Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Czy Francja

w koncu zrozumiala, ze zbrojenie Rosji nowoczesna bronia to tez zagrozenie dla Francji? Miejmy nadzieje. Ale za bardzo Zabojadom bym nie ufal. Ociagaja sie, kombinuja, cwaniaczkuja sie. Tacy lewaccy rewolucjonisci. Juz chyba we krwi maja od tej swojej rewolucji. W II wojnie swiatowej tez sie ociagali. Sam honor wymagal, ze tak dlugo Francja byla w sojuszu wojskowym z Polska, aby wypowiedziec wojne Niemcom pierwszego dnia. To czekali na Brytyjczykow, aby pierwsi oni wypowiedzieli wojne Hitlerowi. Fajni ci Francuzi, ale patrzylbym na rece.

The president has a golf strategy. He has a fundraising strategy. But he doesn't have a counter-terrorism strategy.
The Islamic State is a mutation of al-Qaida. America has been at war with them since 9/11. Obama has had six years as president to come up with a strategy. But he hasn't.
That's inexcusable. But it's outright bizarre that he confessed that fact to the world. Not just to the Islamic State. But to Vladimir Putin, who can't believe his luck.
At the same disastrous press conference, Obama was asked about his Ukraine strategy. And on that file, Obama has one: to do nothing.
That's actually not quite true. Obama is doing less than nothing. He's in outright denial - referring to Russia's actions as "violence" or an "incursion." He used every word except for what it really was - an invasion. A war. That reveals Obama's strategy: to do nothing.
Or less than nothing. Obama still refuses to sell any military weapons to Ukraine. He's offered to send them MREs - that's U.S. military "meals ready to eat." So he'll send Ukraine some freeze-dried food to eat while Russian tanks surge over the border (Ezra Levant, "Obama keeps his eye on the ball", THE TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, September 2, 2014).

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