Saturday, January 24, 2015


baranie na BBQ + 3 fiolki krwi oddane w labolatorium + zakupy + lektura i zleciala sobota.

Seventh Day

Sainte Anne, Lady of wells, you offer us your illuminated fountain. This symbol of life encourages us to admire the river at your side, the mountains, trees, flowers ... In a moment of worship we go to the Chapel of the Holy Sacrament of the Most Holy Redeemer and Immaculate Conception.

Now I know that, like the Good Samaritan, I have to get my daily water. His encounter with Jesus changed his life! Teach me to let myself be touched by the tenderness of Jesus, and not to refuse his life water.

Saint Anne thank you for convincing me to devote full trust to what Jesus said: "Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4, 14)

A Pilgrim's Prayer

Saint Anne, I have come to honour you and to call upon you in this blessed Shrine of Beaupre. Here, pilgrims have often felt some of the fruits of your goodness, power, and intercession. Like every true pilgrim, I also have favours to ask of you. I know that you will be as good to me as you have been, in the past, to thousands of others who have come to implore you in this Shrine.

Saint Anne, you know the grace of which I stand most in need at the present moment, the special favour for which I have undertaken this pilgrimage. Hear my prayer. I entrust to your care, all of my material and spiritual needs. I commend my family, my country, the Church, and the whole world to you. Keep me faithful to Christ and His Church and one day escort me into the Father's Eternal Home. Amen.

Saint Anne, grand-mother of all little ones.
Pray for us and keep us close to your heart.

Co robic? Po pierwsze, modlic sie! Polska nie zmieni swojego polozenia na lepsze bez sprzyjajacej koniunktury. Taki moment moze sie szybko pojawic, bo przeciez rozchwianiu ulegl geopolityczny uklad kontynentu.
Modlitwa to potezna bron. Jej mankament polega na tym, ze to bron osobista, a przy pomocy pistoletow wojen sie juz nie wygrywa, potrzebne sa czolgi.
W znanym kawale zydowskim Mosze modlil sie tak zarliwie o wygrana na loterii, ze Pan Bog w koncu nie wytrzymal i odezwal sie z nieba: "Mosze, daj mi szanse, kup los". A wiec, procz modlitwy, musimy dac Panu Bogu szanse. On nam Polski jednym "fiat" nie zbuduje (Andrzej Kumor, "Kupmy sobie los na Polske", GONIEC, 23 - 29 stycznia 2015).

00:53 Hrs. Siusiu.

06:04 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + lektura tronowa. "Newsweek Historia".

06:40 Hrs. Wskakuje na APSCO. 74 kg.

08:47 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + wstaje. Na dworze minus 3-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23C.

08:54 Hrs. Mierze stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 6.7 mmol/L = 120 mg/dL.

09:09 Hrs. Wychoidze do labolatorium. Na dworze zachmurzenie duze + wilgotno. Petro-Canada na rogu bierze za litr paliwa $0.91.9.

09:23 Hrs. W labolatorium CML HEALTHCARE + serce lekko kustyka. Co 3 uderzenie + biore numerek #13 + siadam w poczekalni
17:05 HrsSiusiu + tabletka 150 mg magnezu.

17:44 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody + kapsulka 1200 mg Calcium + zelatynka 400 IU witaminy E + tabletka 100 mcg Selenium + kapsulka 50 mg Hawthorn + kapsulka 100 mg witaminy B6 + zelatynka 10,000 IU witaminy A.

18:51 Hrs. (6) szklanka nutri blastu (2 garscie pietruszki + brzoskwinia + banan + 4 truskawki + 2 lyzki stolowe siemia lnianego + garstka jagod Goji + 2 zabki czosnku + kawalek korzenia imbiru + 2 lyzeczki cynamonu + 2 szklanki wody).

19:03 Hrs. (7) szklanka nutri blastu.

20:25 Hrs. (8) szklanka nutri blastu.

20:46 Hrs. Jem 2 kolby grylowanej kukurydzy.

21:45 Hrs. 9-ta szklanka wody.

22:45 Hrs. (1) szklanka ziola z suszonych jagod glogu.

22:50 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju z pestek dyni

23:01 Hrs. Siusiu + kapsulka 200 mg magnezu (skonczyla sie buteleczka z 90 kapsulkami).

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