Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Are you scared?'

"Will you fight?"
"To the death!"
"Do you hate Israel?"
"Of course, and its mother America!" ("Our very strange day with Hezbollah", ANDERSON COOPER 360 -

Hezbollah uzywa sowjej barbarzynskiej taktyki chowania sie wsrod ludnosci cywilnej. Rakiety Katiusza umieszczaja w prywatnych domach, moskach i blisko posterunkow ONZ-u. Dla tych barbarzyncow niewinne ludzkie zycie sie nie liczy. Liczy sie tylko mordercza ideologia, ktorej celem jest zniszczenie Izraela i USA, panstw reprezentujacych cywilizacje judeochrzescijanska.

Przymierze Hezbollahu i Hamasu zawiazalo sie w 1992 roku, kiedy Izraelczycy aresztowali setki dzialaczy Hamasu i wywiezli ich na ziemie niczyja po libanskiej stronie granicy. Rzad w Bejrucie odmowil bojowkarzom pozwolenia na dalsza podroz. Znalezli sie opuszczeni na jalowych wzgorzach pod kontrola Hezbollahu.
Ugrupowania te dziela powazne roznice - Hamas wyznaje wojownicza odmiane islamu sunnickiego, a Hezbollah to szyici (Christopher Dickey, Kevin Peraino, Babak Dehghanpisheh, "Bliski Wschod Plonie", NEWSWEEK 23.07.2006).

Stormy fight coming: Iran

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned that the conflict between Lebanon and Israel could trigger "a hurricane" of broader fighting in the Middle East.
Ahmadinejad's country is a major backer of the Hezbollah militant group and a sworn enemy of Israel. In his comments, he referred to a proverb that says: "He who raises the wind will get a hurricane" (24 HOURS, July 26, 2006).

"We are in the early stages of what I would describe as the Third World War," Gingrich declared. "And frankly, our bureaucracies aren't responding fast enough, we don't have the right attitude about this." Missile launches by North Korea, bombs in Mumbai, a war in Afghanistan, a war in Iraq "funded largely by Saudi Arabia and supplied largely from Syria and Iran," terrorist plots in Britain, Miami, Toronto and New York - are all connected, in Gingrich's view. "I believe if you take all the countries I just listed, that you've been, put them on a map, look at all the different connectivity, you'd have to say to yourself this is, in fact, World War III.
You've got to understand these dictatorships all talk to each other," he continued. "There's public footage from North Korean television of the Iranians visiting with Kim Jong Il the dictator, and a North Korean missile manufacturing facility. The Iranians have now unveiled a statue of Simon Bolivar in Teheran to prove their solidarity with Venezuela. I mean, these folks think on a global basis."
If, for example, the current fighting between Hezbollah and Israel leads to an attack on Izrael by Syria or Iran, Gingrich asserted, it should be considered an attack on the United States. "I'm saying the first step has to be to understand, this is an alliance - Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas - and you can't deal with it in isolation" (Luiza Ch. Savage, "Third World War", MACLEAN'S, July 31'06).


Autor: Lewedek Data: 08.03.2005 02:47
Tworca kanadyjskiej Marijuana Party Marc-Boris St. Maurice wstapil do Partii Liberalnej, gdyz stwierdzil, ze to wlasnie Liberalowie zaczeli skutecznie realizowac postulat legalizacji narkotyku, co bylo celem utworzonej przez niego Marihuana Party. Dziennikarzom nie udalo sie ustalic, czy stworzona przez niego narkotykowa partia w zwiazku z przystapieniem jej lidera do Liberalow ulegnie rozwiazaniu (WIADOMOSCI, Toronto, piatek 4 marca 2005).

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