbata.

21:09 Hrs. W domu. Odwiozlem Ryska. Na dworze 16-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 20.8C.

Policjanci z supertajnego warszawskiego Wydzialu Techniki Operacyjnej kupowali auta od oszusta po zanizonej cenie i do prywatnych celow, donosi "Rzeczpospolita" powolujac sie na swoje zrodla w policji (" "Rzeczpospolita": Jak tajniacy auta kupowali", GAZETA GAZETA, sroda - czwartek, 29 - 30 wrzesnia 2010).

For the most part, security systems within an organization operated under the radar of CEOs and CIOs...
One is starting to see a transition to a structure where the security manager reports to the Chief Security Officer responsible for both physical and IT security (Fredrik Nilsson, "Intelligent Network Video").

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