Thursday, August 24, 2006

Osama, Osama

i po Osamie.

Dlugo oczekiwany i jeszcze dluzej reklamowany film o bin Ladenie obejrzalem wczoraj na CNN i niczym mnie nie zaszokowal. Wszystko juz dawno wiemy. Nic nowego sie nie dowiedzielismy o tym zabojcy terroryscie.

W szkole geniuszem nie byl. Zadnych wodzowskich atrybutow za mlodu nie przejawial. Urodzony w rodzinie budowlancow, ktorzy zrobili miliony i przez to zyskali koneksje z monarchia saudyjska i Zachodem. Pozniej wykazal sie w Afganistanie walczac z komunistyczno-sowiecka bolszewia. Mylnie uwierzyl, ze Zwiazek Sowiecki pokonal Allah, a nie Walesa. Szkoda, ze nie uczyl sie nowozytnej historii Polski, to wtedy moze do glowy by mu nie przyszlo, ze Sowiety to najwieksza potega militarna swiata.

Wlasne panstwo go zdradzilo. Bo zamiast prosic o pomoc al-Kaide, "zwyciezcow" nad Sowietami, Arabia Saudyjska poprosila Amerykanow aby wypirzyli Irakijczykow z Kuwejtu. Zawiedziony wypowiedzial wojne Ameryce. Wojna smieszna i glupawa, polegajaca na uzywaniu taktyki terroryzmu samobojczego. Wlasciwie zadny atak terrorystyczny przeciw Ameryce by mu sie nie udal, jakby samouwielbiajacy siebie wywiad i kontrwywiad amerykanski zaczal pracowac, a nie udawac, ze pracuje i brac za to duze pieniadze od podatnika amerykanskiego. Po prostu CIA, FBI i inne sluzby wywiadowczo-kontrwywiadowczo-policyjne daly przyslowiowej dupci ignorujac zdeterminowanego religijnego wariata i fanatyka.

Z cyklu: Jak sie smiac to do rozpuku.


Jeden agent KGB-DEA do drugiego:
- Wczoraj zalatwilem dwoch groznych przestepcow narkotykowych. Jak to zrobiles - zapytuje drugi.
- Widzisz, jednemu, temu wyzszemu, dalem gazem po oczach i przywalilem pala po glowie. Drugiego, tego nizszego, zalatwilem jednym ciosem karate i dalem takiego kopa w dupe, ze wszystkie kredki mu wypadly z tornistra.

Walesa quits union he founded

WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Lech Walesa said yesterday he has quit the Solidarity trade union he founded and which helped end one-party rule in Poland.
"I have given up my membership last year because Solidarity and I have gone separate ways," he said in an interview.
He said he plans to stay away from events marking the 26th anniversary of Solidarity's founding on Aug. 31 in part because he disapproves of the union's support for Poland's new conservative leaders.
The 62-year-old Nobel Peace laureate said he left after Solidarity members ignored his criticism of their support for the Law and Justice Party and its leaders, twin brothers Lech and Jaroslaw Kaczynski, during last fall's election campaign (TORONTO SUN, Wednesday, August 23, 2006).

Guide to terror

Osama bin Laden has brilliantly manipulated the media to send information to devout followers and further his cause, CNN special contends.

The Associated Press

"Hundreds of millions of people see them or hear them or read about them ... people react to that in Madrid and London"
Terror expert Peter Bergen on the video and audio tapes of Osama bin Laden

