Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nie zapominajmy

o cynku. Nie ma testow na ilosc cynku w organizmie. Niedobor natomiast powoduje miedzy innym migotanie przedsionkow serca. Przechodze na terapie cynkowa. Dzis kupilem suplementy w sklepie naturalnym + wedzone ostrygi w puszkach. Podobno najlepsze naturalne zrodlo cynku.

"Nie mozna byc apostolem, nie odczuwajac checi w sposob zdecydowany zmasakrowac kogos lub zrujnowac cos" - DMYTRO DONCOW.

Armed resistance and pacification

Given the generally unfavorable attitude of the Polish government toward its Ukrainian minority, especially evident in educational policy, in the restrictions on the official use of Ukrainian, and in anti-Orthodox discrimination, and given what seemed an inability on the part of the Ukrainian cooperative movement and legal political parties to counteract Polish policy, it is not surprising that for some people armed resistance presented itself as the only viable course of action. Throughout the 1920s, the Ukrainian Military Organization (UVO) continued its policy of political assassination, bomb attacks on governmental buildings, and sabotage against railroad and telegraph installations.
Such activity on the part of the UVO was sporadic, and in any case it was increasingly unpopular among the Galician-Ukrainian public after 1923. To improve the reputation and effectiveness of the underground, a more strictly disciplined and ideologically determined organization seemed necessary. Such a movement arose among Ukrainian emigre youth and student groups in central and western Europe, where the UVO leader Konovalets' had been functioning in exile since 1922. At a meeting held in Vienna in 1929, representatives of several emigre groups founded the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). The UVO leader Konovalets' was made head of the new organization, which before long had branches throughout Ukrainian emigre centers as well as in the western Ukrainian lands of Galicia, Bukovina, and Transcarpathia. Initially there was conflict over the respective roles to be played by the OUN and the older UVO, but by 1932 the latter had been merged with the Galician branch of the OUN and thus had ceased to exist as an independent organization.
The OUN was a highly disciplined underground revolutionary movement dedicated to the overthrow of Polish, Romanian, and, eventually, Soviet rule in Ukrainian territories. The movement drew its ideological inspiration from Dmytro Dontsov, a native of Dniepr Ukraine who in 1908 had fled to Galicia and then gone to Vienna to study. After the war, he settled in L'viv, where he edited the leading Galician-Ukrainian journal of public affairs, the Literaturno-naukovyi vistnyk (Literary-Scholarly Herald, 1922-32), and its successor, Vistnyk (The Herald, 1933-39). Despite his influence among many UON members, Dontsov never became a member of the organization and, in fact, remained openly critical of some of its policies.
Dontsov espoused integral nationalism, the theory that nation, as embodied in an independent state, was the supreme ideal. To achieve this ideal, an aggressive will and the ability to take action, preferably under the direction of a strong leader, were necessary, Such views were common at the time in many parts of Europe, in particular in Italy, Germany, and Spain. By the 1930s, if not before, those countries were being led by all-powerful leaders (Mussolini, Hitler, Franco) who allegedly embodied the will of the nation-states they represented. The OUN translated Dontsov's version of integral nationalism into terrorist activity aimed at overthrowing Polish and Soviet rule and eventually creating an independent Ukraine. By the 1930s, especially after news of the 1933 famine reached eastern Galicia, Soviet Ukraine had lost most of its sympathizers among Poland's Ukrainians. This news, combined with Polish repression and the increasingly worsening economic situation caused by the world depression, made the OUN an attractive alternative for a large number of Ukrainian students and peasant youth whose futures did not look promising.
The OUN's purpose was simple: to destabilize the situation in Poland until the government finally collapsed. Not surprisingly, the OUN opposed UNDO and other political parities which worked through legal channels, and it had little sympathy with the constructive work of the cooperative movement, which, according to OUN leaders, implicitly if not explicitly accepted Polish rule. Throughout the 1930s, the OUN in Galicia (let by figures like Bohdan Kravtsiv, Bohdan Hnatevych, Bohdan Kordiuk, Stepan Bandera, and Lev Rebet) engaged repeatedly in act of sabotage. These included the well-publicized assassination of a Soviet consular official in L'viv (1933) in protest against the famine in Soviet Ukraine and the assassination of the Polish minister of internal affairs Bronislaw Pieracki in June 1934. Despite its popularity among certain segments of the population, most legal Ukrainian political parties and other groups, as well as the still-prestigious Greek Catholic metropolitan Andrei Sheptyts'kyi, publicly denounced the terrorist activities of the OUN.
The Polish government tries to curb the OUN's activity. Its first extensive effort in this direction was the so-called pacification program carried out between 16 September and 30 November 1930. Imagining potential terrorists at every corner, detachments of Polish soldiers and police went through Ukrainian villages interning known activists and indiscriminately beating men and women in the process. While the pacification program did not result in much loss of life - and therefore is in no way comparable to collectivization in Soviet Ukraine, which began in earnest at the same time - it nonetheless deepened the hatred between Ukrainians and Poles. It also became a cause celebre for many liberals in the West, especially in Great Britain, where Poles were depicted by some members of the House of Commons as brutal oppressors. The Polish policy of pacification in 1930 and the subsequent arrests of Ukrainian activists (a detention camp was set up at Bereza Kartuzka in 1934) only helped to increase sympathy for the OUN and further to alienate Polish and Ukrainian societies.
There were some Poles, however, both inside and outside the government, who favored some kind of compromise with the country's Ukrainian community. Polish socialist deputies, for instance, tried in March 1931 to have the issue of autonomy for Ukrainians discussed in the parliament. More serious was the government's attempt at compromise with the UNDO, in an agreement reached in July 1935. Known popularly as "normalization," this agreement assured Ukrainians of a total of nineteen seats in both houses of parliament, the election of the UNDO  activist Vasyl' Mudryj as vice-marshal of the parliament, an amnesty for imprisoned nationalists, and credits to Ukrainian economic organizations. One result of normalization was a split in the UNDO between those who favored and those who opposed cooperation with the government. Owing to the split, the UNDO was never to regain the influence it once had among Poland's Ukrainians. Moreover, the whole policy of normalization failed within a few years. The failure was the result of continued dissatisfaction among most Ukrainians with Polish rule that included ongoing efforts to create an internally strong Polish nation-state and increasing intolerance of the demands of all national minorities.
Thus, political compromise between the Polish authorities and the country's Ukrainians was doomed. And this was exactly what OUN leaders wanted: to discredit the Polish government and especially those Ukrainians who favored an evolutionary political or an economic (cooperative) solution to the problem of their existence in Poland. In the end, the OUN got what it wanted - not only destabilization, but also the destruction of Poland. This destruction came about, however, not as a result of the OUN's efforts, but because of the outbreak of World War II on 1 September 1939 (Paul Robert Magocsi, "A History of Ukraine. The Land and Its Peoples", UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS, Toronto Buffalo London 2010).

