Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Habemus Papam!

Dzisiaj Dzien Papieski. 29 lat temu. 16 pazdziernika 1978 roku. Polak, szlachcic pokadzielny, ksiadz Karol Wojtyla zostal wybrany na tron papieski. Przyjal imie Jan Pawel II i zamieszkal w Watykanie. Pozniej wszystko potoczylo sie jak z gorki. Papiez odwiedzil Polske. Komunistyczne kadry stoczni usteckiej odmowily mi urlopu na spotkanie z nim. ZOMO-wcy zmasakrowali mnie na komendzie MO w Ustce. Strajk w Stoczni Ustka w 1980 roku. Podpisanie "umow sierpniowych". Ucieczka z PRL-u. Azyl w Niemczech. Emigracja do Kanady. Prawie caly pontyfikat papieza spedzilem wraz z nim na emigracji.

06:47 Hrs. Paryskie niebo w lustrze Sekwany przeglada sie - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. W dzienniku: Ks. Peszkowski pochowany w Wilanowie. Od piatku o polnocy cisza wyborcza w Polsce.
ESSO, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.96.5.

18:00 Hrs. CTV, ABC, CNN nadaja duzo o osi Moskwa-Teheran. Putin jedzie w prosby do malego Hitlerka Mahmouda Ahmadinedzada. Ach te odwieczne ciagoty. Kiedys Hitler ze Stalinem, a teraz kagiebowczyk Putin liczy na Ahmadinedzada. Wiadomo Rusek weszy dostep do cieplych wod, takze do iranskiej ropy. Nie wyszlo z Afganistanem i Pakistanem, to moze uda sie z Iranem. No i te nieszczesne balistyczne rosyjsko-iranskie rakiety, ktore maja byc przechwytywane rakietami wystrzelonymi z silosow Wicka Morskiego kolo Ustki. Sojusz Stalina z Hitlerem zaowocowal rozbiorem Polski. Ciekawe czym zaowocuje sojusz Putina z Ahmadinedzadem?

Taking the name of John Paul II - out of respect for his predecessor - Karol Wojtyla became the 263rd successor of St. Peter, the 264th pope of his Church, and thereby head of seven hundred million Roman Catholics, the single largest and oldest religious institution in the world.
As pope, he also became "The Bishop of Rome, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Successor of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, the Supreme Pontiff who has the primacy of jurisdiction and not merely of honor over the Universal Church, the Patriarch of the West, the Primate of Italy, the Archibishop and Metroplitan of the Roman Province, the Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God." He was to be addressed as "His Holiness the Pope" or, more informally, as "Holy Father."
At the age of fifty-eight and a half years (almost to the day), the rugged, athletic Polish cardinal, standing five feet ten and a half inches, was the youngest pope since 1846, and, of course, the first foreigner since 1523. And John Paul II wasted no time demonstrating to the cardinals and then to the rest of the world that he would be a very different kind od pope.
As soon as Karol Wojtyla accepted the papacy, Cesare Tassi, the Sistine official, led him out of the chapel through a small door to the left of the altar, below The Last Judgment, to a whitewash-walled narrow room to don the white papal vestments awaiting the new pontiff (actually, the room held three sets of vestments on portmanteaus: in small, medium, and large sizes, to fit whoever was chosen).
Returning to the chapel, Wojtyla found an armchair placed in front of the altar where, according to tradition, he would sit to receive the cardinals' vows of obedience. But, as Cardinal Enrique y Tarancon recalled, Wojtyla had other ideas.
"When the Master of Ceremonies invited the pope to sit down," he said, "Wojtyla replied, 'No, I receive my brothers standing up....' " One by one, the cardinals came to Wojtyla to be embraced by him. The longest embrace was for Primate Wyszynski. Then the cadinals sang the Te Deum (Tad Szulc, "Pope John Paul II The Biography").


IF YOU'RE UNDER 27, there's been no other pope in your lifetime. You've grown up equating the Roman Catholic pontiff with constant world travel, international diplomacy and superstar celebrity status. But that, of course, was John Paul II, not his predecessors - and quite possibly not his successors. Karol Jozef Wojtyla - playwright, poet, actor, skier, kayaker, hiker, youth leader, parish priest, philospher, linguist, archbishop, cardinal - put his stamp on the papacy from the moment of his election in October 1978. Not only the first non-Italian to hold the office in 455 years, he was from Poland, a land where a formidable Catholic tradition had been stifled firs by the Nazis, then by the post-war Soviet empire. The world watched as the Polish Pope played a critical role in the downfall of Communism, in Poland and across Eastern Europe.
Relatively young at 58, the newly elected John Paul brought to the job an energy and charisma unprecedented in the modern papacy. He made a point of getting around from the start - to six countries (including, tellingly, his officially atheist homeland) in his first year.
No aloof figure, this Pope. To the horror of his security detail, he was out there mingling with the crowds, touching, hugging, smiling. He was soon a familiar figure around the globe, kissing the ground on arrival at each new stop, meeting with world leaders, greeting the throngs from his perch atop Popemobiles of all descriptions. Shot in Rome in 1981, he recovered and was back on the road again a year later - slower, perhaps, not quite as spontaneous. There would be 104 trips in his travel log by the time he made his last, to Lourdes, France, as an 84-year-old, in August 2004.
John Paul held fast to traditional Catholic teaching - too fast for some tastes. But wherever he went, his underlying message was one of tolerance and understanding. For over a quarter of a century, he was the Church's global missionary of peace. ROBERT MARSHALL (MACLEAN'S SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE JOHN PAUL II THE PEOPLE'S POPE HIS REMARKABLE LIFE AND TIMES 1920-2005).

19:57 Hrs. Just come to Mama. Come to Mama, Baby - spiewa Etta James na BLUES 727. Czytam Sunday Sun.

In the program on private Italian network La7, a man identified as a priest is heard saying that he "didn't feel he was sinning" by having sex with gay men ("Vatican monsignor in gay sex case", SUNDAY SUN, October 14, 2007).


"Gazeta" (12 - 14 pazdziernika 2007 - www.gazetagazeta.com).

* Kwasniewski rezygnuje... z udzialu w konwencjach.
* Miliardy euro dla pieciu polskich wojewodztw.
* Nowe swieto w Ontario.
* Literacki Nobel 2007 zaskoczeniem.
* Kobiety i dzieci ofiarami amerykanskiego ataku.
Trzy fotografie: (1) Byly prezydent Aleksander Kwasniewski w Szczecinie; (2) Wieczor triumfu; (3) Tegoroczna laureatka literackiego Nobla, pisarka Doris Lessing.

"Goniec" (12 - 18 pazdziernika 2007 - www.goniec.net).

* Kolejny etap walki z "polskim obozami"
* Liberalowie po raz drugi.
* Zapalil sie samolot do Wardzawy.
* Wloski strajk celnikow.
* We Lwowie stanie pomnik Bandery.
Jedna fotografia: Christine Elliott z mezem Jimem Flahertym i synami.

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