LOS ANGELES - To terrorism expert Peter Bergen, Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida are hiding in plain sight as the force behind the alleged plot against trans-Atlantic airliners.
Bin Laden's tenacious influence five years after Sept. 11 is why, Bergen said, he felt compelled to write about him and to participate in In The Footsteps Of bin Laden, a new CNN decumentary based in part on Bergen's book, The Osama bin Laden I Know.
The two-hour special, reported by CNN's international correspondent Christiane Amanpour, airs at 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. tonight, and repeats at 7 and 10 p.m. Aug. 26 and 27 and again at 7 and 10 p.m. Sept. 9 and 10.
While U.S. and British officials investigate links between the airplane bombing plot and al-Qaida, Bergen already sees a clear connection.
Since the Sept. 11 attacks, bin Laden and his chief lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahri, have released dozens of video and audio tapes that Bergen characterizes as "the most widely distributed political statements in history.
"Hundreds of millions of people see them or hear them or read about them ... to people who are part of the jihadist movement, these words are akin to a religious order," Bergen said. When bin Laden calls for assaults on members of the Iraq war coalition, "people react to that in Madrid and London."
As he dodges capture (he's believed to be in Pakistan), bin Laden is not in operational control of al-Qaida but "he doesn't to be because these tapes get the message out."
Bin Laden's organization may have done more than inspire last week's failed jetliner plot: It's "a classic al-Qaida operation," said Bergen.
CNN's film constructs an account of bin Laden's life based on dozens of world-wide interviews, 21 of which were with people who had direct contact with him, including childhood friends, university classmates, fellow jihadists and a former English teacher.
"When there is somebody like bin Laden who's done what he's done, there's the natural reaction of pigeonholing, making him the monster. ... But I think it's interesting to try to know more about them," Amanpour said in a recent interview. In trying to comprehend the "fatal switch" that turned bin Laden from what Amanpour calls a "comfortably off, establishment person" into an extremist, the CNN documentary side-steps armchair analysis.
"It's tempting and there may be other kinds of histories written about him that try to psychologically profile him," Amanpour said. "But I personally was very clear in my mind that wasn't what I was going to do. ... until we can talk to more people, I just felt it was inappropriate."
The facts themselves paint a striking picture, she said. One particular element that came into focus was how bin Laden used international media to clearly communicate his plan of attack. "Every time he's progressively ratcheted up his attacks and his hatred he's telegraphed it along the way. ... I wonder if it was obvious to people before," she said.
Bergen, who in 1997 obtained the first TV interview with bin Laden for CNN, found two elements of his research on the man particularly intriguing and unexpected.
One was the sharp criticism from within al-Qaida that bin Laden faced after Sept. 11, initially seen as a tactical error. Bin Laden thought it would drive the United States to withdraw from Mideast involvement; instead, it fuelled attacks on his group and Afghanistan's Taliban.
Bergen also was struck by another, more intimate detail about bin Laden. He named a daughter Safia, after a woman from the prophet Muhammad's time who was known for killing Jews.
"Just the kind of mental state of calling your infant daughter" after such a figure is striking, Bergen said. "I think that gets inside that he's a really rabid anti-Semite. ... I didn't take that seriously enough. I don't think we can make that mistake this time around" ("TVExtra", TORONTO SUN, Wednesday August 23, 2006).

Remarks lead to resignation

The Liberals' deputy foreign affairs critic has resigned after an uproar over his statements that Canada should negotiate directly with Lebanon's Hezbollah, which is on Canada's list of terrorist organizations.
Borys Wrzesnewskyj created a backlash within his own party when he made the statement during a visit by opposition MPs to Lebanon last week. Wrzesnewskyj (pronounced Rez-NEV-skee) has denied he wants Hezbollah dropped from Canada's list of terrorist groups but argued that does not mean Canada should not communicate with it.
Interim Liberal Leader Bill Graham said yesterday he asked Wrzesnewskyj to meet with him to explain his comments.
"He did that and in the course of doing that, he tendered his resignation as associate critic (of foreign affairs)," Graham said.
-The Canadian Press (24 HOURS, August 24, 2006).

Mam w reku pierwszy numer magazynu "HELLO!" ( Jest to kanadyjska edycja hiszpanskiego magazynu "OLA!" Gruby, 150-stronicowy. Bogato ilustrowany "PREMIERE ISSUE" z 7 wrzesnia 2006 i z "The Trudeaus Today" na okladce. Cena $4.95. Format powiekszony w porownaniu z tradycyjnymi tygodnikowymi magazynami. Wiekszy o centymetr wzdluz i wszerz od "Polityki". Glownie fotografie znanych postaci ze swiata rozrywki, polityki i z zycia wyzszych sfer. Wiele pieknych kobiecych dekoltow i wspanialych dlugich nog. Duzo do ogladania, nie za wiele do czytania.

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