Monday, June 21, 2010

Znow przerost

informacji. Trzeba ja jakos usystematyzowac. Glownie to jest KATYN + DZIEKANSKI + DRUGA TURA. Dorzucil bym do tego jescze JANA OD KRZYZA. Cala ta informacja narzucila sie na mnie w ciagu kilku dni i dalej nie moge sie z niej otrzasnac. Pewne wycinki musza byc opublikowane, aby zrozumiec stan mojego intelektu w formie duchowej.

"Pisanie bloga jest jak jedzenie pietruszki w celu zabicia woni czosnku, smrodu rzeczywistosci swiata, ktorej nie akceptujemy" - Big Moose ("Jak pietruszka", BIG MOOSE BLOG, Niedziela, 20 Czerwca 2010).

Warsaw Poland's presidential election yesterday appeared headed for a runoff between the acting president and the twin brother of the man he succeeded, who died in an April plane crash that also killed his wife and many of the country's civilian and military leaders. Surveys of voters showed that the acting president, Bronislaw Komorowski, the speaker of the lower house of parliament, fell short of the majority needed to prevent a second round of voting. His main opponent, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, is a former prime minister whose twin brother, president Lech Kaczynski, was among 96 people who died when their plane crashed trying to land in heavy fog at Smolensk, Russia, on April 10. Mr. Komorowski acknowledged that a runoff on July 4 appeared likely and asked his supporters to mobilize for the next round in the campaign. The New York Times (NATIONAL POST, Monday, June 21, 2010).

Przejscie przez ciemna noc umartwienia pozadan i wyzbycia sie upodoban we wszystkich rzeczach jest niezbedne dla duszy, by mogla dojsc do zjednoczenia z Bogiem (Jan od Krzyza, "Droga na Gore Karmel").

Special prosecutor in Bryant case appointed
VANCOUVER A special prosecutor has been appointed to review the actions of the four RCMP officers involved in the Tasering death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski.
Richard Peck, who served as special prosecutor in the case involving former Ontario attorney-general Michael Bryant, has been handed the job.
B.C. Attorney-General Michael de Jong announced the review yesterday after the release of the final report by the Braidwood Inquiry into the 2007 incident.
In his report, Commissioner Thomas Braidwood said the "shameful conduct" of the officers was not justified.
Judge Braidwood, a retired appeal court jurist, condemned the four Mounties who, responding to a report of a violent drunk at the Vancouver International Airport in October 2007, repeatedly shocked Mr. Dziekanski with a Taser.
He dismissed as false the officers' claims that they were forced to fight with the 40-year-old passenger. "In my view they were deliberate misrepresentations, made for the purpose of justifying their actions."
Mr. Dziekanski, who spoke no English and had never been on a plane before, was unable to find his mother upon arriving at the airport. He remained in a secure customs area for nearly 11 hours and then, appearing dazed, began throwing around furniture, prompting the 911 call.
Moments after the officers - Constable Kwesi Millington, Corporal Benjamin Robinson, Constable Bill Bentley and Constable Gerry Rundel - arrived, Mr. Dziekanski was jolted five times with a Taser.
He died minutes after he was restrained and handcuffed face-down on the airport floor. The incident, captured on amateur video, resulted in an international public outcry.
The officers testified at the inquiry that they believed Mr. Dziekanski intended to attack, but the judge did not believe them. "They approached the incident as though responding to a barroom brawl and failed to shift gears when they realized that they were dealing with an obviously distraught traveller," he wrote in the report. "Neither officer carried out an appropriate reassessment of risk immediately before deployment of the weapon."
He found Mr. Dziekanski was compliant with police commands and did not brandish a weapon, despite grabbing a stapler. "Mr. Dziekanski did not bring this on himself," Judge Braidwood said.
In 2008, B.C. announced that it would not lay charges because there was not a substantial likelihood of conviction. However, yesterday Mr. de Jong said "the circumstances here not just warrant, but require, a fresh look and a reconsideration of the decision made some time ago."
"That prosecutor will assess if there are any additional evidence or grounds ... upon which to reconsider the earlier decision," he said. Within the next year, he said, the B.C. government will create a civilian-led unit to investigate all independent municipal police- and RCMP-related deaths and serious incidents across B.C.
RCMP Commissioner William Elliot acknowledged yesterday that the force's handling of the incident "failed at many levels" and the officers involved acted inappropriately and were too quick to use the weapon. "It is clear that our policies and training at the time were deficient," he said.
The Commissioner would not immediately say whether the officers would face any further discipline. Three have been reassigned, and one - Cpl. Robinson - has been suspended with pay for a fatal crash in 2008.
Since Mr. Dziekanski's death, the RCMP has restricted the Taser's use to incidents threatening officer or public safety. In April, the RCMP apologized to Mr. Dziekanski's mother, Zofia Cisowski, and paid her an undisclosed settlement. Canwest News Service (NATIONAL POST, Saturday, June 19, 2010).