01:01 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

05:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 15-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 20C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Dzielnosc nie jest wlasciwoscia ciala, lecz duszy, stanowi o niej moc serca, a nie sila ramion i nog" - PIERRE CHARRON.

05:14 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek".

Polska, z nieco ponad 20 tys. dolarow PKB na mieszkanca, moze pochwalic sie praktycznie taka sama jakoscia zycia jak Wlochy (ponad 30 tys. dolarow) i niewiele mniejsza od USA, gdzie PKG na glowe przekraca 50 tys. doalrow (Marek Rabij, "Rzeczpospolita kwantowa. Pamietacie z fizyki kota Schrodingera, ktory mogl byc jednoczesnie zywy i martwy? Taka wlasnie jest dzisiejsza Polska. Kwitnaca i zarazem w ruinie", NEWSWEEK, 29.06-5.07.2015).

05:41 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 70 kg.

05:45 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

06:54 Hrs. Czestuje sie ze skrzynek na chodniku 2 gazetami. "24hrs" z "Drug dealers need to go: Tory. Mayor John Tory is hoping to get all of the drug dealers out of community housing buildings as fast as he can" na okladce + "Metro" z "Kanye West heads north. Rapper tagged to play closing ceremonies at Rogers Centre" na okladce.

16:40 Hrs. Kupuje w Second Nature Natural Foods cynk i magnez ($24.72) + czestuje sie magazynem "Vitality" z "Annual Guide to Organics. Farms, Markets, Suppliers, Events" na okladce.

17:05 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze slonecznie. Temp. w kuchni 23C. + prasa na stole. "Toronto Sun" z "Pan Am gets rapped. Kanye West to close Games, but choice stirs controversy" na okladce + "National Post" z "Cuban rowers abandon ship. Defect to U.S." na okladce + "Zycie" z "Gry komputerowe sa jak kokaina!" na okladce + "Wiadomosci" z "Dzieciakom wiecej swobody" na okladce + "Merkuriusz Polski" z "Towarzystwo im. Wladyslawa Wagnera spotkalo sie w Toronto z premierem Brytyjskich Wysp Dziewiczych" i "70. rocznica Oblawy Augustowskiej - najwiekszej powojennej zbrodni, dokonanej na Polakach przez Sowietow" na okladce + "Nowy Przeglad" z "Drzemka pomaga. Osoby, ktore regularnie drzemia, ciesza sie lepszym zdrowiem psychicznym i mentalna wydajnoscia" na okladce + "Glos Polski". Na okladce:

* Bloomberg sie myli: Polak nie zarabia 25 zl na godz., tylko 9 zl!
* Wszystko o zarobkach w Polsce.
* W. Magiera - Ideowe remanenty.
* Afera podsluchowa - finalna faza scenariusza rozbiorowego.
* Banderowska rebelia na Ukrainie.
* Slupska rewolucja Biedronia z kasy podatnika.

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