Thursday, March 07, 2013


prawoslawny pop wychwala Stalina pod niebiosa. Dla niego dyktator moze nie jest Bogiem, ale bozkiem na pewno. Natomiast amerykanskie KGB-DEA chce obalic demokratyczna wole ludu w stanach Waszyngton i Kolorado, ktore zlegalizowaly marihuane. Federalny Car antynarkotykowy wypowiada wojne wlasnym wolnym Amerykanom? Nowy porzadek swiata juz czeka za rogiem.

Priest says Stalin was no monster

(Josef) Stalin was no saint, but he was not a monster
- Russian Orthodox priest Alexander Shumsky

A conference held under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church is perhaps the last place you might expect to hear a good word said about Josef Stalin.
The church was heavily persecuted by the Soviet dictator, who died 60 years ago on Tuesday after a three-decade rule in which he is widely held responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people. But there is still a place for Stalin in President Vladimir Putin's Russia, and there was plenty of praise for him at a discussion at a church hotel.
One speaker said Stalin restored national pride, another said he laid the groundwork for a great Russian future, and a third said the nation must be grateful to Stalin for the "sacred victory" over Nazi Germany.
"Stalin was no saint, but he was not a monster," said Russian Orthodox priest Alexander Shumsky, accusing Stalin's critics of exaggerating the scale of his crimes.
Six decades on, Stalin's legacy remains the subject of bitter debate and broad interpretation in Russia, where many still believe he did some good for the country.
Support for Stalin has risen in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 gutted the social safety net, damaged national pride and left many Russians longing for the perceived order and stability of the Communist era.
In a poll conducted last year, more than two-thirds of Russians agreed with the statement that "Stalin was a cruel, inhuman tyrant, responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people."
- REUTERS (24 NEWS, Wednesday, March 6, 2013)

Time running out to change U.S. pot laws

"The former DEA chiefs' statement can best be seen as a self-interest plea to validate the costly and failed policies they championed."
Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the New York-based Drug Policy Alliance

Eight former DEA chiefs speak out. Group urges U.S. to nullify two states' weed-legalization laws

Eight former U.S. drug chiefs warned the federal government Tuesday that time is running out to nullify Colorado and Washington's new laws legalizing recreational marijuana use, and a United Nations agency also urged challenges to the measures it says violate international treaties.
The formet Drug Enforcement Administration chiefs criticized Barack Obama's administration for moving too slowly to file a lawsuit that would force the states to rescind the legislation. Marijuana is illegal under federal law.
"My fear is that the Justice Department will do what they are doing now: do nothing and say nothing," former DEA administrator Peter Bensinger told The Associated Press in an interview. "If they don't act now, these laws will be fully implemented in a matter of months."
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (METRO, Wednesday, March 6, 2013).

01:30 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu. 

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 1-stopniowo.

04:05 Hrs. Mierze 6 razy cisnienie krwi + wyciagam srednia.

1) 127/88 + puls 113.
2) 123/88 + puls 113.
3) 125/89 + puls 112.
4) 125/93 + puls 112.
5) 123/91 + puls 112.
6) 122/91 + puls 113.
Srednia: 124/90 + puls 112. Kategoria: Nadcisnienie I stopnia (lagodne).

04:21 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju konopnego + pije wode z cytryna.

04:26 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Uwazam Rze Historia".

"Dla Polakow mozna czasem cos dobrego zrobic, ale z Polakami nigdy" - ALEKSANDER WIELOPOLSKI

Wielopolski uwazany byl nie tylko za pesymiste, ale takze zaprzanca narodowego, ktory podwaza wiare w swieta Francje, szlachetna Wielka Brytanie i sile ducha Polakow, ktora miala okazac sie potezniejsza niz rosyjskie armaty. Gdy czyta sie dokumenty z tej epoki, trudno nie pomyslec o bardzo podobnym nastroju, ktory panowal w Polsce przed wrzesniem 1939 roku. Te same miraze, te same iluzje. Zaiste Polacy sie nie zmieniaja.
Wrocimy jednak do margrabiego. Wielopolski znal Zachod. W 1831 roku, jako posel rzadu powstanczego, pojechal bowiem do Londynu. Spodziewal sie, ze bedzie tam fetowany, ze uda mu sie poruszyc serca Anglikow i pozyskac pomoc dla walczacej z rosyjska opresja Polski. Przywitano go zas wiecej niz chlodno. Londyn nie chcial draznic Moskwy, polskie powstanie uznal za awanture. Wielopolski zostal wowczas brutalnie sprowadzony na ziemie (Piotr Zychowicz, "Samotnosc Wielopolskiego. Margrabia jest jedna z najtragiczniejszych postaci naszej historii. Dla dobra Polski poszedl na wojne z Polakami. I stracil wszystko", UWAZAM RZE HISTORIA, Styczen 2013).

05:00 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 74 kg. + sandalki LEWANDOWICZ.

05:05 Hrs. Pije zielona herbate YOGI GREEN TEA + 2 daktyle.

05:33 Hrs. Po goleniu ceremonia lancuchowa.

06:03 Hrs. Biore 1 tabletke chemii (300 mg TEVA-IRBESARTAN) + popijam zielona herbata.

06:07 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Canada funding opponents of anti-gay bill in Uganda. Safe haven, legal training given support" na okladce.

06:34 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. W radiu na stacji The New Classical 96.3 FM leci owertura Samuela Arnolda.
ESSO, Shell, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.30.8.

09:17 Hrs. Biore 500 mg witaminy "C" + 200 mg magnezu + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.  

 11:51 Hrs. Biore zelatynke multiwitaminy PLATINUM.

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