Tuesday, October 02, 2007


06;42 Hrs. Milosc nad morzem udac sie nie moze - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze mokro, ciemno i 17-stopniowo. Pada deszcz. W dzienniku: Rocznica kapitulacji Powstania Warszawskiego w 1944 r. Poslanka Beata Sawicka usunieta z PO za lapowki. Major Wieslaw Gregoszewski uwaza za "medialny mit" informacje o wadliwych samolotach bojowych F-16.
ESSO, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.92.8.

15:26 Hrs. Tankuje w ESSO. 32.653L x $0.92.8 = $30.30.

15:45 Hrs. Znajduje dwie wyborcze ulotki w skrzynce na listy.

"It's time to put an end to broken promises, weak leadership, and poor results."
John Tory and David Hutcheon know from experience
On October 10th
"Cheri will protet your hard-earned tax dollars and is committed to balanced budgets. At the same time, Cheri will invest in crucial health, education and community programs."
Peggy Nash, MP parkdale-High Park
On October 10th
Parkdale-High Park

W wyborach ontaryjskich 10 pazdziernika wystepuja kandydaci z 12 partii. Najbardziej ideologicznie mi podchodza Libertarianie.
Ontario Libertarian Party (http://www.libertarian.on.ca/).

NDP jest za legalizacja marihuany i przeciwko wojnie z narkotykami.
eNDPpohibition NDP AGAINST THE DRUG WAR (http://www.endprohibition.ca/index.php).

Obecnie w High Parku rzadzi NDP. Jesli chodzi o marihuane to w pelni popieram stanowisko NDP w tej kwestii. Ideologicznie natomiast ta partia mnie nie podchodzi. Jest to partia socjalistyczna. Partia Libertarianska tez jest za legalizacja marihuany i bardzo wolnosciowa ideologicznie. Liberalowie, ktorzy chyba wygraja wybory, sa za dekryminalizacja marihuany. PC, czyli Partia Konsertwatywna to prohibicjonistyczni fanatycy. Sa u wadzy federalnej obecnie. Jesli wygraja tez w Ontario, to mozemy sie spodziewac rozrostu panstwa policyjnego. Mam nadzieje, ze Ontaryjczycy dla zdrowego balansu wybiora Liberalow.

17:36 Hrs. "Your love is my home" - spiewa Ian Parker na BLUES 727.

Teen substance abuse can go beyond feeling of being wasted

For Wade Cory, it started with a glass of vodka, swiped from a bottle hidden away in his best friend's kitchen.
"I started drinking when I was in Grade 6 or 7," says Cory, now 21 and a counsellor at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre in Calgary.
"It was pretty social at the beginning and then around Grade 9, I found marijuana. That was my favourite drug of all time, and started using that. It started out just on weekends and at parties." High school life was good. His marks were fine and he was captain of the football team. But then his grades started to slip, he failed Grade 10 science and everything started to revolve around his "obssession" with drugs and alcohol.
"Ever since Grade 10 when I really started using weed - and then I went on to (magic) mushrooms and stuff like that, and dextrin, like prescription pills - it was just I thought about that more than anything else I'd ever thought about. I really loved sports; I really loved school; I loved friends; but all that became secondary to marijuana and drinking."
Cory's story is a familiar one to doctors who work with teen users and abusers. Dr. Karen Leslie, a staff pediatrician at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, said the top two problematic drugs for this demographic are alcohol and cannabis.
"Particularly kids who are using marijuana on a regular basis because that really seems to interfere a lot with their schooling, with all kinds of things in their life," she said.
The federal government has expressed concerns, too. It plans to announce an antidrug strategy this week that is expected to combine treatment and prevention programs with stiffer penalties for drug use.
- THE CANADIAN PRESS (24 HOURS, Tuesday, October 2, 2007).

Little Girl vs Big Yellow Dodge Ball

Most of us would drop monarchy

More than half of Canadians want to cut ties with the monarchy and scrap the constitutional system under which Queen Elizabeth is our head of state, according to an online opinion poll released yesterday.
The survey by Angus Reid Strategies found that 53% wanted Canada to drop the monarchy.
Support for severing ties was highest among men, and among French speakers, while women, and those earning more than $50.000 a year, were most likely to support the current system, the survey of 1,032 adults found.
"These are the lowest results for the monarchy that I've ever seen," said Tom Freda, national director of Citizens for a Canadian Republic, even after Princess Diana died.
Also, 35% of respondents said they wanted Prince William to succeed the queen, compared with 20% who favour Prince Charles.
- Reuters (TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, October 2, 2007).

Lion Reunites with Humans

Big Moose Blog

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