Wednesday, February 11, 2009

W krotkich rekawkach

Dzis caly dzien w pracy przy biurku spedzilem ubrany w koszulke z krotkimi rekawkami. Mielismy 9 na plusach. Czy to przedswit nadchodzacej wiosny?

05:38 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (

Asertywna i agresywna Rosja rozpoznajaca bojem, na ile zdola odbudowac imperium i pozycje w hierarchii swiata, moze zajsc wysoko, ale nie na szczyt. Tak samo jak nie wejdzie tam zadne panstwo europejskie z osobna. Rosja byla zbyt slaba na ekstraklase przed stworzeniem Zwiazku Sowieckiego, a Rosja dzisiejsza nie jest nowym Zwiazkiem Sowieckim. Jesli Rosja posunie sie bardzo daleko, zderzy sie z ambicjami i potega Chin - i przegra (Grzegorz Kostrzewa-Zorbas, "Swiat po pekinsku", NEWSWEEK, 28.12.2008).

06:45 Hrs. Nie wierz nigdy kobiecie, dobra rade ci dam. Nic gorszego na swiecie, nie przytrafia sie nam - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze wilgotno. Kaluze na jezdni. Topniejacy snieg. 8-stopniowo. Ksiezyc w pelni towarzyszy mi w przedniej szybie. W dzienniku: Wypadek samochodowy pod Czestochowa. Autobus z ciezarowka. 3 zabitych. Rosja szantazuje wolny swiat. Mowia, ze nie rozmieszcza rakiet Iskander w Enklawie Kaliningradzkiej, jesli wolny swiat nie zainstaluje tarczy anty-rakietowej w Polsce i w Czechach. Takze chca rozwijac sily jadrowe i pomoc Amerykanom w Afganistanie walczyc z Talibami.
Polska odpowiec powinna byc krotka i zwiezla: WYNOCHA Z NASZEGO KROLEWCA! Polacy powinni takze wszczac poufne rozmowy z rzadami wolnej Gruzji i Ukrainy o mozliwosciach umieszczenia polskich rakiet we wschodniej Ukrainie i w Gruzji.
Kadima, partia Cipy Liwnej (Tzipi Livni) wygrala wybory w Israelu. Chcialbym aby premierem Izraela zostal moj ulubiony Benjamin Netanyahu. Cholernie inteligentny naukowiec. Specjalista od terroryzmu. Ksztalcilem sie na jego ksiazkach.
ESSO, Shell, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.84.0.

Czestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek: "24 hours" ( z "City budget. A hike for hard times" na okladce + "Metro" ( z "Recession budget" na okladce.

15:30 Hrs. W domu. Isabel wita mnie kulejac ze zbitym kolanem. Nie poszla do pracy. Na dworze pada deszcz. Mgla. 7-stopniowo. Na stoliku czeka na mnie najnowszy kwartalnik "SPK w Kanadzie" z "Trzeci pogrzeb Generala" na okladce + "National Post" ( z "Toronto mosque offers 'detox' for extremists. 12-step program targets al-Qaeda sympathizers" na okladce.


19:37 Hrs. Ogladam video jak Salma Hayek daje cycka. Hayek to jeden z najpiekniejszych biustow Hollywood. "I had milk so I breasted baby" - mowi Hayek dajac swego cycka w usta murzyniatkowi. Mialem zaszczyt widziec pani Hayek wlasne te sama piers w magazynie "Playboy". Co za piekno! Cudenko karmiace cialo i ducha. Jesli Bog istnieje w jakiejs formie, to na pewno w formie piersi.

Slip on uncleared ice and want to sue? It's City Hall that you'll have to deal with
Q I went for a run and tripped on the ice in front of someone's house. What happened to "Be nice, clear your ice?" How much can I sue the homeowner for? - Steve Barker
A Frankly, I'm more concerned with whatever happened to "Don't jog in the winter." While there are bylaws requiring homeowners to clear sidewalks attached to their property, it's municipalities that are liable if someone falls. "If the sidewalks are generally clear and there's no reason why they can't move at whatever pace, and they suddenly encounter an area of ice, then yes, they can [sue]," says Alan Preyra, partner at law-firm Bergmanis-Preyra. "What would likely happen, it would be open to a court to apportion some liability, but not all on the person for their own negligence in not taking ordinary care. The law does not say that wearing running shoes in the winter is inherently dangerous." It's worth noting that when you're suing the municipality you have to prove not just negligence, but gross negligence. If you do win, might I suggest using your money to buy a treadmill? Steve Murray, National Post (NATIONAL POST, Saturday, February 7, 2009).

Pro-pot lobby rips Kellogg's
NEW YORK - Snap, crackle ... pot? Bursting with indignation, legions of legalize-marijuana advocates are urging a boycott of Kellogg Co., including all of its popular munchies, for deciding to cut ties with Olympic hero Michael Phelps after he was photographed with a pot pipe.
The leader of one of the biggest legalize-pot organizations, The Marijuana Policy Project, called Kellogg's action "hypocritical and disgusting," and said he'd never seen his membership so angry, with more than 2,300 of them signing an online petition.
"Kellogg's had no problem signing up Phelps when he had a conviction for drunk driving, an illegal act that could actually have killed someone," said Rob Kampia, the group's executive director. "To drop him for choosing to relax with a substance that's safer than beer is an outrage, and it sends a dangerous message to young people."
Also urging a boycott were the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the Drug Policy Alliance. They encouraged their members to contact Kellogg to vent their views.
-The Associated Press (TORONTO SUN, Wednesday, February 11, 2009).
Kohat, Pakistan Pakistani Taliban militants released a video type yesterday of them beheading a Polish geologist whom they said they killed because Pakistan's government refused to release Taliban prisoners. The Islamist militants said on Saturday they had executed the Polish engineer, Piotr Stanczak, whom they kidnapped in September, because the government had refused to free 60 captured militants before Friday's deadline. A tape was delivered to the office of Reuters reporter in the northwestern town of Dera Ismail Khan showing two masked men cutting off Mr. Stanczak's head. Before he was killed, Mr. Stanczak was seen on the tape appealing to the Polish government not to send troops to Afghanistan. He also urged Poland to sever ties with Pakistan, which he said had made no effort to secure his release, said a Reuters reporter who saw the tape. Reuters (NATIONAL POST, Monday, February 9, 2009).

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