Slonecznie + 21-stopniowo + spiew ptakow + piatek = czego sobie wiecej lepszego mozna wyobrazic? A na dodatek festiwal wolnosci + pochod marihuanowy w sobote. W przewodniku mowia aby brac plecaki bo beda rozdawac ciekawe prezenty. Bonga to ja bym wzial. Ziolkiem tez nie gardzil. Na pewno darmowych prezentow tam duzo to nie dadza. Moze troche literatury propagandowej. Trzeba minimum stoweczke przy sobie miec aby zbadac tam wszystkie tematy. Jakies smakolyki, drinki. Watpie czy bedzie cos mozna zapalic. Jak sie swojego nie bedzie mialo, to zapomnij. Na pewno w tlumie bedzie tez duzo policyjnych tajniakow. Aby weszyc i podgladac.
Cannabis involved in Christ's anointment?
Part of 'mystical communion,' expert testifies
The use of cannabis as a sacrament dates back thousands of years, in many different religions and possibly even during the anointing of Jesus Christ, according to expert testimony in an ongoing criminal court proceeding in Toronto.
Part of 'mystical communion,' expert testifies
Psychoactive substances and their use in religious rituals was outlined by Boston University classics professor Carl Ruck, in testimony this week that was more history class than traditional evidence in a criminal trial.
"It was at the beginning of religious experience" that cannabis and mushroom-like substances were first consumed as part of "mystical communion," said Prof. Ruck.
He was testifying at the trial of two members of the Church of the Universe, Peter Styrsky and Shahrooz Kharaghani, who run the G13 Mission branch of the church in the Beaches section of Toronto. They are both charged with street-level marijuana trafficking.
They are asking Ontario Superior Court Justice Thea Herman to dismiss the charges on the grounds that the country's marijuana laws violate their freedom of religion under the Charter of Rights.
Marijuana is a sacrament and its use brings about a "connection to God," Mr. Styrsky testified earlier this month. Judge Herman must decide whether the church, which advocates marijuana use, personal autonomy and an edict not to harm others, qualifies for religious protection under the Charter.
Federal prosecutor Nick Devlin has suggested in court that the Church of the Universe is an "inside joke" among people who like to smoke marijuana and not a religion.
Prof. Ruck was not called to testify about the legitimacy of the Church of the Universe, but instead provide historical context on the use of psychoactive substances in religious ceremonies.
Providing answers that were often detailed and lengthy, he explained, "I am a teacher, I am used to talking. I see that some of the students are leaving," he joked, in reference to high school students in the public gallery of the courtroom as part of a law class field trip.
Visionary sacraments have been observed in rock paintings from North Africa that date back to 6000 BC, noted Prof. Ruck. The witness also testified about the Eleusinian Mystery initiation, first celebrated in a village near Athens in about 1500 BC.
"They drank a potion and believed they were entering the otherworld." It was not until last century that scholars discovered that a substance in the potion was likely similar to LSD. Even philosophers such as Socrates may have used cannabis, which was known as "smoke" by the Greeks, said Prof. Ruck in a written report filed with the court. The court hearing is scheduled to resume today (NATIONAL POST, Thursday, April 22, 2010).
04:10 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + modlitwa + wstaje. Na dworze 13-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 21.7C.
04:33 Hrs. Pije lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego mum's original + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.
04:50 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek".
NEWSWEEK: Tak wiec to na Polske spadnie glowny ciezar konfliktu z Rosja?
GEORGE FRIEDMAN: Bedziecie mieli wowczas do wyboru: stracic suwerennosc albo stac sie potega. Rosjanie beda sie spodziewali, ze cofniecie poparcia NATO zmusi Polakow do uleglosci. Ale wy zareagujecie odwrotnie. Polacy juz testowali w przeszlosci, czym konczy sie wejscie w relacje z Rosja na zasadzie podleglosci. Nie bedziecie chcieli tego powtorzyc. Polska uwiklana w swoj historyczny koszmar zwiaze sie bardzo blisko ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi. I to sie oplaci - poniewaz wzmocnienie Polski stanie sie podstawowym celem amerykanskiej polityki ("Staniecie sie potega", NEWSWEEK, 27.12.2009).
05:20 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 80 kg. + opuchle nogi.
05:55 Hrs. Wkladam do torby 2 kanapki + 3 jablka + 1 pomarancze.
05:58 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Mountie Faked Memo. Drug case tossed" na okladce.
06:24 Hrs. "Nie jest nic przypadkiem, kiedy kochasz tak" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze zachmurzenie umiarkowane. 12-stopniowo + spiew ptakow. W dzienniku: Dwor Soplicowo plonie w Bialowiezy. Marszalek Komorowski poleci do Moskwy na uroczystosci 9-majowe.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.01.1.
Czestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek. "24H Toronto" z "Flash Dance" na okladce + "Metro" z "An eye on Facebook. Application takes tracking and profiling to new level" na okladce.
13:28 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.
15:26 Hrs. Kupuje prase w Husarzu ($7.28). "Gazeta". Z na okladce:
* Rodziny ofiar oburzone: sledztwo stoi w miejscu.
* Glod na Ukrainie nienazwany ludobojstwem (Europa boi sie narazic Rosji).
* 9 maja Rosja przekaze Polsce dokumenty ws. Katynia?
* Amerykanie obiecuja przyjrzec sie sprawie wiz dla Polakow.
* Europejskie miliony na owoce dla polskich uczniow.
* Harmonizacja podatkowa juz sie zaczela.
Na zdjeciu: Wrak Tu-154.
Takze "Goniec". Z na okladce:
* Kiedy Revenue Canada zapuka do Twoich drzwi...
* Koniec niezaleznosci IPN!
* "Solidarnosc" poparla Jaroslawa Kaczynskiego.
Z Polski kupuje "Polityke" z "Katastrofa Smolenska. Przeglad Teorii Spiskowych" na okladce. Poczestowalem sie darmowymi: "zyciem" z "Co zabilo polska delegacje? Niemal wszystko dookola katastrofy jest niejasne, a w sprawie wiecej jest pytan niz odpowiedzi. Wylaniaja sie jednak coraz bardziej prawdopodobne hipotezy" na okladce + "Wiadomosci" z "Wybory Prezydenckie. Dwoch glownych rywali" na okladce + "Przeglad Tygodniowy" z "Ukraina blizej Rosji" na okladce.
15:33 Hrs. Kupuje obiad w Warmia Deli ($6.24). Barszcz ukrainski + sledz po wiejsku.
15:59 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze slonecznie. 21-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 21.6C.
16:56 Hrs. Badam stezenie cukru we krwi. 5.7 mmol/L + jem nalecz winogron czerwonych z pestkami.
19:19 Hrs. Po barszczu ukrainskim biore lekarstwa i popijam woda mineralna JOZEF.
A stunning admission by a senior RCMP officer that he drafted a bogus memo to cover up concerns about police wiretap methods has led to the collapse of a major drug prosecution in northern Ontario and raised questions about wiretapping in at least 30 investigations (Shannon Kari, "Mountie faked memo", NATIONAL POST, Friday, April 30, 2010).