Sunday, September 25, 2005

Buszowanie w blogosferze

Technorati jest wyszukiwarka szperajaca informacje tylko w blogosferze.
Wystarczy wystukac pozadane slowo, fraze, nazwisko i Technorati wyszuka wsrod milionow blogow co na ten temat w danym momencie zostalo napisane.

Dla przykladu kilka znanych nam nazwisk i jak popularne sa one w blogosferze:
Jan Rokita - 58
Donald Tusk - 116
Elzbieta Gertruda Gawlas - 1
Marc Emery - 1,290
Edward Kuciak - 29
Stan Tyminski - 27
Lech Walesa - 1,615
Andrzej Kumor - 7
Aleksander Kwasniewski - 680
Czyli byly prezydent Polski, Lech Walesa (1,615 postow), wyprzedza popularnoscia wsrod blogierow lidera Partii Marihuany w Kanadzie, Marca Emerego (1,290 postow).

About Technorati

Currently tracking 18.3 million sites and 1.5 billion links.

Technorati is the authority on what's going on in the world of weblogs.
What is a weblog? A weblog, or blog, is a personal journal on the web. Weblogs express many different subjects and opinions as there are people writing them. Some blogs are highly influential and have enormous readership while others are primarily intendend for a close circle of family and friends.
The power of weblogs is that they allow millions of people to easily publish their ideas, and millions more to comment on them. Blogs are a fluid, dynamic medium more akin to 'conversation' than to a library - which is how the Web has often been described in the past. With an increasing number of people reading, writing, and commenting on blogs, the way we use the Web is shifting in a fundamental way. Instead of being passive consumers of information, more and more Internet users are becoming active participants. Weblogs let everyone have a voice.
Technorati is a real-time search engine that keeps track of what is going on in the blogosphere - the world of weblogs.
A few years ago, Web search was revolutionized by a simple but profound idea - that the relevance of a site can be determined by the number of other sites that link to it, and thus consider it 'important.' In the world of blogs, hyperlinks ar even more significant, since bloggers frequently link to and comment on their blogs, which creates the sense of timeliness and connectedness one would have in a conversation. So Technorati tracks the number of links, and the perceived relevance of blogs, as well as the real-time nature of blogging. Because Technorati automatically receives notification from weblogs as soon as they are updated, it can track the thousands of updates per hour that occur in the blogosphere, and monitor the communities (who's linking to whom) underlying these conversations.
The Pew Internet study estimates that about 11%, or about 50 million, of Internet users are regular blog readers. A new weblog is created every 7.4 seconds, which means there are about 12,000 new blogs a day. Bloggers - people who write weblogs - update their weblogs regularly; there are about 275,000 posts daily, or about 10,800 blog updates an hour.
Technorati displays what's important in the blogosphere - which bloggers are commanding attention, what ideas are rising i prominence, and the speed at which these conversations are taking place. Technorati makes it possible for you to find out what people on the Internet are saying about you, your company, your products, your competitors, your politics, or other areas of interest - all in real-time. All this activity is monitored and indexed within minutes of posting. Technorati provides a live view of the global conversation of the web (

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