Z jednej strony kandydat, ktory uwaza, ze prezydentura nalezy mu sie za wysluge lat. Z drugiej kandydat, ktory uwaza, ze nalezy mu sie ona, bo jest wykonawca jakiegos blizej nieokreslonego testamentu. Z jednej strony ktos, kto kandyduje, bo nie chcial kandydowac lider partii, z drugiej ktos, kto kandyduje, bo tragicznie zmarl mu brat. Z jednej ktos, kto popelnia gafe, gdy tylko otwiera usta, z drugiej ktos, kto swych spin doktorow wprowadza w drzenie - boja sie, ze mowiac, powie w koncu, co naprawde mysli. Doradcy jednego modla sie, by nie mowil, doradcy drugiego modla sie, by mowic nie zaczal (Tomasz Lis, "Final ligi oldbojow", WPROST, 20 czerwca 2010).


An Unpunished Crime Against Humanity

On September 17th, 1939, a little over two weeks after Nazi Germany had invaded Poland, the Soviet Union broke its Non-Aggression Pact with the Allies and invaded the already battle-ravaged country. Attacked from the West and then again from the East, World War II Poland quickly became the frayed rope in a vicious tug-of-war between its two belligerent neighbours.
Shortly after invading Poland, the Soviets began the deportation of 1.5 million Poles to the Gulag, a place that, like so many other specialized camps in World War II, was synonymous with misery, degradation and death. But a very special fate awaited 23,000 selected Polish prisoners-of-war. About 8,000 officers taken prisoner of war and thousands of Polish doctors, professors, lawmakers, police officers, and other members of the Polish intelligentsia rounded up by the NKVD (secret police) along with several hundred Jewish officers and members of other national minorities, were interned in three camps in Kozelsk, Starobelsk and Ostashkov.
With the exception of 400 prisoners who were spared for reasons unknown, the rest of these special prisoners were never seen or hear from again after the spring of 1940, until the mass graves of some 4,250 of them - all from Kozelsk - were uncovered by the Germans in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk in the spring of 1943. It was determined that each victim had been killed with a pistol-shot in the back of the head.
The Soviets immediately blamed the Nazis for the crime. They alleged that these prisoners had fallen into Nazi hands when Germany invaded the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941. In response, the Germans organized a Medical Commission consisting of leading doctors from twelve European nations, including representatives from Poland and neutral Switzerland, which met in Katyn on April 29 and 30, 1943 and determined that these Poles were massacred in the spring of 1940 when Katyn was still under Soviet control. When the Polish Government-in-Exile based in London, England, convinced the International Red Cross Committee to conduct a further investigation, the Soviets refused permission to do so and severed diplomatic ties with Poland.
In July 1952, a Select Committee established by the U.S. House of Representatives went to conduct a full and complete investigation of the massacre and filed the following report: "The committee unanimously finds, beyond any question of reasonable doubt, that the Soviet NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) committed the mass murders of the Polish officers and intellectual leaders in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia."
However, the Soviets staunchly stood behind their accusation of Nazi Germany, despite the countless investigations and pieces of evidence that continued to state otherwise. While the rest of the world moved on to heal and recover from the horrors of the war, Poland, under Soviet-Communist rule, was denied much of this relief. In communist-era Poland, the history of World War II was either muddled or muted, and mention of the tragedy at Katyn and the Soviet's role was taboo - and often dangerous.
It wasn't until 1990 that Mikhail Gorbachev, the last general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, admitted that the Soviet NKVD had been in fact responsible for the massacre, and further confirmed two other burial sites similar to the site at Katyn. To the families of those interned at Katyn, the admission provided closure after nearly five decades of uncertainty, denial and a sense of injustice. Poland reclaimed yet another tattered, would-be-forgotten page of its history.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Massacre at Katyn, although this year's memorial has been marred by its own, somewhat ironic tragedy. On April 10th, 2010, Poland's president, Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and 94 of Poland's senior military, parliamentary and government officials, as well as a few relatives of the victims of the Katyn Massacre, were killed in the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash. They were on their way to Smolensk, Russia, to attend the annual Katyn memorial. At the time of writing, the cause of the crash remains under investigation.
30th Anniversary of the Katyn Memorial in Toronto
Polish National Union of Canada - Head Executive Board
Polish Scouting Association in Canada - National Executive Council
June 2010

02:23 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:30 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 18-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 24.6C.

04:36 Hrs. Mierze cisnienie krwi. 114/62 mmHg + puls 49/min.

04:40 Hrs. Pije lyzke stolowa na pusty zoladek olej konopny mum's origianal + zagryzam czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:45 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Polityka".

15:10 Hrs. Kupuje obiad w Warmia Deli ($12.87). Rosol + salatka warzywowa + serek topiony na kanapki do pracy (Sertop TYCHY ($2.99) + "Gazeta". Na okladce:

* Dopiero teraz zacznie sie prawdziwa kampania (Niewielka przewaga Komorowskiego).
* W Kanadzie wygral Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
* Morawiecki zapowiada zalozenie ruchu.
* Policjanci winni smierci Dziekanskiego!!!
* Swiatowe media: Kaczynski moze wygrac.
* Powodzianie licza na kazda pomoc.
Dwie fotografie: (1) Bronislaw Komorowski i Jaroslaw Kaczynski spotkaja sie w drugiej turze; (2) Zofia Cisowska, matka Dziekanskiego.
Czestuje sie darmowym "Zyciem" z "Kogo wyniesie powodz?" na okladce.

18:02 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP.

21:25 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

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