Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Atak bolu

prawego ramienia i szyi przezwyciezam dozami promieni magnetycznych z rozdzek Herkulesa + ziola + piekny zachod slonca odbity w oknie biurowca. Trodno powiedziec, czy bole w kosciach maja cos wspolnego z ta kaprysna pogoda. Rysiek mowi, ze tak i tez jeczy z bolu.

"I love Polish people. I love Poland" - DONALD TRUMP

Polski system dziedziczenia szlachectwa powodowal, ze ojcowizna byla dzielona miedzy wszystkie dzieci, wskutek czego spore majatki z biegiem stuleci zamienialy sie w skrawki pol, ktore ani nie dawaly mozliwosci utrzymania licznej rodziny, ani nie zapewnialy odpowiedniego wyksztalcenia i wyposazenia, ani tez nie pozwalaly na stosowanie wielu kosztownych elementow szlacheckiego obyczaju. Pamiec o zaszczytnym pochodzeniu byla skrupulatnie, choc w sposob mocno okrojony kultywowana przede wszystkim, o ile nie wylacznie, w srodowiskach wiejskich, w ktorych sytuacja sasiadow byla podobna, a to pozwalalo na grupowa i tania z finansowego punktu widzenia obrone przed utrata tozsamosci (Tadeusz Gajl, "Herbarz Polski od Sredniowiecza do XX wieku", L&L, Gdansk 2007).

"There is no basis on which to build tactical firearm skills other than marksmanship" - ALBERT H. LEAGUE III

Close range encounters (5 yards or less) account for the majority of actual police shootings. From this, combat trainers incorrectly conclude that point shooting techniques (called by a new name every week) must be the basis for defensive shooting programs. A myth has arisen in firearm literature that claims rigid bull's-eye training dominates law enforcement, against which a few informed instructors are advocating "combat shooting." It's just not true. During the last 30 years, most law enforcement academies have deemphasized marksmanship in favor of combat shooting. Unfortunately, most police officers involved in close-range shooting miss their targets despite the trend toward "realistic" training. As distance increases to a car length or so, it only gets worse.
Before I go further, let me clarify my position for the reader - good tactical skills and techniques are essential for the defensive shooter. This is not an "either/or" proposition. But whether you want to shoot squirrels, punch holes in paper targets, or defend your home, you must master the Fundamentals of Marksmanship on which you may build tactical skills (Albert H. League III, "The Perfect Pistol Shot", PALADIN PRESS, Boulder, Colorado 2011).

Can the wars of the past illuminate those of the future? A succession of military historians have claimed to identify certain immutable principles of war, citing examples from ancient times up to the time they were writing. Yet the greatest military analyst, Karl von Clausewitz, deliberately focused on the wars of his own age. His analysis is a weighty tome, best known for his observation that war is 'the continuation of politics with the addition of other means.' Not every deduction he made has the universal application he sought, but no other author has approached his ability to distil the eternal truths that govern wars between nation states ("The Times History of War", HARPER COLLINS, London 2000).

It may be that, amid the excitement of Paris and Brussels, the minister simply neglected to mention the vote on Russia. Unhappily, it appears more likely his silence was a deliberate reflection of Dion's determination to appease Moscow, in spite of the murderous pummelling its aircraft deliver to tens of thousands of innocent Syrians in the beleaguered city of Aleppo.
It is no secret that Russian President Vladimir Putin sees military adventurism as a means to resurrect his country as a global power. A week ago, the Kremlin unveiled details of Moscow's new Satan 2 intercontinental ballistic missile, which, with a range of 11,000 kilometers, "is capable of wiping out parts of the earth the size of Texas or France," the state news outlet Sputnik boasted.
At the same, NATO bolstered its presence across Eastern Europe as a warning to Moscow over its military activities in Crimea and Ukraine, Lithuania is preparing for the possibility of a Russian invasion, using a bulletin to citizens with advice on survival techniques. Nervous Poles have been joining volunteer paramilitary groups in growing numbers.
Dion prefers to remain aloof from such worrying actions, choosing to "reengage" with Moscow after relations became strained under the Conservatives ("Russia's friend in Ottawa", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, November 2, 2016).

00:05 Hrs. Jem 5 klementynek + tabletka witaminy B100 Complex. Na dworze 2-stopniowo + pada deszcz

01:17 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

07:42 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

10:08 Hrs. Budze sie naturalnie + siusiu (zoltawe + puszyste). Na dworze 2-stopniowo + wiatr + zachmurzenie. Templ w kuchni 22C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "I kura ma skrzydla jak orzel, ale coz z tego?" - ALEKSANDER FREDRO.

10:13 Hrs. Biore 1/2 lyzeczki Manuka Honey.

10:16 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

"Po raz pierwszy w historii Ameryki glosy Polakow w wyborach prezydenckich staly sie wazne" - IWO BENDER

Iwo Bender podkresla: - Kto czyta regularnie I porowna pojawiajace sie tam tresci z podobnymi konserwatywnymi portalami francuskimi czy z innych krajow Europy Zachodniej, zauwazy bardzo istotna roznice. Na wszystko jest niby podobne poza jednym: nie ma tresci prorosyjskich ani pochwal Rosji Putina (Maciej Kozuszek, Piotr Lisiewicz, "Musimy podbic Ameryke. Racja Stanu / Nigdy w historii USA Polonia nie byla tak wazna. Rita Cosby powiedziala mi wprost, ze Donald Trump wie, iz to glossy Polakow przesadzily o jego zwyciestwie w kluczowych stanach - tak wiceszf MSZ Jan Dziedziczak opowiada o swojej rozmowie z czolowa amerykanska dziennikarka. Jerzy Bogdziewicz, ktory pracowal w kampanii Trumpa, wspomina: - Opowiedzialem mu o tym, jak polski rzad musi radzic sobie z ciaglymi atakami mediow. Wtedy Donald Trump sie zasmial, mowiac: "W tym akurat to mamy doswiadczenie" ", GAZETA POLSKA, 23.11.2016).

11:15 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 69 kg + arytmia.

11:35 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody + 1/2 cytryny.

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