Monday, October 17, 2016

Go Blue

Let's go Blue Jays!
Jays Go! Zaniedbalem swoja druzyne w kibicowaniu. Przegrali z Amarykanami 2 mecze na wyjezdzie. Teraz 3 u nas w Toronto.

Zmobilizowalem sie ubrany w koszulke + z kijem baseballowym w reku. Ostro daje, zrywam gardlo. Musimy wygrac. Koszulka to prezent od moich przyjaciol podrozy.

"Matter is spirit at its lowest level and spirit is matter at its highest level" - MADAME BLAVATSKY

It is said that what may be described as matter, the nucleus of an atom, is so infinitesimal that if we were to gather all the nuclei of a human body, it would be no larger than a period at the end of a sentence. Thus, modern physics theorizes that what we call matter may not be particles at all, but the presence of an impenetrable electro-magnetic field. Life, comprised of a complex chain of bio-chemical and physiological processes is activated and animated by an invisible bio-magnetic force such it finds expression in the food we eat and the herbs we use for medicine. In this regard, Dr. F.K. Bellokossy of Denver, Colorado described life as an "infinitely intelligent interaction of electro-magnetic energies carried by chemical substances" (Dr. Michael Tierra, "Biomagnetic and Herbal Therapy", LOTUS PRESS, Twin Lakes, WI, 1997).

03:20 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

05:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi + siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + lekko puszyste). Na dworze 17-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 21C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Musicie od siebie wymagac, nawet gdyby inni od was nie wymagali" - JAN PAWEL II.

05:14 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

"Due to a very difficult international situation, tensions caused by Russian Federation, it is of the highest importance for us to be equipped with firepower and sufficient defence capabilities, as soon as possible, based even on the older materiel (Antoni Macierewicz, "I do hope that trade fairs in Kielce will result in the conclusion of a contract for the Polish Army. Intervew \ Igor Szczesnowicz speaks to Antoni Macierewicz, the Minister of National Defence", GAZETA POLSKA, 07.09.2016).

05:50 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg + arytmia.

06:00 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody z lyzeczka 300 mg magnezu w proszku Magnesium Citrate.

06:20 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty owocowej ARONIA + kapsulka 320 mg Turmeric force + 3 kapsulki 200 mg (600 mg) Magnesium Bisglycinate + kapsulka 200 mg koenzymu Coenzyme Q10 + kapsulka 510 mg Hawthorn.

06:45 Hrs. Biore kapsulke 1300 mg FLAXSEED OIL + kapsulka 500 mg GARLIC + zelatynka 1200 mg oleju z ryb OMEGA-3 + 3 tabletki 1000 mg (3000 mg) VITAMIN C.

06:52 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju z konopi RICHARDO'S + gozdzik do zucia + nakladam na biodra pas WELLNESS BELT + magnes do kieszeni.

06:57 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. Cicho + ciemno + cieplo.

07:05 Hrs. Czestuje sie 2 gazetami ze skrzynek na chodniku + robie fotke 2 gazet w skrzynkach. "24 Hours Toronto" z "The future of pot. O Cannabis: A special Postmedia series investigating the highs and lows of marijuana in Canada" na okladce + "Toronto Metro" z "Trans students want rights - and safety - protected. Coarse, violent online messages threaten an attack" na okladce.
ESSO, Shell, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.04.9.

09:25 Hrs. Jem jablko.

10:30 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe).

10:45 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu OIKOS o smaku waniliowym.

12:36 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody + 2 paczuszki sezamek.

14:44 Hrs. Jem kanapke (2 kromki chleba razowego posmarowane cienko maslem + 2 plasterki sera zoltego + kawalek oscypka zakopianskiego + 3-cia szklanka wody.

15:50 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe).

16:37 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze 21-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 27C. Temp. na tarasie 24C. Zachmurzenie umiarkowane + temp. w kuchni 23C.

17:35 Hrs. 4-ta szklanka wody Naleczowianka.

18:30 Hrs. Jem smazone grzyby (opienki) + kromka chleba razowego.

18:50 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

19:25 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody Naleczowianka + 2 kapsulki 200 mg (400 mg) magnezu Magnesium Bisglycinate + kapsulka 200 mg koenzymu Coenzyme Q10 + kapsulka 510 mg Hawthorn.

20:27 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty ziolowej MALINA + kawalek sernika + 2 ciastka kokosowe.

20:44 Hrs. Jem garstke andyjskich zlotych jagod.

21:00 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe).

21:35 Hrs. Jem gruszke.

22:25 Hrs. 6-ta szklanka wody Naleczowianka + 3 garstki orzeszkow postachios + 2 suszone figi + ksiezyc w pelni wchodzi przez okno.

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