Thursday, September 01, 2005

Wojna z Nazizmem

rozpoczela sie 1 wrzesnia 1939 roku atakiem hitlerowsich Niemiec na Polske. 17 dni pozniej bolszewicka Rosja wsadzila Polsce noz w plecy. Witkacy - filozof, artysta, dramaturg, ktory eksperymentowal i tworzyl na dragach, popelnia symboliczne samobojstwo. Dwa totalitaryzmy to za duzo nawet na jego wyobraznie.

Yet it is better to be gone even in delightful madness rather than in grey, dull tedium and torpor.
Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz.

The history of the posthumous reception of Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz's oeuvre reveals an astonishing paradox. The man who in the West has earned the name of the "genie multiple de Pologne," who in the world at large has won a host of followers and admirers, whose name, and in particular his pseudonym, Witkacy, has theoretically entered universal consciousness as belonging to one of the most illustrious twentieth century artists - in his own country this man to all intents and purposes remains still almost completely unknown and in any case certainly misunderstood and underestimated.
On the day of the outbreak of war he reported at a recruitment point but due to his age and state of health he was not drafted. On September 5, accompanied by Czeslawa Okninska, he departed from Warsaw in the wave of refugees proceeding east. In mid-September, suffering from serious depression, he reached the village of Jeziory in Polesie. On September 18, on hearing the news that the Red Army had crossed the Polish border, he committed suicide (Anna Micinska, "WITKACY Life and Work", Interpress Publishers, Warsaw 1990).

Paradoksalnie, wojna z marihuana rozpoczela sie z powstaniem ideologii nazistowskiej. Jej rdzeniem jest filozofia rasizmu. Nazizm zostal zniszczony w II Wojnie Swiatowej, ale wojna z narkotykami trwa do dzisiejszego dnia. Wojna ktora rozpoczela ta sama ideologia, ktorej efektem koncowym byl Hitler ze swoim nazizmem, jest prowadzona takze obecnie pod przykrywka tzw. "wojny z narkotykami".

The crusading demagogue Dr. A. E. Fossier resuscitated the myth of the hashishin Assassins in the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal in 1931.

The underworld was quick to realize that marihuana was an ideal drug to quickly cut off inhibition, especially in the light of inadequate personality... Under the influence of cannabis indica, these human derelicts are quickly subjugated by the will of the master mind. The moral principles or training initiated in the mind from ifancy may deter from committing willful theft, murder or rape, but this inhibition from crime may be destroyed by the addiction to marihuana... The debasing and baneful influence of hashish and opium is not restricted to individuals but has manifested itself in nations and races as well. The dominant race and most enlightened countries are alcoholic, whilst the races and nations addicted to hemp and opium, some of which once attained to heights of culture and civilization, have deteriorated both mentally and physically (Rowan Robinson, "The Great Book Of HEMP", Park Street Press Rochester, Vermont 1996).

Canadian suffragette and feminist Emily Murphy led a successful campaign to warn the public of the dangers of marijuana, in an effort to protect the white race from the "yellow menace," that were Asian Canadians. Murphy, a member of the highly racist Irish Orange Order, thought that use of "dope" was a ploy by Asian Canadians to gain control of society by getting good innocent 'whites,' hooked on "dope" (Murphy, Emily. The Black Candle. Toronto: Coles Publishing Company, 1973) - and we build statues in her honour! In the book, marijuana users were said to go completely insane after smoking the drug, "liable to kill or indulge in any form of violence to other persons, using the most savage methods of cruelty." In reply to Murphy's popular efforts, Parliament outlawed marijuana, without any debate, in 1923.


