Tuesday, September 19, 2006

O socjalistach w postkomunie i

"Ksieciu Trawki" w przedwyborczym oredziu do Amerykanow.

06:30 Hrs. Ciemno, mokro, w nocy padalo. 13-stopniowo. Dziennik w Polskim Radiu Toronto 1320 AM. A w nim o socjalizmie w panstwach postkomunistycznych.
W Polsce socjalista, przyszly prezydent, pan Andrzej Lepper rozwala koalicje. Na Wegrzech rozruchy uliczne w Budapeszcie. Okazalo sie, ze socjalisci klamali wyborcow aby dojsc do wladzy. Na znak protestu ludzie wyszli na ulice.

ESSO, Canadian Tire, Petro Canada za litr paliwa biora dzisiaj z rana $0.85.2, Beaver $0.85.

Juz wczesniej informowalem, ze lider Partii Marihuany, redaktor naczelny "Cannabis Culture" (www.cannabisculture.com), szlachcic pan Marc Emery ("Ksiaze Trawki") ozenil sie. Jodie, jego piekna zona, tez jest aktywistka i oredowniczka legalizacji ziolka. Ale dajmy im glos.


On November 7th 2006, citizens of the US cannabis culture have an opportunity to reverse the horrendous direction of the US government's war on the American people and the world. That is the day America votes in the mid-term Elections.
Politics is the art of self-defence. Our people must get involved in politics because each of us has an individual obligation to protect and defend humanity from barbarism. It is up to you to accept that politics is full of duplicity and deceit, and yet you must persevere beyond cynicism to make a change in the political landscape. You must vote on November 7th. Prior to then you must register to vote. The more you invest into the political process, you more you will also pay attention. I want every conscious stoner, tripper, pothead, closet toker, med-pot user, and activist to commit to doing serious work on an election campaign in this November's elections.
You need to get educated first. In the America Votes section, we took the voting record of every United States Representative in Congress (the House of Representatives) and developed a chart to show how they voted on 10 key bills. The survey and the votes we highlighted are described on pages 78-93. I personally reviewed the record of all 434 incumbent Representatives, and looked at the campaigns and issues of over 800 challenger candidates to come up with our endorsements. The drug peace movement can count on 93 excellent House Representatives to vote against the drug war and civil liberties infringements.
However, 265 of the total 434 Reps in fact hate us and vote for laws that punish pot smokers and US citizens, to cause pain for us and those we love. This election campaign that ends on the first Tuesday in November is your opportunity to pay these politicians back for the good or bad they have done to the cannabis culture. The survey in the back of this issue is an invalueble tool, so please use it!
Get involved to defeat one of the 265 Representatives that received a failing grade. Give money, volunteer and tell others on the internet and on your street, in your college, university, and work place, to get out and vote for one of the good guys, the Reps who received a B+ or better in our survey. For every stoner who dreams of making the world and America a better place lthere is an opportunity in this campaign. Get experienced. Get politically involved. Make this election the launching pad for your budding activist career, so you can plant your very own seeds of freedom.
Overgrow the Ballot Box!
Marc Emery, Editor

On Sundey, July 23rd, Marc and I were married in the rose garden of Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver, surrounded by our loving friends and family (and the Canadian Press, Associated Press, United Press International, CBC, CTV... more media coverage than we could have imagined, espceially for a wedding). It was also a significant weekend in that "the [Supreme Court Canada] decided that when hearing extradition cases, courts must first examine the evidence to determine if the case could proceed to trial in Canada... This decision changes the old practice, which held that any evidence, no matter how questionable, was grounds for extradition" (CBC news). How this affects Marc, Michelle Rainey and Greg Williams is not totally clear, but we continue to be optimistic.
Now is the time to grow, harvest and cure your cannabis to the ultimate perfection - and also the time to campaign, educate, volunteer, and vote in the US midterm elections! It is up to each and every US citizen to oust the political evildoers and help usher in a new era of global cooperation, freedom, and peace. Speak truth to power and make sure you vote!
Drug Peace, Not War!
Jodie Emery, Editor

*Marc Emery*
*Jodie Emery*
*Cannabis Culture Magazine*

Kiedy lider kanadyjskiej Partii Marihuany przemawia do narodu amerykanskiego, to w miedzydzasie policyjne bojowki na ulicach "wolnej Ameryki" scigaja obywateli za posiadanie czy spozywanie marihuany. Ostatnia ofiara barbarzynskich lapanek na ulicach stal sie popularny piosenkarz muzyki country Willie Nelson. Nieugiety palacz maryski i wojownik o wolnosc w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Nelson and band members cited for drug possession

