Thursday, July 27, 2006

Goraca noc

Wczoraj 40 C. z humidexem. Dzisiaj bedzie jeszcze wiecej. I tak bedzie trzymac do poniedzialku. Noce tez goraco-wilgotne. Bez calonocnej wlaczonej klimatyzacji trzebaby bylo skrywac sie w piwnicy aby zasnac na kilka minut. Co za radosc. Co za piekno zycia w kanadyjskiej Syberii!

Biblia powstala, poniewaz chciala tego wspolnota; byla przekazywana i sie zachowala, bo wspolnota wierzacych zatroszczyla sie, by mialy ja takze nastepne pokolenia. Biblia nie jest wlasnoscia ateistow i wolnomyslicieli, lecz ludzi Ksiegi, czyli dlugiego lancucha tych, ktorzy wyznaja Boga jedynego, staraja sie byc Mu posluszni i Go wielbia ("Ilu autorow ma Biblia? Naukowcy sa zgodni, ze apokryficzna Ewangelia Judasza byla wytworem sekty kainitow. Czy autorem tekstu moze byc wspolnota religijna? O tym z ks. prof. Waldemarem Chrostowskim rozmawiaja Grzegorz Gorny i Rafal Tichy", OZON 26 kwietnia 2006).

Ale grzeje. Jest prawie czwarta po poludniu i mamy 39 C. na liczniku. Ale widac, ze nie tylko tu tak grzeje, Europie tez sie obrywa.

Europe's persistent heat wave claimed more lives yesterday, with high temperatures forecast to continue until storms bring relief to some areas late this week.
Hot spots of more than 35C were recorded in southern Spain, southwest France and northwest Italy and a vast swath of the continent from the west coast of France into Poland sweltered at 30c to 35c. The death toll rose with news that "about 40" people had died in France as a result of the heat, public health body InVS announced. Another 20 people have died elsewhere in Europe (Adam Plowright, "Death toll rises as Europe swelters" NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, July 26, 2006).

HEAT WAVE Gripped by a 10th straight day of 38-degree C heat, California sweated out the possibility of more blackouts yesterday, as the number of suspected heat-related deaths climbed to at least 56 (24 HOURS, July 27, 2006).


Paris Much of Europe sweltered yesterday in tropical temperatures that topped 30 C. A 44-year-old man died of heat exhaustion in Orense, Spain, two days after another man died in Murcia in the south. The latest victim had been working outside as temperatures hit 41.5 C. Britain, already suffering the hottest day of the year yesterday, was braced for its hottest day on record today as forecasters predicted temperatures could reach 39C in parts of England. The highest temperature ever recorded in Britain was 38.5 C in Kent on Aug. 10, 2003. The London Underground system, the oldest in the world, was transformed into a furnace with a record temperature of 47 C as temperatures in the capital reached 33 C. Britain's trade union body has called for workers to dress casually to help beat the heat and lessen the reliance on air conditioning. Across the Channel, southwestern France was affected by the heat wave, with a temperature of 38 C in Bordeaux, The high temperatures revived the spectre of the 2003 heat wave, which killed 30,000 people in Europe, 15,000 of them in France.
Agence France-Presse (NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, July 19, 2006).

W domu juz czekalo na mnie najswiezsze wrzesniowe wydanie magazynu o marihuanie "High Times" (, a w nim wyjatki z ksiazki popularnego amerykanskiego aktora Tommy Chonga pt. "The I Chong, Meditations from the Joint", ktorego aresztowalo KGB-DEA. Jak ktos jeszcze ma iluzje, ze Ameryka to wolny kraj to koniecznie musi to przeczytac!

"I could see a group of armed men wearing helmets and visors... They looked like a group of oversize trick-or-treaters in allien costumes... Of course I have pot in the house. I'm Tommy Chong!" ("The raid on Tommy Chong", HIGH TIMES, September 2005).


W Kanadzie natomiast lider Partii Marihuany pan Marc Emery ozenil sie w ostatnia niedziele. Nowozency wygladaja na fotografiach wspaniale. Panna mloda Jodie przystrojona w welon trzyma skreta z maryska, a pan mlody jej przypala.

Marc Emery jest scigany listem gonczym przez amerykanskie KGB-DEA. Zostal aresztowany przez RCMP na rozkaz amerykanskiej KGB-DEA i czeka na sadowa decyzje o ekstradycje. Grozi mu kara dozywocia w USA za sprzedawanie nasionek maryski dla Amerykanow!

I DOOBIE Marc Emery, Canada's so-called Prince of Pot, lights a marijuana joint for his wife, Jodie, after getting married in Vancouver, B.C., on Sunday. Emery is currently battling extradition to the United States, where he faces a number of charges for allegedly selling marijuana seeds to Americans through the mail (METRO, Tuesday, July 25, 2006).


Marc Emery, Canada's so-called Prince of Pot, lights a marijuana joint for his wife, Jodie, after getting married in Vancouver on Sunday (24 HOURS, July 25, 2006).


Autor: Lewedek Data: 06.03.2005 16:36
Zarliwym wrogiem oswieceniowych koncepcji racjonalizmu, ateizmu i egalitaryzmu byl niemiecki mysliciel zachowawczy Justus Moser (w jego przypadku to akurat nic dziwnego - krytykowal takze nowy zwyczaj picia kawy, jaki upowszechnil sie w jego rodzinnym Osnabruck)" (Marcin 'Joker' Mierzejski, "Konserwatyzm a rewolucje -

Da Vinci Code book banned in Iran

Bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code has been banned in Iran as a result of protests from Christian clergy, BBC News Online reports. Eight previous editions of the Persian translation of Dan Brown's book will remain in shops but no further versions can be produced.
The Da Vinci Code has sold 40 million copies worldwide and was turned into a film, which was not released in Iran. Some Christians objected to its theory that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, with their descendants surviving today.

Zydzi tropia antysemityzm we wszelkich jego przejawach. Dlaczego nie zwalczaja okultyzmu, ktory w swej doktrynie jest antysemicki i rasistowski? New Age niesie ukryty antysemityzm...
Na sekte Bogumilow skladali sie po najwiekszej czesci Bulgarowie, a wiec ludzie z pochodzenia Azjaci, ktorzy przyjeli jezyk slowianski. Czesc Bogumilow na skutek przesladowan przeniosla sie na Zachod, gdzie polaczyli sie z Waldensami i Albigensami, i wystepowali pod wspolna nazwa jako Katarzy...
Od upadku poganstwa wtajemniczenia i kult szatana przetrwal w sektach sredniowiecznych oraz w zakonach rycerskich (Stanislaw Bulza, "Okultyzm - wrota do piekiel", GONIEC, 21-27 lipca 2006).

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