Friday, December 17, 2010


my ass. Kanada dyskryminuje chorych utrudniajac im w rozny sposob zycie. Nie dosc, ze utrudnia sie pacjentowi dojscia do medycznej marihuany, to nawet po zdobyciu licencji na ten lek narzuca sie na niego podatki. Przy nabywaniu tradycyjnych lekow podatku od nich sie nie placi.

Taxman gets high on pot
Medical marijuana purchasers hit with HST
Toronto Sun

The taxman wants to make sure he scores off Adrienne Baker-Hick's pot purchases. The Warkworth woman didn't expect to get hit for nearly $100 of HST monthly when buying her usual $750 shipments of medical marijuana.
But the taxman has been digging into her pocket ever since the HST came into effect in July. "It's ridiculous," said Baker-Hicks, 52, who became licensed to purchase marijuana last year. "I am charged $97.50 per shipment. The pills I have to take from my doctors, I don't have to pay HST on them," she added. "Here, the doctor signs it. That's how they fill out the cards - they have to put how many grams you get for the month. It's the same thing as a prescription."
In the case of prescription drugs, a patient pays only a dispensing fee. "I'm able to afford (the HST), but there are some people who can't," she said.
Her allotment of 150 grams of pot each month helps Baker-Hicks deal with 27 chronic diseases.
It helps with the pain of her degenerated bone spurs that damage her spinal cord, a blood condition and a disorder which causes seizures. "It helps you deal with your day," she said.
The former biomedical researcher has been on long-term disability for 10 years and stays mainly at home with her husband in their home near Peterborough. "Health Canada charges me and I've spoken to them and I'm still waiting for callbacks from them from March," she said.
According to Health Canada, which regulates medicinal marijuana, pot is subject to HST in applicable jurisdictions - including Ontario. "Dried marijuana is not an approved therapeutic drug (i.e. prescription drug under the Food and Drug Act)," said Health Canada spokesman Stephane Shank.
The Canadian Revenue Agency could not provide a comment on why HST was being charged on the plant. "Individuals who obtain a Health Canada supply of marijuana for medical purposes may claim the costs of their marijuana as a medical expense for tax purposes, provided that they have kept their Government of Canada receipts," Shank added.
It's little comfort for Baker-Hicks, who accused the government of weeding out those who smoke pot to help cope with their illnesses. "With each shipment I get the paperwork from Ottawa telling me the government doesn't recommend the use of medical marijuana and that it's addictive," she said "That tells you what the government thinks about us using marijuana" (THE TORONTO SUN, Thursday, December 16, 2010).

01:55 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + Rysiek nie spi. Maluje.

04:10 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze minus 4-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -9C. Temp. w kuchni 22.4C.

06:16 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER + zielona herbata.

04:20 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Polityka".

Macaniem miejscowi nazywali poszukiwanie kosztownosci. Nalezalo wytropic Zyda i tak go przestraszyc, by oddal wszystko, co ma: zloto, buty, ubranie. Strazacy macali pojedynczo lub zespolowo. Zespolowo, gdy Zydzi ze strachu zaczeli sie przed nimi chowac w domach. Wtedy podjezdzali pod dom z sikawka, wspinali sie na dach i lali wezem wode przez komin tak dlugo, az drzwi przed nimi stanely otworem. Brali okup i znikali (Cezary Lazarewicz, "Letnisko w domu smierci. We wsi Gniewczyna wystawiono wlasnie na sprzedaz dzialke letniskowa. Cena jest atrakcyjna, a dzialka ma bogata historie. W 1942 r. miejscowi strazacy zagnali tam swoich zydowskich sasiadow, torturowali ich i gwalcili, a potem wydali Niemcom", POLITYKA nr 49 (2785), 4 grudnia 2010).

05:15 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 87 kg.

05:22 Hrs. "Dobranoc" - mowi Rysiek idac na gore do lozka. Malowal pokoj lalkowy cala noc. Pije herbatke ziolowa SKRZYP.

05:57 Hrs. Biore tabletki + popijam zielona herbata.

06:13 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "All roads lead through a rising West. The days of an Ontario-Quebec power nexus are numbered, experts say" na okladce.

06:20 Hrs. Biore tabletke RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbata.

06:41 Hrs. "Czekam tylko na te dni, ktore chcialbym przezyc z toba" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Bylo ostre skrobanko lodu z szyb samochodu. Dobry milimetr grubosci. Na ulicy slisko. W dzienniku: "Nie do przyjecia" - mowi Donald Tusk o rosyjskim raporcie ws. tragedii smolenskiej. 40-lecie "Grudnia 1970".
ESSO, Schell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.09.7.

15:13 Hrs. W ksiegarni Husarza kupuje ksiazke, magazyn + gazete ($37.40). Ksiazka Jerzego Besali "Stefan Batory" + magazyn "Newsweek" z "Koniec Ropy. Rzady ukrywaja, ze zloza sie wyczerpuja. W ciagu trzech lat paliwa podrozeja o 30 procent. A potem bedzie coraz gorzej" na okladce. Wewnatrz dodatek "K" z "Panna roztropna. Monika Brodka" na okladce + "Goniec". Na okladce:

* Roncesvalles zaprasza po remoncie.
* Formalny koniec niepodleglosci.
* Mocny przeciwnik W. Lizonia?
* Najpierw uscisnal reke Jaruzelskiego, potem zapalil znicze...
* Ford idzie taranem.
Jedna fotografia: "Polska" ulica w Toronto juz bez wykopow - warto zobaczyc, co sie zmienilo, tym bardziej ze na razie parking jest za darmo".

Czestuje sie darmowymi gazetami: "Zycie" z "Swieta idealne" na okladce + "Merkuriusz Polski" z "Ochrone prezydenta Kaczynskiego pozostawiono Rosjanom" na okladce + "Centrum. Kwartalnik Informacyjny Polskiego Centrum Kultury im. Jana Pawla II - Mississauga" z "Od Niemna do Cohena. Rozmowa z Maria Nowotarska, aktorka, rezyserka" na okladce.

15:43 Hrs. W domu + zmeczony + Rysiek podaje grochowke + klade sie ze Stefanem Batorym + zasypiam.

23:08 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

Note to those leftist pinkos on council who plan to vote not to repeal the hated $60 vehicle registration tax at Thursday's council meeting:
Toronto voters spoke loudly and clearly on Oct. 25.
Mayor Rob Ford - who promised to scrap the car tax and freeze property taxes, among other things - captured 47% of the vote, edging out the darling of downtowners, George Smitherman, by more than 12%.
Torontonians gave City Hall a clear message that they're fed up with high taxes and little return for their investment (Sue-Ann Levy, "Pinkos still don't get it. Council lefties prepared to defy will of the people and back car tax", THE TORONTO SUN, Thursday, December 16, 2010).

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