700 B.C. Opium Poppy cultivated
2700 B.C. Cannabis being used medically in China
1500 B.C. Opium being used by the Egyptians
1000 B.C. Incas of South America using coca leaf
900 B.C. Homer's Odyssey - tells of opium
900 A.D. Arabs are thought to have taken opium from China do India
1500 A.D. Paracelsus - a German doctor prepares laudanum, a potent alcoholic mixture of opium
1600 A.D. Opium being smoked in China
1656 A.D. Sir Christopher Wren suggests the intravenous injection of drugs
1729 A.D. Two-hundred opium chests (each chest contained 140 pounds of opium) imported annually into China
1790 A.D. Four-thousand opium chests imported annually into China
1800 A.D. Opium preparations were being widely used in many parts of the world for the same conditions as today
1805 A.D. Morphine, the first alkaloid isolated from a plant - opium poppy
1830 A.D. Sixteen thousand, eight hundred and seventy seven opium chests imported into China this year
1832 A.D. Codeine (methylmorphine), another opium alkaloid, isolated
1839-1842 A.D. First Chinese Opium War - Hong Kong
1839-1853 A.D. Hydpodermic needle and syringe perfected and commonly used
1856-1860 A.D. Second Chinese Opium War - Kowloon
1858 A.D. Seventy-thousand opium chests imported into China
1860-1865 A.D. U.S. Civil War - narcotics used for relief of pain and suffering
1882 A.D. Barbituric acid discovered
1898 A.D. Diacetylmorphine (heroin) discovered
1900 A.D. The Canadian federal government shows concern about opium on the west coast of Canada
1908 A.D. Canada brings into law the Opium Act (importation and manufacturing)
1920 A.D. Opium and Drug Act renamed Opium and Narcotic Drug Act
1923 A.D. Cannabis added to Opium and Narcotic Drug Act
1938 A.D. Cultivation of opium and cannabis prohibited
1961 A.D. Narcotic Control Act (September 15) replaces Opium and Narcotic Drug Act
1969 A.D. Food and Drugs Act, Part IV, Schedule H, Part (j) enacted, limiting LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) and other hallucinogenic drugs to scientific use only, with penalty of illegal possession (Canadian Private Security Manual).

Komisarze policji rowniez udzielili poparcia federalnym inicjatywom za wprowadzenie wyzszych wyrokow za handel, czy posiadanie narkotyku metamfetaminy i dla tych, ktorzy uprawiaja i przemycaja marihuane ("Wspolpraca wywiadu i policji", GAZETA 164, 26 - 28 sierpnia 2005).

An unqualified apology

The following is a message posted yesterday by B.C. marijuana activist Marc Emery on the Cannabis Culture Web site. Mr. Emery is facing extradition to the United States on charges of selling marijuana seeds to Americans.

When I was in jail, I was immersed in a lot of reading. I was studying forced sterilizations in Alberta, the Nazi regime in Germany, all these books and pamphlets on Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. I was surrounded by natives and attending their sweats. I was forced to work cleaning toilets and conducting janitorial duties for my jailers (I cleaned and maintained the main administration building) for many weeks as part of my time there.
Under these circumstances, a person like me can get intemperate. And in a commentary about Canada's Minister of Justice Irwing Cotler, I referred to him derisively, incorrectly and inappropriately as a "Nazi." And I dragged his ancestry as a Jewish person into it; it ended up seeming very unkind to the Minister.
This bothers me now on two levels, because I have always loved and held the highest regard for Jewish culture. In my younger days, I documented the tragic and remarkable story of a dear Polish woman and her survival through the death camps of eastern Poland. So many of my great heroes are Jewish: Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, my dear friend Alan Young. I feel ashamed when my Jewish friends tell me they are ill at ease with my using the terms "Nazi" or "Holocaust" when referring to this issue or incident. That saddens me. It's one thing to have an angry unsophisticated outburst at a politician I've never met, but when some of my respected friends feel uneasy, that resonates inside. So I apologize to my friends who are upset with my language and comparisons.
I apologize to Mr. Cotler, too. He has a magnificent body of accomplishments as a human rights lawyer and activist, and a man is not to be judged by one action out of the context of his whole life's work. He in no way deserves to have this kind of remark hurled at him in the media.
By the way, no one asked me to say this. I got two e-mails saying I should apologize, not many, but some people I respect just helped me see that it doesn't get us anywhere to inflame people's passions with abusive or offending words.
A resentful tone from jail is one thing, but I should have retracted it when I got out and set the record straight. I was wrong and I hope people accept my apology ("Informent Sources", NATIONAL POST, Thursday, September 1, 2005).