Willie Nelson and four others were issued misdemeanor citations for possession of narcotic mushrooms and marijuana after a traffic stop yesterday morning on a Louisiana highway, state police said.
The citations were issued after a commercial vehicle inspection of the country music star's tour bus, state police said in a news release. "When the door was opened and the trooper began to speak to the driver, he smelled the strong odor of marijuana," the news release said. A search of the bus produced 1-1/2 pounds of marijuana and 0.2 pounds of narcotic mushrooms, according to state police.
Also cited were Tony Sizemore, 59, Bobbie Nelson, 75, Gates Moore, 54, of Austin, Texas; and David Anderson, 50.
-The Associated Press (24 HOURS, September 19, 2006).

"Willie Nelson hit with drug charges" (http://ca.entertainment.yahoo.com/s/18092006/6/entertainment-willie-nelson-hit-drug-charges.html).

4:47 pm na GOLD 722 Galaxie GoldRock (www.galaxie.ca) Pat Benatar spiewa "Hell is for Children", a ja czytam esej Irwin Cotler o antysemityzmie.

It wa said in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 that "the whole world changed." I don't know if the world is any different. But it is clear that 9/11 had a transformative impact on politics and collective psyche.
But if 9/11 was a transformative event, the same description must apply to another event that ended on the eve of 9/11. I am referring to "The World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance" in Durban, South Africa, which was the "tripping point" for the emergence of a new wave of anti-Semitism masquerading as anti-racism. Unfortunately, the 5th anniversary of this event has gone largely unremarked.
As one of my colleagues put it at the time, if 9/11 was the Kristallnacht of terror, Durban was the Mein Kampf. Those of us who personally witnessed the Durban festival of hate - with its hateful declarations, incantations, pamphlets and marches - have forever been transformed. For us, Durban is part of our everyday lexicon as a byword for racism and anti-Semitism, just as 9/11 is a byword for terrorist mass murder...
But what happened at Durban was trully Orwellian: A conference purportedly organized to fight racism was turned into a festival or racism against Israel and the Jewish people. A conference intended to commemorate the dismantling of South Africa as an apartheid state resonated with spurious calls for the dismantling of Israel's alleged apartheid state. A conference dedicated to the promotion of human rights as the new secular religion of our time increasingly singled out Israel as a sort of modern-day geopolitical Anti-Christ...
In both Teheran and Durban, delegates would ignore the fact that the root cause of the Middle East conflict was, and is, the denial of Israel's right to exist in any boundaries (Irwin Cotler, "The disgrace of Durban - five years later", NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, September 12, 2006).

7:37 pm na CNN prezydent Iranu Ahmadinedzad przemawia na forum ONZ-u. Nieogolony, z rozpieta koszula u szyi, swoja polityczno-religijna tyrade wspomaga reka, ktora raz grozi, innym razem salutuje lub obciera sobie usta. Wiekszosc cywilizowanych narodow opuscila sale. Duzo pustych miejsc.

Ahmadinedzad portretuje siebie jako obronce zniewolonych i ucisnionych ludow. Szczegolnie Irakijczykow, Palestynczykow i Libanczykow. Gestykulacja, wyglad i retoryka przypomina Lenina, ale z mala roznica, prezydent Iranu odwoluje sie czesto do Boga. Wywoluje prorokow Adama, Mojzesza, Chrystusa i Mahometa. Karci posrednio i bezposrednio USA, Izrael i Wielka Brytanie. Przedstawia siebie jako sprawiedliwego i niosacego pokoj. Proponuje aby Rada Bezpieczenstwa powiekszona byla o kraje niezrzeszone i afrykanskie, dla balansu i efektywnosci w wprowadzaniu sprawiedliwosci na swiecie. Pol godziny gadania. Watle oklaski. Wychodzi ze sceny z aureola nad glowa.

Dzisiaj, rowno piec lat pozniej, jak ogladam w Internecie filmiki o 911 (http://911revisited.com/video.html), strach mna telepie i ciarki spinaja skore na plecach. Nie, nie dlatego, ze boje sie brodatych fundamentalistow z krajow arabskich, lecz poniewaz mysla mi sie rzeczy nie do pomyslenia. A jesli sa to rzeczy nie do pomyslenia, to z pewnoscia nie do napisania (Andrzej Kumor, "Czemu nie ma byc rowno?", GONIEC, 15-21 wrzesnia 2006).

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