Wednesday, January 21, 2015


kosztuje kazde domostwo w Toronto wybor nowego burmistrza. Tyle miasto wezmie od nas wiecej podatku + oplat (wywoz smieci, woda) tego roku. Czy nie latwiej podczas kampanii wyborczej na burmistrza byloby powiedziec: "Kochani Torontonianie, jak zostane waszym burmistrzem to podatek od domu wzrosnie o 250 dolarow. Glosujcie na mnie". Good job, Tory! I tak nie jest to tak wielki wzrost. Moje ubezpieczenie domu na przyklad wzroslo w tym roku o $246.

Fourth Day

Sainte Anne, Queen of protection, you grant me your mercy, always sensitive to my needs. I sometimes feel that the boat of my life is going adrift. Be my guide, become the beacon of light in my darkness. May this path be favourable to I.

Now I know that as a simple sailor, I can also protect the passengers and enjoy the soothing winds. The strength of the crew is its confidence in the ship's captain. Each member has its function and we, sailors protected, become Christ's body.

Saint Anne thank you for guiding us in deep water to Jesus so he may soothe our storms, he who said to us: "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" (Matthew 8, 26)

A Pilgrim's Prayer

Saint Anne, I have come to honour you and to call upon you in this blessed Shrine of Beaupre. Here, pilgrims have often felt some of the fruits of your goodness, power, and intercession. Like every true pilgrim, I also have favours to ask of you. I know that you will be as good to me as you have been, in the past, to thousands of others who have come to implore you in this Shrine.

Saint Anne, you know the grace of which I stand most in need at the present moment, the special favour for which I have undertaken this pilgrimage. Hear my prayer. I entrust to your care, all of my material and spiritual needs. I commend my family, my country, the Church, and the whole world to you. Keep me faithful to Christ and His Church and one day escort me into the Father's Eternal Home. Amen.

Saint Anne, grand-mother of all little ones,
Pray for us and keep us close to your heart.

02:34 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

05:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze minus 14-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -20C. Temp. w kuchni 23C.

05:11 Hrs. Mierze stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 7.5 mmol/L = 135 mg/dL.

05:13 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody z 1/2 cytryny.

05:18 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek Historia".

16:36 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze minus 5-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -8C. Temp. w kuchni 23C. Na stole gazety. "Glos Polski". Na okladce:

* Prof. Ancyparowicz: Zlikwidowano juz prawie wszystko, co polskie.
* Polska jako rekompensata dla Zydow.
* Terroryzm za nasza wschodnia granica gorszy od dzihadu.
* Miesne danie "rzez wolynska" w menu na happeningu w Kijowie.
* "Jest pan najnowszym imigrantem. Zamienil pan pensje 60 tys. euro na 300 tys. euro rocznie..."
* PiS wygrywa z PO, a Duda zyskuje kilka procent glosow!

"Nowy Przeglad" z "Wegetarianizm. Jeszcze niedawno wegetarianizm byl traktowany jako zwykla fanaberia. Z roku na rok to sie jednak zmienia. Zwolennikow diety bezmiesnej jest coraz wiecej..." na okladce.

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