Friday, March 04, 2016

CT Scan

w szpitalu + zakupy + sen + lektura.

"Wojny nalezy prowadzic najlepiej cudzymi zolnierzami, na cudzym terenie i za cudze pieniadze" - ANDRZEJ KUMOR

Wedlug kalendarza chinskiego jestem spod znaku krolika, tez czasami przedstawianym jako zajac, lub kot. Konkretnie zas spod znaku metalowego krolika.

Image result for metal rabbit chinese horoscope

Metal Rabbit: 1951, 2011

This Rabbit is capable, ambitious and has very definite views on what he wants to achieve in life. He can occasionally appear reserved and aloof, but this is mainly because he likes to keep his thoughts to himself. He has a quick and alert mind and is particularly shrewd in business matters. He can also be very cunning in his actions. He has a good appreciation of the arts and likes to mix in the best circles. He usually has a small but very loyal group of friends (Neil Somerville, "The Five Different Types of Rabbit", YOUR CHINESE HOROSCOPE 2016, Thorsons, London 2015).

01:04 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + lekko puszyste).

04:30 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe).

06:41 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + lekko puszyste) + wstaje. Na dworze minus 5-stopniowo + pada drobny sniezek. Temp. w kuchni 22C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Puste worki nadyma wiatr, bezmyslnych ludzi - proznosc" - SOKRATES.

06:21 Hrs. Mierze stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 6.8 mmol/L = 122 mg/dL.

06:26 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "The Economist".

New research suggests that night work is very unhealthy indeed. One study found that the longer nurses in South Korea had worked the night shift, the more likely they were to be obese. Another study, of retired car workers in China, found that shift work was associated with high blood pressure and diabetes. A French study in 2014 found that ten years of shift work was associated with cognitive decline to an extra six-and-a-half years of ageing.
People who work at night suffer in two ways, says Derk-Jan Dijk of the University of Surrey. First, a new schedule throws the body's "circadian clock" - the inbuilt mechanism that regulate waking and sleeping - out of alignment. Night workers eat when their bodies are not ready for food and try to sleep when they are not tired. That leads to the second problem: night-shift workers simply do not sleep enough.
It is hard to know whether sleep disruption or exhaustion causes ill-health - or both together. A link between night work and type 2 diabetes, for example, might be because eating at the wrong times leads to more free fatty acids or because exhausted people eat more, or even because it can be hard to get whole-some food in the middle of the night ("Night shifts and health. I'll sleep when I'm dead. Working through the night probably shortens your life", THE ECONOMIST, February 6th 2016).

06:58 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 73 kg + arytmia.

07:03 Hrs. Jem 2 daktyle + biore tabletke na serce 5 mg SANDOZ-BISOPROLOL FUMARATE.

07:15 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Is this man guilty of crimes against humanity or is he a persecuted Christian? Refugee claimant Mohammadreza Habibi" na okladce.

07:30 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty ziolowej ZURAWINA + 2 garstki orzeszkow pistachios + 5 zelatynek 1000 IU (5000 IU) witaminy D3 + kapsulka 200 mg koenzymu Co-Q10 + 2 kapsulki 150 mg (300 mg) Magnesium Citrate + kapsulka 550 mg MILK THISTLE COMPLEX + zelatynka 1200 mg oleju z ryb OMEGA-3 + 3 tabletki 1000 mg (3000 mg) witaminy C.

07:46 Hrs. Wychodze z domu. Na dworze pada drobny snieg + spiew ptakow. Petro-Canada na rogu bierze za litr paliwa $0.90.9. Czestuje sie gazetami.  "Now" z "T.O.'s best new Japanese hot spots" na okladce + "24 Hours Toronto" z "Move over, Trump. Preview: House of Cards reminds us that elections can be compelling" na okladce.

07:52 Hrs. W wagoniku metra. Zapchany + stoje.

08:11 Hrs. Grajkowie gra skoczna muzyczke w tunelu przy wyjsciu ze stacji metra + gosc podaje gazete "Toronto Metro" z "182 Hey Toronto, It's Our Birthday! A reminder that this city is awesome. Celebrate it" na okladce.

08:18 Hrs. W szpitalu + winda + 3-cie pietro.

08:24 Hrs. Rejestracja na CT Scan + siadam w poczekalni. Pelna.

08:53 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe).

09:10 Hrs. Odbieram lekarstwa z apteki + "people's Voice" na koszyczku z gazetami w szpitalu  z "Free Leonard Peltier. Leonard Peltier... U.S. political prisoner for 40 years" na okladce + wychodze na ulice. Jakby sie rozjasnialo.

09:18 Hrs. Czestuje sie ze skrzynki przed wejsciem do stacji metra gazeta "Epoch Times" z "Does China have enough reserves to defend its currency?" na okladce + fotka muzykantow w tunelu do metra.

09:23 Hrs. W wagoniku metra + siadam.

09:29 Hrs. Przesiadka na 2 linie + siadam + lektura "Now".

10:00 Hrs. W domu.

10:10 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe) + gruszka.

10:26 Hrs. Gruszka do kieszeni + gozdzik do zucia + wychodze + wchodze do samochodu. Na zakupy.

10:44 Hrs. W piekarni HOT OVEN BAKERY kupuje pudelko All Natural Cranberry Granola Bar ($6.50).

