Wednesday, July 27, 2011


smierci staje sie coraz bardziej perwersyjna. Ostatnie 2 wypadki sa tego przykladem. Moja ulubiona angielska piosenkarka Amy Winehouse zapila sie na smierc + fanatyk religijno-polityczny zamordowal z zimna krwia prawie 100 osob w Norwegii.

Znaki czasu? Tak. Samobojstwo + terroryzm sa jego wykladnikami. Symboliczny "Rehab" Amy Winehouse jest krzykiem protestu przeciwko panstwu, ktore go stworzylo. Tak samo morderstwo terrorysty norweskiego jest protestem przeciwko polityce panstwa.

Tylko jak wiarygodny moze byc ewangelicki mason i milosnik Putina? Socjalista. Jego 1500-stronicowy manifest jest tyle wart co "Mein Kampf" Hitlera. Na pewno teraz w wiezieniu dopracuje go i wyda ksiazka.

'Lunatic' loves Putin
Norwegian killer Anders Behring Breivik has caused potential embarrassment for Russian Prime Ministyer Vladimir Putin by describing him as worthy of respect and one of the two men he would most like to meet.
Putin's spokesman dismissed the comments as the "ravings of a lunatic" and a pro-Kremlin youth group distanced itself from Breivik after it was also praised in a manifesto he wrote before Friday's bombing and shooting spree.
Putin's spokesman, Dimitry Peskov, was quoted by newspaper Kommersant as saying Breivik "was the devil incarnate."
-REUTERS ("24H", Wednesday, July 27, 2011).

00:37 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

01:30 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi.

04:20 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Time".

Measured in lives claimed, the level of violence in Mexico now surpasses that in Afghanistan or Pakistan...
In Mexico, gangland homicides have claimed nearly 40,000 lives in the past five years, up from less than 7,000 from 2001 to 20005 ("Day of the Dead. The drug war is Mexico's tragedy. Now its survivors are fighting back. By Tim Padgett/Durango", TIME, July 11, 2011).

04:50 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 77 kg.

05:00 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP + daktyl + CBC + laptop (4 imelki + 9 spamu).

05:28 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

05:54 Hrs. Biore 4 tabletki chemii (bez 2 Metformin na cukrzyce, wedlug zalecen po procedurze CT Scan)

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