Monday, November 19, 2007

31 dni zostalo

do zimy

06:39 Hrs. Co ja robie tu? - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze sucho. Minus 1-stopniowo. Sterta zoltych lisci na masce samochodu. Szyby lekko zamglone. W dzienniku: Socjalizm w mediach dalej trwa. Platforma wycofuje sie ze zniesienia abonamentu radiowo-telewizyjnego. Gorale przeciw modernizacji Zakopianki.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.02.3.

15:21 Hrs. Bialy van Chevrolet Astro o numerach rejestracyjnych 479-4TK wcina sie szybko i niebezpiecznie przede mnie i o malo nie uderza w smieciarke przed nim. Ode mnie moze jakies dwie stopy. Murzyn za kierownica.

Defend Robert Dziekanski
Toronto Queen's Park Protest
Saturday, November 24, 2007
ABC Polish Radio

19:30 Hrs. Europosel Marek Siwiec byl tajnym agentem sluzb komunistycznych wedlug IPN - podaje Radio ABC.

RCMP Taser use scrutinized
Most suspects hit are unarmed, data analysis shows
under review
>> The national police force is reviewing its Taser policies and procedures and is to report to Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day.

Three out of four suspects stun-gunned by the RCMP were unarmed, indicates a review of 563 cases that shows Tasers are often used for compliance rather than to defuse major threats.
A Canadian Press analysis of Taser incidents reported by the Mounties reveals that more than 79 per cent of those zapped were not brandishing a weapon.
In just over one-fifth of cases, the suspect had a knife, bottle, club or other weapon. The figures, compiled from hundreds of partially censored pages filed by RCMP officers, highlight police preference for the 50,000-volt tool that helps them control dangerous situations with usually minimal injury. But they also suggest a pattern of use by the Mounties as a quick means to keep low-risk prisoners, drunks and unruly suspects in line.
Electronic guns have come under intense scrutiny since the sudden death of Robert Dziekanski, a Polish immigrant whose videotaped ordeal at the Vancouver airport last month has been flashed around the globe. He died after being hit twice with a Taser and subdued by the RCMP.
Most incidents by far were recorded in western Canada where the RCMP leads frontline policing.
Canadian Press (METRO, Monday, November 19, 2007).

Sharp reactions to Taser death
A video showing a Polish immigrant being shocked by an RCMP Taser at Vancouver airport and dying minutes later has generated public revulsion and sadness. Millions of people around the world have watched the video of Robert Dziekanski's brief confrontation with police on the Internet, or TV via Canadian broadcasters and foreign outlets such as CNN, ABC and BBC.
The video of last month's incident, which was released Wednesday, has generated thousands of e-mail responses both criticizing and supporting police actions.
While many reacted angrily over police tactics, some said the Mounties were doing exactly what they were hired to do. Political reaction is also varied, with B.C. Attorney General Wally Oppal saying he was shocked by the newly released video, but still supported the use of Tasers.
- THE CANADIAN PRESS (24 HOURS, Friday, November 16 - Sunday, November 18, 2007).

Taser officers moved
OTTAWA - RCMP Commissioner William Elliott broke his silence yesterday on the Taser death of Robert Dziekanski, saying the four officers involved in the incident at Vancouver International Airport have been reasigned.
Elliott said he had not spoken publicly about last month's altercation until now because he wanted to let investigations run their course.
Staying out of the fray turned out not to be an option, with the public outrage that broke out after video footage of the incident was released this week. The video showed officers zapping the distressed Polish immigrant twice. Dziekanski died.
- The Canadian Press (SUNDAY SUN, November 18, 2007).

Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair says he is still believes front-line police officers should carry Tasers despite the furor over the death of a Polish immigrant at Vancouver's International Airport ("Blair stand by the Taser", METRO, Weekend, November 16-18, 2007).

Wioska Nangar Khel zostala ostrzelana przez zolnierzy polskich z wielkokalibrowego karabinu maszynowego, a nastepnie granatami mozdzierzowymi kalibru 60 mm. Wsrod zabitych i rannych byly kobiety i dzieci ("Polakom postawiono zarzut zabojstwa", WIADOMOSCI, numer 129, 15 listopada 2007).

W czasie kiedy zbliza sie koniec kadencji Wladimira Putina, Kreml poparl produkcje filmu o 1612 roku, tak zwanej smuty, czyli smutnego okresu w Moskwie. Polska okupacja Kremla i idee Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej, gloszone przez hetmana Stanislawa Zolkiewskiego w 1610 roku, podobaly sie bojarom, ktorzy zgodzili sie na koronacje Wladyslawa Wazy na prawoslawnego cara Rosji, co mialo byc podstawa do przymierza polsko-rosyjskiego.
Polaczenie sil Polski i Rosji przeciwko Imperium Otomanskiemu bylo wczesniej w planach politycznych krola Stefana Batorego, ktory niestety umarl przedwczesna smiercia, byc moze otruty przez nadwornego lekarza, dzialajacego jakoby na rzecz bankierow zydowskich w Polsce i w Turcji. Niestety, plany hetmana Zolkiewskiego nie podobaly sie krolowi Zygmuntowi Wazie, ktory sam chcial byc carem i twierdzil, ze chce nawrocic Rosje na katolicyzm, oraz skandalicznie pozostawil na lasce losu polska zaloge Kremla, co doprowadzilo do jej kleski w 1612 z glodu i braku amunicji. Juz w 1611 roku sejm opracowal podstawy prawne usuniecia krola z tronu. Natomiast kilka lat pozniej, w 1620 roku, hetman Zolkiewski zginal pod Cecora w bitwie z przewazajacymi silami tureckimi (Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, "Batiuszka Putin?", GONIEC, 16 - 22 listopada 2007).

Hasla walki z terroryzmem czy rosnaca przestepczoscia wzmacniaja przekonanie, ze kazdy srodek sluzacy do inwigilacji - jezeli jest skuteczny jako instrument walki z potencjalnym niebezpieczenstwem - uzyskuje legitymizacje i moze byc wykorzystany przez wladze publiczna (Marek Safjan, "Rozmowa kontrolowana", NEWSWEEK, 21.10.2007).

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