11:22 Hrs. Zakupy w Warmia Deli Boutique ($7.35).

11:40 Hrs. Zakupy w sklepie Eddie's ($16.10).

12:01 Hrs. Zakupy w ksiegarni Husarz ($41). Ksiazka Michael Morys-Twarowski pt. "Polskie Imperium. Wszystkie kraje podbite przez Rzeczpospolita. Z kim graniczyla Wielka Polska? Z kim chciala", CIEKAWOSTKIHISTORYCZNE.PL, Krakow 2016) + "Warszawska Gazeta" z "Ujawnic "Szafy III RP"!" na okladce + "Gazeta Polska" z "Nie przestrasza mnie wywiad z premier Beata Szydlo" na okladce + "Newsweek" z "Przepros Lecha i Polakow. To nie Walesa powinien przepraszac za Bolka, ale Kaczynski za niszczenie Walesy i demokracji" na okladce + "Gazeta". Na okladce:

* Koniec niezaleznej prokuratury w Polsce!
* Urodziny burmistrz Bonnie Crombie.
* Komisja Wenecka nie odlozy wydania opinii ws. TK.
* Obama przedluzyl sankcje przeciwko Rosji.
2 fotografie: (1) Minister sprawiedliwosci Zbigniew Ziobro i premier Beata Szydlo podczas konferencji prasowej dotyczacej polaczenia funkcji prokuratora generalnego i ministra sprawiedliwosci, 3 bm. w KPRM. W piatek, 4 bm., wchodzi w zycie reforma polegajaca na polaczeniu tych funkcji - Zbigniew Ziobro zastapi dotychczasowego szefa prokuratury Andrzeja Seremeta; (2) Bonnie Crombie.

"Goniec". Na okladce:

* Kardynal Collins: Bronce sie przed eutanazja!
* Uczcilismy pamiec "Zolnierzy Wykletych".
* 10 kwietnia 2016 Grzegorz Braun w Kanadzie. Czy Polska moze wygrac III wojne swiatowa? spotkanie w Centrum Kultury Polskiej im. Jana Pawla II w Mississaudze. Wstep wolny.

Czestuje sie darmowa gazeta "Merkuriusz polski" z "Narodowy Dzien Pamieci "Zolnierzy Wykletych" w Toronto" na okladce.

12:24 Hrs. W RONA kupuje 10 metrow kabla elektrycznego + 2 wylaczniki pradu ($34.65).

12:52 Hrs. Zakupy w supermarkecie FRESHCO. ($46.73).

13:05 Hrs. W domu.

13:59 Hrs. Pije 2 kubki goracego kakaa + 4 racuchy posmorowane dzemem kokosowym.

16:43 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu po drzemce popoludniowej (slomkowe + puszyste) + 1-sza szklanka wody.

17:08 Hrs. 2-ga lektura tronowa. "The Economist".

After the revelations of Edward Snowden, an American intelligence contractor who has fled to Moscow, many found that hard to believe: "mass surveillance" - to use the Orwellian term favoured by Mr Snowden's  supporters - of all data held in America seemed a fundamental breach of Europeans' right to privacy.
From an American point of view, that looked like self-indulgent posturing. The Snowden material was grossly misinterpreted. All foreign-intelligence outfits spy on foreigners: the clue is in the name. "Bulk collection" (to use the spooks' preferred term) is a necessary part of modern intelligence work: all spy agencies that can collect and sieve information from the internet will do so. But America's spies operate under a level of legislative and judicial oversight that no European country can match. Indeed, since a presidential directive in January 2014, America, uniquely, puts foreign and domestic data on the same footing as far as bulk collection is concerned.
Moreover, European countries' spy agencies benefit hugely from intelligence-sharing with America about terrorism, organised crime and the activities of countries such as Russia and China. That politicians fail to acknowledge this to their own voters smacks of timidity and ingratitude. There may be disguised protectionism involved too: European privacy worries mask a degree of envy of America's digital dominance. Europe has signally failed to develop rivals to Amazon, Apple, Facebook or Google ("Charlemagne / Swords and shields. America and the European Union have reached a deal on data protection", THE ECONOMIST, February 6th 2016).

17:29 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody.

18:23 Hrs. Obiad. Mielony + kasza gryczana w sosie borowikowym + szparagowka + 2 zabki czosnku.

19:18 Hrs. 3-cia szklanka wody + tabletka multiwitaminy Centrum 50+ + kapsulka 200 mg koenzymu Co-Q10 + 2 kapsulki 150 mg (300 mg) Magnesium Citrate + kapsulka 550 mg MILK THISTLE COMPLEX + tabletka 1000 mg witaminy C + zelatynka 1200 mg oleju z ryb OMEGA-3.

19:41 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe).

19:45 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju z konopi + gruszka.

20:52 Hrs. Jem 12 truskawek.

21:50 Hrs. Jem 2 kromki chleba orkiszowego smarowane maselkiem Nutella.

22:00 Hrs. Biore tabletke 250 mg witaminy B6 + kapsulka witaminy B-Complex + tabletka 5000 mcg witaminy B-12.

22:25 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + 4-ta szklanka wody + 2 garstki orzeszkow pistachios.

23:45 Hrs. Pije szklanke zielonej herbaty Dragonwell DAVIDs TEA.

23:55 Hrs. Jem 4 rzodkiewki.

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