Ottawa British Columbia marijuana crusader Marc Emery apologized yesterday for referring to federal Justice Minister Irwin Cotler as a "Nazi." Mr. Emery, who faces potential extradition to the U.S. for selling marijuana seeds, has compared the persecution of people involved in marijuana culture to that experienced by Jews under the Nazi regime. "I feel ashamed when my Jewish friends tell me they are ill at ease by my using the terms Nazi or Holocaust when referring to this issue or incident," Mr. Emery, who once wrote a biography of a Holocaust survivor, wrote yesterday on his web site, It was in the "jail blog" that he wrote from a Saskatoon jail last summer that he called Mr. Cotler a "Nazi-Jew." In an interview last week, he reiterated that he thought Mr. Cotler was acting like a Nazi. Yesterday, he wrote that his view has now been turned around and he believes the Nazi vocabulary is not appropriate.
Zev Singer, CanWest News Service ("National Report", NATIONAL POST, Thursday, September 1, 2005).

A forest of marijuana

Special to the Sun

PETERBOROUGH - Police seized more than 14,000 marijuana plants from around a farmhouse 30 km northeast of Peterborough yesterday in one of the largest drug busts ever seen in the area.
"We're looking at 10 to 20 acres of marijuana, a trenched-out irrigation system, very rugged, very rough terrain. This land hasn't been farmed in years," said Det,-Sgt. Dean Steinke of Kawartha combined forces drug unit.
Police could reach the fields only by using all-terrain vehicles with a trailer to bring out the plants, which were loaded onto a large truck for disposal. Steinke said growers seem to be moving further north. The drugs inevitably lead to violence, he said.
"If you take all the marijuana that we have traced that has gone south, and all the cocaine that has come north, and you look at the violence and the gang wars that are going on in and around the province - the shootings, the killings, the deaths - it all has to do with one thing, and that's drugs."
Weapons are almost always found when police seize drugs like marijuana, Steinke said. "Our seizures of weapons, especially firearms has gone up over 100%," he said. "I think that's due to the fact there is so much competition in the market. People (growers) are actually protecting themselves from other people ripping them off."
Huge profits and little deterrence mean growers are not going to stop, Steinke said. "We know that our marijuana in the province of Ontario and Canada is mostly for export to the United States and what comes back is cocaine. And that's a real problem we have with young people." The suspects in a recent seizure of 40,000 plants in Bancroft were actually living in fox holes, he said. Although there were no arrests yesterday, police say they have suspects (TORONTO SUN, Wednesday, August 31, 2005).

Pair in their 60s face pot smuggling rap

DULUTH, Minn. (AP) - A man and woman in their 60s were each sentenced to more than two years in prison yesterday in a plot to smuggle 375 kilos of marijuana into the U.S. from Canada.
Gail Darwin, 62, of northern Minnesota and Joseph Heater, 65, of Ontario were each sentenced to 271/2 months in prison. Last month, they pleaded guilty to possessing 375 kilos of pot valued at $4 million US. Officials caught them this spring along the border with the drugs in a trailer ("STATESide", TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, August 30, 2005).

Cops seize pot

MORE THAN 300 marijuana plants firefighters found growing in and around a burning garage in Newcastle have been seized by Durham police. Fire crews put out the flames on Morgans Rd. around 2:45 a.m. Monday. Robert Vandewater, 56, and William Vandewater, 44, face drug-related charges (TORONTO SUN, Wednesday, August 31, 2005).

Kongresmani na kokainie

Bogota Kolumbijscy kongresmani zayzwaja kokaine, a w korytarzach Kongresu moga sie bez trudu zaopatrywac w ten narkotyk - oswiadczyl w czawartek wiceprzewodniczacy Senatu Edgar Artunduaga. "Sprzedawczy ciasteczek, butow, astrologowie oraz dealerzy marihuany i kokainy - wszyscy wchodza do Kongresu" - powiedzial senator w wywiadzie dla Associated Press.
Artunduaga wypowiedzial sie w zwiazku ze sledztwem, ktore przeprowadzilo jego biuro. Odmowil podania szczegolow sledztwa, ale podkreslil, ze budynki Kongresu sa fatalnie zabezpieczone. Nie dzialaja kamery, ktore powinny monitorowac kolumbijski parlament, przepustki do Kongresu posiada ok. 10 tys. ludzi i wiele z nich jest podrobionych (GAZETA 164, 26 -28 sierpnia 2005).

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