Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Rozpruwacz to polski zyd, czy szlachcic?

In 1888, a series of sadistic murders of women prostitutes haunted an impoverished area around the Whitechapel district of London, England. Jack the Ripper was the name given to the serial killer who was never identified or caught, however new DNA evidence has given a possible name to the elusive killer.
The murderer?
A new book by Russell Edwards, a British businessman and self-described armchair detective, claims to identify Jack the Ripper as Polish-born hairdresser AAron Kosminski.
Kosminski was a 23-year-old Jewish man living in the Whitechapel district at the time of the murders. Considered a serious suspect from the start, he was eventually committed to a lunatic asylum in 1894, where he died in 1919.
Edwards came to the conclusion through DNA testing of an old blood-soaked shawl reportedly found near the body of Catherine Eddowes, one of the last women killed ("Jack the Ripper finally solved?", THE TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, September 9, 2014).

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herbarz Polski" (Polish Armorial) zacne szlacheckie rodziny KOSMINSKI przypisuje do klanu Lubicz.

W Albercie spadl snieg + do nas idzie burza. Rusek straszy wolny swiat balistyczna rakieta z 5 nuklearnymni glowicami wystrzelona z okretu podwodnego. Rewanz za sankcje i Europe Wschodnia. Nasz burmistrz, pan Rob Ford chory na raka.

01:20 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + kapsulka 125 mg magnezu.

05:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 18-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 22C.

05:09 Hrs. Mierze stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 6.8 mmol/L = 122 mg/dL.

06:30 Hrs. Wyjmuje ze skrzynki "National Post" z "Canadian Forces already in Iraq. Military advisors. ISIS a challenge to Western values, Baird says" na okladce + odpalam maszyne.  Na dworze cicho, ciemno i spokojnie.

06:37 Hrs. Czestuje sie ze skrzynki na chodniku 2 gazetami. "Metro" z "Every breath you take ... Apple Watch on you ..." na okladce + "24hrs" z "Tyson meets with Mayor Ford" na okladce.

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