Tuesday, October 30, 2007



Dear Sir,
On Saturday, October 27, 2007 at 11:00 PM I watched a very disturbing Nick Wilson's documentary aired on CBC NewsWorld The Prince of Pot: The U.S. vs. Marc Emery.

Marc Emery is a Canadian citizen. He is a political activist and a leader of B.C. Marijuana Party. He is also a pacifist, fighting against war on drugs, and advocating legalization of marijuana in Canada.

Mr. Emery was arrested by the Canadian police on request of American DEA. Presently he and his companions (Michelle Rainey, Greg Williams) are waiting for extradition to the USA in order to face the American judiciary system. If convicted, he might spend the rest of his life in the American jail.

The charges against Mr. Emery are politically motivated; although, DEA denies it stating he was selling dangerous narcotics to American people. These are ridiculous accusations since cannabis seeds that Mr. Emery used to sell over the Internet are not narcotic, and marijuana plants growing out of them are considered as a 'benign narcotic' as described by the Canadian Senate committee that even recommended to legalize it in Canada.

Sir, as a Canadian I am appalled. The political prosecution of cannabis activists by war on drugs fanatics resembles infamous Stalinist prosecutions of the 30. in the former Soviet Union.

Those who are against the war on drugs become the enemies of the American state. The U.S. police agencies like DEA are hunting the pro-marijuana activists all over the world. They have long hands like KGB used to have in the past. Unfortunately, DEA proved that their hands are long enough to reach free and independent Canada. This fact worries me the most, and begs the question if our beautiful country is really free, safe and sovereign.

Yours sincerely,
Edward Kuciak, Toronto

No Extradition to the USA for Canadian cannabis activists!
Five Things You Can Do To Help
Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey, and Greg Williams (the BC3) are Canadian citizens who were heavily involved in anti-prohibition activism in Canada for more than ten years. The United States is attempting to extradite these Canadian cannabis activists to the US - a country they've never been to - and stand trial to face up to life in US federal prison. This is an insult to Canadian sovereignty and citizens' rights.

Here are five things that anyone can do to help prevent the BC3 from being extradited. Don't read this list and do nothing - please take action and urge everyone you know to do the same. This is a crucial battle about sovereignty, freedom, and ending the drug war - a battle we must win.

1) Contact the Canadian Justice Minister Constantly!

Canada's Justice Minister is currently Robert Nicholson of the Conservative Party. It is largely his decision whether Canada will extradite the BC3, and that decision could come in the next few months or years. No matter where you are in the world, please contact the Justice Minister every week - we definitely need consistent vocal and written support from Canadians, Americans and the international community. Weekly phone calls, faxes, and handwritten letters that are polite and concise are effective political pressure. The goal is to keep the Justice Department aware of the BC3 and the opposition to the extradition. Always be very polite, and say it would "shock your conscience" for Canadians to be extradited to the United States, a country they never went to, especially when the alleged crimes would not receive a jail sentence in Canada - and, if they have broken the law in Canada, they should be tried in Canada. When sending a letter, ask for a response from the Justice Minister.

Phone: (613) 957-4222
Fax: (613) 990-7255
Mailing Address:
The Honourable Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
284 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0H8
2) Contact The Media

Please contact the following newspapers with a new letter every week, or every month. Send a short letter under 200 words that offers quick facts about the American efforts to extradite the BC3, why you oppose it, and why others should too. Don't send mass email to all of the media, but email each individually. Write letters about the extradition, or respond to an article that relates to marijuana. A number of Canadian newspaper emails are liste here, but a complete list of media outlets is available thanks to Media Awareness Project at www.mapinc.org/resource/email.html.
National Post: letters@nationalpost.com
Globe & Mail: letters@globeandmail.ca
Vancouver Sun: sunletters@png.canwest.com
Vancouver Province: provletters@png.canwest.com
Victoria Times Colonist: letters@tc.canwest.com
Vacouver Courier: editor@vancourier.com
Burnaby Now: editorial@burnabynow.com
Calgary Herald: letters@theherald.canwest.com
Calgary Sun: callet@calgarysun.com
Edmonton Journal: letters@thejournal.canwest.com
Edmonton Sun: mailbag@edm.sunpub.com
Regina Leader-Post: letters@leaderpost.canwest.com
Hamilton Spectator: letters@thespec.com
Kamloops this week: ktw@bcnewsgroup.com
Kamloops Daily News: kamloopsnews@telus.net
Kelowna Capital News: edit@kelownacapnews.com
Langley Advance: editorial@langleyadvance.com
Langley Times: newsroom@langleytimes.com
Lethbridge Herald: letters@ac403.com
London Free Press: letters@lfpress.com
Montreal Gazette: letters@thegazette.canwest.com
Ottawa Citizen: letters@thecitizen.canwest.com
Ottawa Sun: oped@ott.sunpub.com
Saskatoon Star Phoenix: spnews@SP.canwest.com
Toronto Sun: editor@tor.sunpub.com
Victoria News: vicnews@vinewsgroup.com
Whitehorse Star: letters@whitehorsestar.com
Winnipeg Free Press: letters@freepress.mb.ca
Winnipeg Sun: editor@wpgsun.com
Windsor Star: letters@thestar.canwest.com

