Friday, July 14, 2006

Kazdy kraj ma prawo

bronic sie przed terroryzmem, oswiadczyl prez. Bush w Niemczech o kryzysie na Bliskim Wschodzie. Izrael obok USA to jedyne dwa panstwa na swiecie, ktore w obronie swojego obywatela, nawet jednej osoby, sa w stanie wypowiedziec wojne obcemu panstwu. Oczywiscie, ze bolszewickiej Syrii i nazistowskiemu Iranowi taka postawa wolnych panstw jest nie na reke.

Ze wzgledu na sile, zakres, orginalnosc i wplyw jego mysli (...) jest byc moze najwiekszym zyjacym intelektualista" - zawyrokowal kilka lat temu "New York Times". Komentator David Horowitz zareagowal na takie okreslenie jak na uklucie szpilki. Dla niego - podobnie zreszta jak dla calej neokonserwatywnej prawicy - profesor lingwistyki Massachusetts Institute of Technology jest raczej "ajatollahem antyamerykanskiej nienawisci". To i tak dosc eleganckie okreslenie.
Dla wiekszosci adwersarzy to szaleniec, polityczny szkodnik czy wrecz kryptokomunista. Nic dziwnego - Chomsky, biczujacy juz od prawie 40 lat mocarstwowa praktyke amerykanskiej polityki i ukazujacy w krzywym zwierciadle model anglosaskiej demokracji, stawiany jest przez waszyngtonski establishment w jednym szeregu z Fidelem Castro (Jaroslaw Gizinski, "Enfant terrible Ameryki", NEWSWEEK 11.12.2005).

Polish president names identical twin as prime minister

WARSAW, July 10, 2006 (AFP) - Polish President Lech Kaczynski on Monday formally nominated his brother Jaroslaw as prime minister, paving the way for a world-unique double act which would see identical twins holding the top two state posts.
At a ceremony held at the presidential palace, Lech Kaczynski handed his twin Jaroslaw an official document asking him to form and lead Poland's next government. The 57-year-old twins then shook hands and turned to face the cameras for photos, before Jaroslaw addressed the gathering of officials and media. "I will continue the work of the cabinet of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz," said Poland's second prime minister-designate in nine months. "Poland needs to go through huge changes. The work of my cabinet, which I hope to put together in the next few days, will aim mainly, if not solely, to redress the republic, to improve the quality of its public life and its economy," he said.
Kaczynski, the head of the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, has two weeks to name a cabinet and put forward an agenda for governing Poland. If lawmakers confirm Jaroslaw as premier, he will be breaking a vow he made during his brother's successful presidential election campaign last year. Jaroslaw said then that he would not take up the post of prime minister if Lech were elected president, because neither the Polish people nor Poland's international partners would tolerate a fraternal double act in the two key positions of Polish politics.
Born 45 minutes apart - Jaroslaw first - in Warsaw, the Kaczynski twins were inseparable growing up, and their lives continued to follow parallel paths as adults. Both studied law at the University of Warsaw. They were together in the anti-communist opposition and when the Solidarity trade union was born.
In 2001, they co-founded the conservative PiS party, which scored the best result in Poland's general election last September.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski has said that his new government will be the same as Marcinkiewicz's, apart from a new finance minister. On Sunday, Kaczynski said he had invited deputy finance minister Stanislaw Kluza, 34, a former chief economist for Polish bank BGZ, to take up that post, replacing Pawel Wojciechowski, who was appointed by Marcinkiewicz.
The Polish zloty regained ground Monday on news of the likely change at the head of government, trading at 4.05 to the euro and 3.18 to the dollar at 4:30 pm (1430 GMT), up from 4.09 to the euro and 3.185 to the dollar at the end of Friday, when Marcinkiewicz announced his resignation.
"Investors regained their composure during the weekend. Jaroslaw Kaczynski's declaration appear to have reassured them," Piotr Kalisz, an analyst at CitiBank Handlowy, told AFP. Kaczynski at the weekend reassured markets of the stability of Poland's finances, and promised to preserve an increase in industrial production, exports and growth. He also said his government would continue the public finance reforms begun under finance minister Zyta Gilowska, who was fired two weeks ago amid allegations, which she denied, that she lied about her links with the communist-era secret service.
On foreign policy, Kaczynski said he did not "share the view that's popular in Europe that the nation state is something bad. We want to take advantage of our presence in Europe to strengthen the nation state." "We won't agree to solutions that obviously disadvantage us" in Europe, Kaczynski said in an interview with Poland's Wprost magazine.
Jan Rokita, deputy leader of the liberal Civic Platform (PO), the main opposition party, predicted the new government would easily win a parliamentary vote of confidence, but that Jaroslaw Kaczynski would fail to bring down taxes and cut back on red tape (EUROPEAN REPORTER, July 13th, 2006 - WWW.EUROPEANREPORTER.COM).

Paranoja rzeczywistosci wokol przerosla juz chyba nas wszystkich. W Starym Kraju z rzadu krok po kroku znikaja najlepsi i najbardziej szanowani - ostatni to najpopularniejszy polityk ostatnich lat, odsuniety by zrobic miejsce ukladom przez caly swiat uwazanym za kazirodczo-niezdrowe (Malgorzata P. Bonikowska, "Nauki pingwinow", GAZETA 135, 14-16 lipca 2006).

W ustroju demokratycznym prawo prezydenckiej laski jest spadkiem po monarchii, w ktorej wladca mogl samodzielnie decydowac o losach swoich poddanych (Dorota Kowalska, "Dlug do splacenia", NEWSWEEK 11.12.2005).

Rzecznik zadeklarowal, ze "w Polsce nie ma miejsca na dyskryminacje i szowinizm". Zapowiedzial, ze "przejawy tego typu zachowan beda zawsze spotykaly sie z radykalna reakcja wladz panstwowych". Ciesiolkiewicz podkreslil, ze "wyrazy uznania naleza sie tez polskiej policji za szybkie dzialania"...
Wedlug policji, zadaniem Bartosza B. bylo tlumaczenie tekstow z jezyka polskiego na angielski oraz ewentualne korekty zwiazane ze stylistyka i ortografia. Ze wzgledu na biegla znajomosc jezyka angielskiego, utrzymywal rowniez kontakt z administratorami amerykanskimi i posredniczyl w przekazywaniu informacji Andrzejowi P., tlumaczac korespondencje dotyczaca tej strony ("Faszystowska strona "Blood&Honour" zablokowana", GAZETA 130, 7-9 lipca 2006).


"Tagesspiegel" przyatakowal braci Kaczynskich, polskie wladze ostro zaprotestowaly. Byl to strzal chybiony. Gazety zaslonily sie wolnoscia slowa, Polacy wyszli na slabo rozeznanych w "obyczajach wolnego swiata" etc.
Nalezalo po prostu zainspirowac podobne satyryczne niesmaczne powiastki - powiedzmy odnosnie do baby Merkel - jak patrze na kobiete, widze, ze mozna byloby cos takiego z latwoscia wysmazyc. Tymczasem Polska uzyla broni nie tego kalibru co trzeba, dajac amunicje przeciwnikowi (Andrzej Kumor, "Szum i miszmasz", GONIEC, 7-13 lipca 2006).

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