Tuesday, June 13, 2006



Wiemy, ze USA jest krajem wolnym i demokratycznym. Caly zniewolony swiat o tym wie!
Cenzura prewencyjna, jaka stosuja wszystkie stacje telewizyjne transmitujace programy "na zywo", jest tylko takim PRL-owskim dodatkiem, kwiatkiem w butenierce Ameryki.

Po wypadku z "cyckiem Janet Jackson" telewizyjne programy "na zywo" sa transmitowane z 3-minutowym opoznieniem. Wiadomo cenzura w celu propagowania wolnosci i moralnosci na miano cenzury nie zasluguje w wolnej Ameryce.

Demokracja amerykanska, tak jak wolnosc, powiazana jest z moralnym dobrem narodu. Wiele stanow amerykanskich wiekszoscia glosow swoich obywateli przeglosowalo rezolucje aby uzywac konopii indyjskich (marihuany) do celow leczniczych. Ale federalny amerykanski tyran wolnosci nie pozwala na takie demokratyczne widzimisie swojego narodu. KGB-DEA swoim dlugim i zbrojnym ramieniem wolnosci zwalcza ten demokratyczny terroryzm swoich wlasnych obywateli!

I dobrze, bo porzadek musi byc w modelowym panstwie wolnosci i demokracji. Przeciez nie beda tej wolnosci eksportowac na caly zniewolony swiat amerykanskie dziewczyny z obnazonymi piersiami i wolni obywatele palacy skreta czy to dla zdrowia czy dla przyjemnosci, prawda?

Wlasnie SZAWA (Szlachecka Agencja Wywiadowcza) podrzucila mi magazyn "Shock" (http://www.shocku.com/) do przegladniecia. A w nim szokujace wiadomosci z wolnosci. Jest i cycek pani Jessici Simpson, kokaina Kate Moss, pocalunek z jezyczkiem Paris Hilton, prawdziwy reportaz z wojny, osiem bitych stron o KKK. Jednym slowem - amerykanska wolnosc bez cenzury!

Trzy desperackie komentarze slomozbutnego:

pan koscielny said...
Pan Koscielny bardzo to pochwala,
ze Ozon ci przycial nochala.
Nie wylaz wiecej z kibucu,
bo ci Froggie znow przywali, bucu!
3:44 AM

pan koscielny said...
Na forum Expatpol
pisza zes UBol?!
4:10 AM

isabelbitch said...
Dobrze sie stalo,
ze go z Ozona pognalo -
nie bedzie nam smrod lewedzi
o zydowskim Graalu bredzil!
9:09 AM

Wyraznie bolszewickiemu chamowi slomozbutnemu nerwy popuszczaja i jucha sie cicho saczy mu z nosa. Ten ruski wiesniak na samo slowo SZLACHTA dostaje torsji i dlawi sie jakby musial widly polykac.

Zaczal cienko piszczec na Expatpolu w temacie "Pol-Can Bank Trust i "Dziennik" przepraszaja" (http://expatpol.com/index.php?stsid=29278).
Badzmy cierpliwi. Wkrotce i jego prawdziwe nazwisko wyplynie na Sieci, a z nim jego chamskie wiesniackie geny. Zakompleksione geny, ktore kaza mu nienawidziec szlachte polska, szkalowac i oczerniac Zydow polskich i zajmowac sie dzialalnoscia paszkwilancka wobec pana Edwarda Kuciaka z Toronto, lidera Polskiej Ligi Szlacheckiej w Kanadzie.

Longtime NPR radio host Garrison Keillor, best known for A Prairie Home Companion, launched a missile against the Drug War in a recent issue of In These Times.
"A marijuana grower can land in prison for life without parole while a murderer might be in for eight years," he bristled. "No rational person can defend this, it is a Dostoevskian nighmare... a foul tragedy that makes you feel guilty about enjoying your freedom." Keillor has adapted A Prairie Home Companion for the silver screen; noted pothead Robert Altman directed, and Woody Harrelson stars opposite Lindsey Lohan ("Celebrity Stoner", HIGH TIMES, May 2006).

No cover-up for this cop

Arkansas deputy fired after charge she went topless

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (AP) - A sheriff's deputy who is accused of going topless at a campground has been fired and charged with indecent exposure and disorderly conduct.
Dawn Rene Roberson, 38, was fired Wednesday after she turned herself in on the misdemeanor charges.
She will appear in court July 18. She could face up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine on the exposure charge and up to 30 days in jail and a $100 fine on the disorderly conduct charge.
According to incident reports, a marine patrol deputy and a park ranger told a topless Roberson to cover up in separate encounters last Sunday.
Later, authorities received a complaint that a woman without a top was in view of children. One report said a grandmother complained that the topless woman became "loud and disorderly" after she told the woman to cover up. Another camper told authorities the woman became belligerent when confronted (TORONTO SUN, June 11, 2006).

"It's a sad thing to say," said former narc Cole, "but there is little to be done to fix these abuses except to end drug prohibition. The temptations are so huge that anybody doing this work who has a character flaw is going to be taken over."
Corruption and abuse threaten the very credibility of the US criminal justice system, warns Norm Stamper. "If the system is to have any credibility whatsoever, we have to acknowledge the fact that every major police scandal in recent years is traceable to the police role in drug trafficking. From New Orleans to San Diego, Los Angeles to New York, Seattle to Fargo, it's a big, big problem. People really underestimate the extent to which the drug war has infected local law enforcement. We think of police departments as being squeaky clean and we think we're immune, but we're not. This is everwhere."
* For more information about Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) please visit www.leap.cc
* Also check out The Drug Reform Coordination Network/Stop The Drug War on line at www.stopthedrugwar.org or www.drcnet.org (Phil Smith, "The Worst Cops of 2005: America's 15 Most Corrupt And Abusive Drug Enforcers", CANNABIS CULTURE Issue 60, May.June 2006).

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