3) Contact your Member of Parliament and Member of Legislative Assembly

If you are in Canada, then contact both your MP and MLA by phone, mail, and email. Try to make an appointment for a personal visit for even more impact. Ask your representative to voice public opposition to the extradition requests. Tell your MP and MLA that Canada should not be sending Canadian activists to face life imprisonment in foreign countries when the accused persons never went to the requesting country and the accused crimes are not considered to be a jail-worthy offence in Canada. Remind them that the Canadian Government knowingly collected taxes from Marc Emery's seed sale income for a decade, and that Marc Emery is the leader of a legitimate political party, operated business openly and honestly, dealt only with consenting adults, caused no harm, kept no weapons or drugs, and once received a monetary fine for selling cannabis seeds in Canada - not prison, which the US seeks. Find your MLA at the folowing websites and your MP at www.parl.gc.ca.
BC: www.leg.bc.ca/mla/
Alberta: www.assembly.ab.ca
Saskatchewan: www.legassembly.sk.cas
Manitoba: www.gov.mb.ca/legislature/members
ON: www.electionsontario.on.ca/fyed/en/form_page_en.jsp
Quebec: www.assnat.qc.ca/eng/Members/index.html
Newfoundland: www.hoa.gov.nl.ca/hoa/members
Nova Scotia: www.gov.ns.ca/legislature/MEMBERS
PEI: www.assembly.pe.ca/members/index.php
NB: www.app.infoaa.7700.gnb.ca/gnb/pub/ListMLA1.asp

4) Donate Or Make Purchases
Marc, Michelle and Greg are accumulating expensive legal bills in order to fight the extradition. They are still determined to help the movement by spreading awareness about the drug war through the BC Marijuana Party, Cannabis Culture Magazine, Pot.tv, and the CCHQ store as always, but need legal fee support in this trying time. Please consider donating to or buying from the BC Marijuana Party (www.bcmarijuanaparty.com), Cannabis Culture Magazine (www.cannabisculture.com/newstore), or Marc Emery's Cannabis Culture Headquarters store (307 West Hastings St. Vancouver, 604-682-1172).

5) Rally in your community
If you in Canada, then try to put on a rally in your community to protest this incursion of the US Drug War into Canada. The focus of your rally should be that Canadians within Canada are not subject to US law and should not be extradited. US consulate offices are a good place to rally at, as are Canadian government buildings, and even parks and downtown areas. Please contact us at the BC Marijuana Party and Cannabis Culture Magazine to let us know what you are up to, and we can help promote your event. Use your rally to demonstrate that Canadian courts have decided selling marijuana seeds is a trivial offence that nets a fine, not prison time, and the Canadian government steadily collected sizable taxes from Marc Emery's seed sales for over 10 years. If Emery has broken the law in Canada then he should be charged and tried in Canada. If he has not broken laws in Canada then he should absolutely not be extradited to the US for a life sentence in US prison.

Send mail to "No Extradition" 307 West Hastings Street, Vancouver BC, V6B 1H6, Canada

06:40 Hrs. Di Aj Es Si O (DISCO) - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze sucho. 6-stopniowo. Ksiezyc na niebie. W dzienniku: Zarzad PO zbiera sie. Nowy rzad w przyszly poniedzialek. Gang Krakowiaka - najgrozniejsza grupa przestepcza przed sadem. Ulica Bloor w dzielnicy Kingsway juz oswietlona swiatecznymi kolorowymi lampkami. Stylizowane swieczki na slupach. Niebieskie swiatelka na drzewach.
ESSO, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.98.6.

Dwie wizyty: Krol Arabii Saudyskiej w Anglii + Dalai Lama w Kanadzie

30 The number of wives King Abdullah is said to have married over his lifetime. It is thought he keeps around four wives at a time (Peter Goodspeed, "Saudi King's visit to U.K. draws fire", NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, October 30, 2007).

Recently, Chinese officials in Tibet caught four 15-year-old boys scribbling graffiti on the walls of public buildings calling for the Dalai Lama to return. International human rights organizations say the boys have been beaten with cables and tortured with cattle prods. If Mr. Harper hadn't met with the Dalai Lama, Canada would have been giving tacit approval to such Chinese tactics. Good on our Prime Minister for injecting a little bit more principle into our international relations ("Meeting the Dalai Lama", NATIONAL POST, tuesday, October 30, 2007).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehehe! czas kuciaczku już o tym

Ekologiczny cmentarz
Zamiast chłodu cmentarza wolą szum lasu, zamiast płyty nagrobnej – drzewo
Coraz więcej ludzi chce wybrać swoje miejsce wiecznego spoczynku. I przydać się naturze oddając swoje szczątki jako naturalny nawóz.
REKLAMA Czytaj dalej

Może marzyłeś kiedyś, by ostatnie dni życia spędzić w sielskiej dolinie, bez komórki i internetu, wiele kilometrów od najbliższego osiedla... Albo, jeszcze lepiej, w pobliżu jakichś pięknych budowli, a żeby było romantyczniej, nieopodal cwałowałyby dzikie konie, po lesie spacerowały żubry lub inne imponujące zwierzęta. Dziś już jest takie miejsce. I możesz pozostać tam przez całą wieczność!